How to make the ceiling perfectly smooth?


To align unevenness on the ceiling and hide disadvantages, the wizard of finishing works are proposed first to assess the amount of the upcoming work and determine what type of finish is best. In the building materials market there are many high-quality dry mixes intended for this purpose.

How to make the ceiling perfectly smooth?

You can equalize the ceiling in two ways: with the help of plaster and using tension and suspended ceilings.

In the skillful hands, the plasterer helps turn an uneven ceiling into a beautiful, immaculately smooth surface. If the roof flows or the old house suffers from the temperature drop, then such work will not bring a long result. First, it is necessary to eliminate the reasons that made the ceiling with ugly, and only then take over the ceiling device.

You can make the ceiling with two ways in two ways, the first of which is more traditional (with the application of the layer of plaster, putty and painting). After closeing in all existing cracks, the ceiling overlap will look great.

The second way offers to make the ceiling beautiful with hinged or stretch ceilings, which will hide all the flaws under their smooth lines.

What might need to work?

Stages of putty and equalizing seams on the ceiling.

Plastering and painting works are beautifully obtained in people having special skills. This specialty (master of finishing works) is trained in professional collections within 2-3 years. Future plasters in practice work out various techniques. Experts came out from there know how to make a ceiling so that he pleased his eyes with his impeccable view.

There are rules for throwing a solution to the ceiling. In practice, the movements of hands are being worked out so that the solution remains on the surface of the ceiling, and not on the head and floor due to the force of attraction. Therefore, if there is an opportunity, to create beautiful ceilings, invite the masters. But if there is a desire to learn, then all the work can be made independently.

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For work you will need:

  • spatulas (wide and narrow);
  • sandpaper;
  • Grid-Sherryanka or Metal Mesh;
  • rag;
  • dishes for breeding dry mixture;
  • dishes for pure water;
  • halfter;
  • rag;
  • roller

From building materials can be bought:

  • Plaster plaster mix;
  • putty;
  • paint;
  • Prime.

You need a lot of patience, because the decoration of the ceilings is a very long process. He requires a lot of strength.

How to make a ceiling if all the irregularities are less than 20 mm?

If there are holes on the ceiling plane, cracks, poorly treated seams and surface drops are less than 20 mm, then it is possible to make the ceiling using a plaster mix, sickle grid, putty and special tools.

The process of plastering the ceiling.

If the ceiling is still new and the seams are visible on it, and connecting the building floors and the differences are greater than 2 cm, then it is better to use a metal grid equipped with special fasteners in the form of nails on a wide hat with which it is attached to the surface of the ceiling. Experts recommend it to impose on all the seams and joints and already align the plane with plaster, putty and painting. After the end of the work, you can admire the work done.

If you want to align the surface in the affected apartment, then we are talking about a thorough repair. At the beginning of work, it takes things from the room, remove the curtains, lamps and chandeliers. Electricity de-energize, the floors are covered with newspaper sheets and begin with a wide spatula to clean the fused places. After stripping, the surface is processed by primer. It creates an increase in the ligament of the solution with the ceiling and ensures that laying the plastering mixture or putty.

With large drops (more than 5 mm and less than 20 mm), a plaster mixture is applied to the ceiling, which allows the overlap by a thick layer. Alignment is the most difficult process for which the whole work was started for the sake of which. Specialists use various tools for this, work with which requires skills. After the surface was leveled, she was allowed to dry. Then grind with sandpaper. After that, the finishing layer of the carp type "Terrako" is applied. After it dries, the entire surface is spread again, the wind is cleaned with a rapid and switch to painting. You can use acrylic or water-emulsion paint suitable for color.

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What if the differences make up more than 20 mm?

How to make the ceiling perfectly smooth?

A diagram of a single-level suspended ceiling device on a metal frame.

If the ceilings have large irregularities and the drops are more than 20 mm, then experts are recommended to level the surface with drywall, plastic ceiling panels or PVC or stretch ceilings. These materials allow you to get perfectly flat wall lines and ceiling, hide the wiring, make fashionable lamps throughout the area and create a modern design indoor. There are options suitable for any family budget.

Such work requires special professional skills and is often executed. It requires the customer of financial investments in the purchase of necessary materials. If there is a desire to independently carry out such a laborious work, then you need to keep in mind that you need an assistant. Metal rails must be attached to the ceiling slab. The general view of the future ceiling depends on how correctly the lamp will be exhibited. Work requires tools with which the installation will be installed. Incorrectly assembled and attached doom can collapse along with the coating.

The perfectly smooth frame is fixed by plasterboard, chipboard, laminated phaneur, lining, gypsum chicken or metal. Then the resulting surface is spanking, coloring or left in natural form. It turns out a beautiful view that admires its right shapes.

Any way of the ceiling device has one minus. After the flooding of an apartment neighbors on top of the ceilings have to change, because their appearance again becomes ugly. In private houses, such ceilings can rejoice their owners for a long time. They increase thermal insulation and create comfort.

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