How to glue wallpaper with a border: Recommendations


Conducting the next cosmetic repairs, the owners will surely think not so much to update the appearance of the finish of the rooms, how much to create a unique design, so that it looks beautiful, and the destination of the room matched.

Room finishing with wallpaper.

Sometimes the reception is used in the design of the walls - the combination of several types of wallpaper. Its use pursues different goals. For example, such: hide the shortcomings of the surfaces of the walls, the disproportionality of the size of the walls and the ceiling; give an atmosphere of room of some dynamic; Allocate and emphasize the details and accessories in the interior of the room.

Sometimes the alternation of different wallpaper color in the horizontal version may require border gluing. Therefore, we will discuss in more detail on how to stick the border correctly.

The main purpose of the alternation is to mask the shortcomings of the living space surfaces.

Alternation of wallpaper strips vertical

The combination of 2 paired flowers of wallpaper can be expressed in the alternate vertical alternation of different wallpapers through equal intervals. To glue the wallpaper for this option, you need to carefully take the choice of paired shades for wallpaper. The principles of selection of paired flowers for wallpaper can be the following:

How to glue wallpaper with a border: Recommendations

Required tools for wicked walls by wallpaper.

  1. Use shades within 1 color (for example, green lighter and dark shade).
  2. Harmonious colors. For yellow, for example, it will be orange, egg, salad, cream, etc.
  3. Contrast colors (green - red, lilac - yellow, orange - sea wave color).

You can start an alternation using a smooth transition to one of the walls. This will eliminate sharp color drops, but get a very original effect.

For the oblong room, you can use the reception "Symmetry". The background wallpapers should be lighter in color, and they hide almost the entire room with the exception of the center of 2 opposite walls. In the central part of the walls there will be a wide panel of wallpaper with an additional bright shade and another texture. It is before the size of the panel room will be perceived visually much less.

Several resembling the previous reception "asymmetry". At the same time glue the wallpaper on the 1st wall shall be similar to the method described above. It is important to know how to glue the wallpaper on the opposite side. It glitches bright wallpaper strips, starting from the angular location. This approach in the wallpaper sticker will help to visually increase the width of the room, slightly reduce its length.

Horizontal Wallpaper Combination with Different Pattern

How to glue wallpaper with a border: Recommendations

Scheme of trimming of excess centimeters of paper stripes.

Alternating wallpaper horizontally, it is not necessary to adhere to the standard 1/3 ratio, the lower part of the wall surface of the wall.

Recommended in rooms having a greater height of the ceilings, leave the downward panel at the bottom.

Connect the fantasy and experiment with the choice of colors and textures of materials. The kitchen welcomes a combination of different trim for walls (paint, tile, wallpaper). In the bathroom, the choice for obvious reasons is not so wide (panels, tiles, paint). In residential rooms, the choice will have to limit different types of wallpaper.

  1. Today, a very popular reception is emphasis on the same zone. It is used to give a separate interior element increased attention in the overall composition of the entire design. For example, the selection of the area of ​​the wall behind the TV. The main background in the room can be wallpapers with a pattern, then the allocated zone decorate with wallpaper without a pattern.
  2. In the bedroom, it is also permissible to highlight the accent wall: often brighter with ornaments are covered with a wall located behind the bed.
  3. The horizontal separation is a good alternative instead of vertical alternation. The lower part is covered with textured wallpaper, and top-textile. Seam is masked behind the bar, molding or border. When there is no idea how to properly stick with a border, it makes sense to take advantage of the previous ways of sticking steam wallpaper.
  4. Technique "Patchwork" looks original in any style of the interior. It will take different rolls of wallpaper for its incarnation. Of these, the same pieces are cut out, which after that in chaotic order are glued onto the wall.
  5. The protrusions and niches can be distinguished by the material of contrasting shades. A special effect will be achieved on a motley background.

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Examples of registration with different wallpaper of the children's room

How to glue wallpaper with a border: Recommendations

Wallpaper marking scheme.

How to stick the wallpaper in the kid's room using a combination of wallpaper?

  1. You can use the reception of wallpaper inserts: all surfaces of the walls are covered with the same wallpaper, and bright heroes are placed on top of the background with multiplication films that form entire plots.
  2. If glued wallpaper with a border in the child's room, it is best to glue a border with drawings at the eye level of the baby, then he can gladly consider funny pictures.
  3. Another interesting option in the child's room: the upper part makes one-photon (paint or bold), and at a distance of 45 cm on the floor, the bands of special detergents with carved edges are glued. Such decorative wide wallpaper rolls are expensive. But you can find such a way out - glue them only visible to the eye of a part of the walls where there is no furniture.

Today, almost all the wallpaper can find a suitable border.

What is important to take into account when buying a wallpaper border, and how to glue edging over all the rules?

Wallpaper curbs represent narrow wallpaper strips used for decorative edging of the sailed area. The curb serves as an embossed surface horizontally and from its size will depend on the visual perception of the room's height (than the band is wider, the lower the ceiling height). Bordeur size - 10-20 cm wide.

The difference between the border from the frieze - the latter strip in the width is greater than 20 cm.

What types of wallpaper exist borders?

How to glue wallpaper with a border: Recommendations

The sequence of the border sticker.

