Technique and means than washing washable wallpaper


Moisture-proof wallpapers are called washes, because they can be wet cleaning. The most durable representatives of this species, withstand cleaning with brushes.

Technique and means than washing washable wallpaper

Wallpaper hot embossing ready to withstand brushing

Washing wallpapers are recommended to be used in the following premises: an entrance hall, kitchen, corridor, children's, where wallpaper is more experiencing a variety of contamination.

Classification of washable wallpaper

Conditionally classical wallpapers that can withstand wet cleaning can be divided into several types:

  • Paper, thin paper wallpaper, covered with special moisture resistant varnish, most often used in kitchens and in the hallway,
  • vinyl, kitchen wallpapers, foamed and fosted by inhibitors material, to the touch soft and pleasant,
  • Silkography, very strong and thin vinyl with the addition of fabric fibers,
  • Vinyl hot embossing on the phlizelin substrate, usually these are long, meter rolls that can withstand very harsh wash.

Wallpaper under painting, liquid wallpapers, metal, wooden and other non-standard moisture-resistant wallpaper species can also be washed.

Technique and means than washing washable wallpaper

Vinyl washable wallpaper with kitchen topics

As the dust and dirt accumulate on wallpaper and dirt, the time of decisive action comes, now, armed with cleaning agents, cleaning and washing operations are performed.

But not all cleaning products can be used, there are certain nuances for different types of wallpaper, which will be discussed.

Means for washing

One of the most banal and frequently found funds for washing of wallpaper is a solution of food soda. This grandmother's recipe passes from generation to generation, and is popular among housewives.

Since the food soda is almost always in the presence of an experienced hostess, the composition is easy to do, well, the cost of it is read a penny. The effectiveness of this detergent is higher than the average, which is quite enough to maintain the order within the framework of the unclean cleaning.

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The recipe for Soda's solution is not a secret, it consists of all of the two ingredients.

Technique and means than washing washable wallpaper

In everyday life, we do not often use this ancient agent.

The consistency of these components is as follows: by 1 liter of water about 20-30 grams of soda, water using room temperature, so the soda is dissolved faster.

Welcome a rag or sponge and wipe the wallpaper, trying not to damage their surface. However, if you have a vinyl wallpaper of hot embossing on a fliesline basis, instead of a sponge or cloth, you can apply a brush with a soft bristle, the effect of such cleaning will become even better.

Another popular embodiment of wallpaper washing is a soap solution. The creation of such a mixture will not cause anyone's difficulties.

A good soap solution is obtained by mixing water with soap in the proportion of 1 to 10. In addition to soap, it is permissible to use the dishwashing agent. The resulting foam is wirate the wallpaper and remove the outer dirt, dust.

Technique and means than washing washable wallpaper

Reliable and proven tool for work with dust and mud

As contamination decreases, it is recommended to make a less concentrated composition, or to switch to clean water at all.

Both of the above methods allow you to get rid of the mud dirt on the surface, to remove more contaminants, they are most likely not suitable.

If pollution has an established appearance, and the layer of it is not only thick, but also goes into the relief of the wallpaper canvas, then it is worth thinking about the use of chemicals.

Before applying, read the instructions on the chemical packaging, whether it does not harm your persistent wallpaper, whether they are not engaging. If everything is in order, then to check its qualities, try to let the less concentrated composition.

Technique and means than washing washable wallpaper

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To get rid of mold in economic and construction stores it is recommended to search for a means called "antiplest" or "whiteness" - these compositions will help to cope with the fungus that appears.

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General Recommendations for Wash

If you are going to wash the wallpaper cloth, then be extremely attentive and neat, because overly strong contact can damage the decorative texture of the material. Try to use smooth movements, do not press a cloth to the wallpaper and do not rub the surface.

Technique and means than washing washable wallpaper

Smooth movements will help not damage wallpaper on the wall

  • In the case of foamed vinyl, it is recommended to use an exceptionally soft sponge, of all the washing wallpaper, this type has the soft coating.
  • Paper washable wallpapers fear of solid items, unsuccessful mechanical contact immediately tears a wobbly sheet.
  • Silkographic wallpapers are not afraid of direct contact, but they are not able to withstand most chemicals.

If the contamination on the wallpaper is non-mile, then soap solution and a small contact with a rag will be enough to eliminate it.

If you lay the whole process of washing in works, then the next algorithm will be.

At the first stage, we prepare the detergent composition, for which we pour room temperature in a bucket and cleaning agent, all components mix.

The second stage of the work we call test, for this we need to produce all the work on a small, unobtrusive section of the wallpaper, for example behind the door. Welcome a sponge, press it and carefully wipe the selected imperceptible piece of wallpaper, then re-wipe it with dry material.

Technique and means than washing washable wallpaper

Your works will not remain not noticed, wallpaper after cleaning looks fresh, as if they are only pissed

We need to understand how the wallpaper will react to the cleaning agent, and how they will look after cleaning, for which after wiping, we are waiting for complete drying and evaluate the resulting appearance of the wallpaper canvas.

If the second stage was successful, the wallpaper looks clean, the decorative surface is not corrupted, the paint did not flow, bubbles did not appear, then feel free to carry the work for a larger area.

If you still doubt the success of washing, try not to press a sponge strongly, adding more humidity if bubbles still do not appear, then feel free to go to all the walls.

The third stage is the final, we will have to wash all the wallpapers on the walls. Try to hardly unwind the wallpaper, despite their water-repellent properties, you should not overdo it with moisture. If the dirt is not removed from the first time, wait for complete drying and try again.

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Technique and means than washing washable wallpaper

Sponge Your reliable friend and assistant in wallpaper care works

Now you have a general idea of ​​how to wash washable wallpapers and what means it is recommended to apply. Try to regularly carry out wet cleaning in highly polluted rooms, so you will prevent the dirt on the wallpaper texture, and their appearance will constantly be clean and tidy.

Wash the wallpaper carefully, not try it hard and do not soak it in the water for a long time, then the results are quite satisfied.

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