How to glue wallpaper on Faneru: surface preparation, wallpaper selection


In summer houses and old apartment buildings, the walls are quite often the walls of plywood, which both for the price and quality is a good substitute for plasterboard. At the same time, if, in the manufacture of plasterboard, all standards are followed and the material is obtained the same by area and thickness, then the plywood is not amenable to any regulations. Sometimes in one batch it is hard enough to find 2 identical sheets. Therefore, before sticking Wallpaper on Faneru, it is necessary to properly prepare a facing surface. Next will be considered how to glue wallpaper on Faneru.

How to glue wallpaper on Faneru: surface preparation, wallpaper selection

Before starting to pasting wallpaper, you need to carefully prepare the surface of plywood.

Surface preparation

Plywood is not the worst base for cladding with paper wallpaper, but at the same time there are some features in the finishing process, the knowledge of which will allow you to qualitatively perform the blending of wallpaper with your own hands.

The main thing is to pay attention to, are the seams between the adjacent plywood sheets. Unlike drywall, plywood sheets are almost impossible to lay without the occurrence of cracks. Their embelling and should be done first. The edges of plywood must be carefully polished and salary with sickle. This will reduce the possibility of walking seams.

How to glue wallpaper on Faneru: surface preparation, wallpaper selection

Plywood has an inhomogeneous color and invoice making it similar to wood.

Another difficulty lies in the fact that plywood has an inhomogeneous texture and color, which makes it similar to the tree. If you plan to get a natural view of the walls, then this property is rather a positive moment than negative. But if the plywood will be bold with thin and light wallpaper, then its color will give the wallpaper inhomogeneous shade. Therefore, before assembly work, it is necessary to treat the surface of the walls with a thin layer of the finish putty. The drying putty should be carefully cleaned, and then paint oil paint. For dark and thick vinyl wallpapers, this item can be skipped, since this material is able to hide small surface roughness and tone heterogeneity.

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If you have not been treated with a putty putty, then it is necessary to apply wallpaper glue on it and give it time to absorb well. If this is not done, then when sticking, most of the glue is absorbed into the veneer, which will lead to the rapid detachment of the wallpaper.

You can prepare the surface in another way that involves the use of wide paper strips instead of putty. First, the paper stripes are glued with a width of 40 mm wide, the strips are glued with a width of 30 mm, and at the end - paper stripes with a width of 20 mm. After drying, the glue strips are pumile. At the same time, nails, with the help of which the plywood is attached to the wall, is interinted with a depth of 1 mm, and then they shook with varnish or olifa so that they do not bear with time. Instead of paper, you can use gauze strips, which, after sticking, should also sharpen and paint oil paint.

Wallpaper selection for plywood cladding

How to glue wallpaper on Faneru: surface preparation, wallpaper selection

Relief vinyl wallpapers will hide all irregularities on plywood.

For sticking wallpaper on Faneer, it is not recommended to use paper wallpaper, because they give even a small base defect. It is better to purchase relief vinyl wallpapers, with which you can hide small surface irregularities that you failed to block at the stage of preparation.

The best option is phlizelin wallpapers that are able to withstand even small temporary deformations of plywood. From the more expensive facing material, cane and bamboo wallpapers should be distinguished, hiding any base defects.

Every year, liquid wallpapers are becoming increasingly popular. They are an ideal option for plywood base, because any of their damage can be easily closeed after a long time, applying a new layer of material to a damaged place or shaking the old layer and crawling it.

It is necessary to take into account that liquid wallpapers can be applied only to moisture-resistant plywood, as they are bred by water, which can be absorbed by plywood, deforming it.

How to Bloill Wallpaper on Phaneur with your own hands: Stages of work

For sticking wallpapers on Faneru, you need to prepare such tools and materials:

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How to glue wallpaper on Faneru: surface preparation, wallpaper selection

Wallpaper paste scheme.

  • brush;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • Marking cord;
  • roulette;
  • putty knife;
  • roller;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • oil paint;
  • varnish;
  • paper (gauze stripes).

The process of sticking largely depends on the selected material, as it may differ in the method of applying adhesive composition, preparation of rolls and exposure time. It is very important to choose the right glue corresponding to the chosen wallpaper type. In this case, it turns out a beautiful wall, and the blending process itself will not take you a lot of time and strength.

After the finishing surface is prepared accordingly, it can be seized to its salary. First you need to measure the height of the wall, after which to cut the finishing material and straighten it on the floor. Next you need to prepare glue according to the instruction that is on the package. After that, depending on the type of wallpaper, glue is applied to the wall of the wall and on the wallpaper, and then their sticking is performed. After finishing work, the surface must be left alone until its complete drying. At the same time, there should be no drafts and sudden temperature drops.

Now you know how to punish the wallpaper on Faneru. Therefore, if necessary, you can go to the store for instruments and materials and boldly begin work.

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