  1. For paper. They are easy to glue and easy to shoot. Such wallpapers will be an excellent option for those who often make repairs. This is due to the fact that such strips are not very durable, instantly lose their brightness, and they cannot be washed (especially with the use of detergents).
  2. For vinyl. It is impossible not to note their practicality: they are easy to wash, clean; They retain their original color for a long time. Therefore, it can be easily involved in the design of a bathroom, toilet, kitchen, hallway.
  3. For textile. In their composition 2 layers: paper bottom and top of woven material.
  4. For acrylic. This is analogues of vinyl. The main difference is an acrylic emulsion on the basis. Cheaper than vinyl.

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Unusual effect creates colorless borders made of artificial materials. They are used in a pair with wallpaper under painting either glued on monophonic painted walls, after which they rush simultaneously with the wallpaper of water-free paint.

How to glue wallpaper with a border: Recommendations

The glued curb on the wallpaper creates a cozy and warm atmosphere in the room.

The search for a border is responsible. It is easy to find suitable borders for wallpaper. Surely in the Wallpaper Store will be offered a choice of several alternative options. This can be made from a beautiful catalog, whose pages represent samples of wallpaper and harmonizing with them strips.

Matching the border of the wallpaper canvas. Manufacturers limit the choice on 2 types of combination of curbs and wallpapers - on the shade and presence of the pattern. For example, a dark green background with floral ornaments can be supplemented with a white or light green stripe with the presence of either the absence of a similar pattern of twigs and flower.

To the monophonic wallpaper, pick up a border of any color and with a different pattern will not be any difficulty.

Sometimes factories provide a combination of various drawings on borders and wallpaper. But it should be done with great caution in the presence of an artistic taste. Otherwise, the wall may be too motley.

Sometimes there are offers of manufacturers when wallpaper with borders are made with the same pattern, but a different scale. For example, on the wallpaper leaflets can look large, and on the strip - miniature. It is important that the wall covering has a color consonance and with other elements of the situation. Therefore, it is so necessary to choose exactly the shade of edging or wallpaper themselves.

Location on the wall surface

How to glue wallpaper with a border: Recommendations

Wall pastry scheme with wallpaper.

Walking borders can be located in the upper and lower part of the wall. With the first option, it turns out a decorative edging that gives the room more comfort. With the second position, the border strip acts as a delimiter between different types of wallpaper. The border is not glued in the center, because in this case the room begins to seem much lower. Optimal is considered the location at a distance of 1/3 from the floor surface.

Rightly make Kant at the very bottom of the floor. This technique is applicable in such a situation when too short wallpaper strips are cut off and the space is necessary to fill something.

Borders under the wallpaper can be pasted both horizontally and vertically (for visual allocation of a certain part or wall section). Of these, the framing for wall panels, photo wallpaper, interroom doors, furniture and other accessories are performed.

Gluing borders to the wall

Stick the border on wallpaper maybe in several ways:
    1. Often the border glue directly on the wallpaper. But in this case, you will have to wait for a complete drying of the latter to get the best result. It is preferable to use special curvature glue on an acrylic basis. It is not necessary to dilute it with water, as it is released ready for use. Tube with glue has an applicator with a brush or tassel. The glue is applied in advance chopped curbs of the border, after which the base is wetted with water. Within 4-5 minutes, the glue should absorb.
    2. It happens that the border stick with wallpaper. This bleach method is recommended for high-terrain wallpapers (4-layer paper embossed wallpapers or coated from foamed vinyl). Bordur glue in this case can be conventional glue for the type of wallpaper.
    3. Another way to row curls. On the entire perimeter of the room in the indicated height marked the horizontal line with a simple pencil. After that, glue the upper component (above the curb) finishes. The lower edge is cut into the marked line with a metal line and a sharp knife. The border is pre-impregnated with glue glue to the edge of the wallpaper, while its lower edge of 1.5-2 cm is left not pressed against the wall. Bottles of the bottom panel wallpapers are boating under the curb and cut along the bottom edge. The cut is removed, and the curb sticks to the wall finally.

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General recommendations for labeling wallpaper and borders

First, accept the solution where exactly the border should be glued: at the plinth or under the ceiling, at a distance of 1/3 walls or around the door and windows.

It will not be emphasized that the place of future stickers is not contaminated. You can use a soap solution for washing the surface. Clean wall is the key to successful and high-quality work.

At the site of gluing the future border should not be emptiness, holes, cracks and other defects. Since most of the borders are performed from a loose paper, then sooner or later all irregularities will be noticeable. The holes should be sharpened, traces of paint, glue and other spots - erase. The glue is applied to the already prepared surface.

You can buy a self-adhesive border, but to count on the fact that it will be perfectly kept. Lubricate glue for greater reliability does not hurt it. Outing the border to the wall surface, you need to carefully smooth it and remove the excess glue.

Sticking the border in the corner, strive to impose a close of a border on the next wall. Strip another strip with the allen on the previous one. In the corner, the gap is not formed.

Pluging interroom doors or windows

Stripping windows or doors strips will give more decorativeness with the total type of room. Here there is one difficulty when connecting the strips: they need to trim very accurately and connect to the USS (to follow the angle of 45 °).

Try to pick up the strips in such a way that there are no patterns in the places of compounds, a large drawing or colors. Verify the bands at the junction of the join and with the help of a ruler and a sharp knife laid on the diagonal and a sharp knife to do the incision through both bands. Remove the segment from the horizontal border. Generate the edge of the same border and remove the cut of the vertical border. Put the horizontal edge back, please and lay the seam.

The use of borders is optional, but preferably. Especially when there are 2 border zones in the walls of the walls. It is necessary to approach the choice and use of borders competently and carefully, since the decorative framing can be narrowed and expanded by a visual room.

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