Plywood floor how to make in the apartment



Plywood - material universal. It is very widely used in construction, it is lightweight, durable, environmentally friendly and is distinguished by a democratic price. Faneru is often used to create flooring or repairing floors. To figure out how to make the floor from plywood correctly, will not be special work. Since this material is universal, it can be used in a wide variety of cases, but also the application technique will vary depending on certain conditions.

Plywood floor how to make in the apartment

The floor of plywood is durable and easy to install, which is why it is very popular when finishing the premises.

Types of material

Today we produce many types of plywood. In construction more often uses such varieties:

Plywood floor how to make in the apartment

Grade plywood.

  1. FC - plywood moisture-resistant, based on non-toxic, non-volatile carbamide resin, very elastic and durable.
  2. NSh - plywood unlocked on casein glue. It is considered the cheapest, with its thickness 12 mm. If it is planned to stick a parquet or similar hard material on such a fane, it is necessary to preach it up with the skin.
  3. C1 - material for the construction of rough floors. Plywood on one side is grounded, the glue base is casein.
  4. S2 is also on a casein basis, grinding on both sides. If the room where the floors should be organized, sufficiently dry, with normal temperature, and no extensive loads are expected, it can be used as a substitute for plywood FC.

In the raw premises, Paneru undesirable to use - this building material is hygroscopic and in conditions of high humidity will quickly deteriate. Phaneur, intended for floors and walls, cannot be used on balconies and kitchens, in toilets, bathrooms.

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Existing plywood sizes.

To improve the moisture resistance of plywood, it is impregnated at home with a putty on a polyvinyl acetate - it resembles a liquid PVA glue and costs quite inexpensive. Processing is starting on the one hand and impregnate the phaneer as much as possible. Then impregnate the other side, overlapping the impregnation into two layers, the second should be applied only after the first dry. Drying is carried out at room temperature, for this it will be required at least 3 days. When plywood sheets dry, they must be additionally treated with an antiseptic agent, which is intended for working with wood.

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So that the surface layer turned out to be more durable, use acrylic varnish. It should also be applied in two layers, each of which should be dried as much as possible. If for decorativeness, Phanelo is decided to handle even the verse, it must be done before the lacquer is coated.

Before laying the Phaneur to the floor, it is necessary to carry out its acclimatization. It should be done directly on the place where it is planned to perform laying. Acclimatization dates are determined depending on the difference in humidity and temperature in the room. If in the place where the material was stored before this, the conditions are similar to those in the repaired room, for acclimatization is enough for the day. When the difference in temperatures from two to eight degrees will need two-thro days, with a greater - from seven to ten. During the acclimatization process, it is necessary to store material in the room in a horizontal position laid in a stack.

How is the plywood floor

Flooring from plywood is constructed both when a new floor, and in the case when it is required to repair the already existing.

For different combinations of base gender and decorative finish coatings, plywood laying is slightly different.

Plywood floor how to make in the apartment

Plywood laying scheme on boardboard.

When placing the material on concrete floor, it is possible to produce it both on the screed, and on the pre-installed lags. Option number one can only be used if the basis is good, smooth, and the material that will be applied to the finish coating, plastic. Concrete screed, after the solution grabbed, should be sucked at a normal room temperature at least 40 days.

To arrange a plywood floor with a flat and dried screed, the room for the start is carefully releasing, it is desirable for better cleaning to use the vacuum cleaner. Floor treatment is carried out, for this you will need mastic for parquet or bitumen varnish, divorced in accordance with the instructions. When carrying out such work, open the windows should be opened, you must also wear a respirator. In the apartment should be completely disconnected by electricity, since the air during operation will be saturated with an organic solvent pairs. Any random electric spark here will be superfluous.

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Phaneur 8-18 mm thick cut into stripes or squares in a quarter of a sheet (1250x1250 mm). You need to lay them, with a small shift - four seams should not converge at one point. Cutting material is made using a power tool, it may be a padzik or saw. Performing cutting, it should be noted that around the perimeter of the room it will be necessary to leave the gap in 20-30 mm.

Plywood floor how to make in the apartment

Stages of the installation of black floor from plywood.

Prepared pieces of plywood are placed on the floor to carry out fit and numb. Under the finishing of the type of linoleum or traffic jams, you can glue the paneur to the glue like a bustilate or use parquet mastic for this, without making the mounting slots. It turns out a black floating floor. The ends of the sheets should also be carefully glued.

Under the parquet of oak or similar by properties on it, Phaneur attach better on the screws of 4x60 with dowels. Plywood slices distribute, observing the mounting slit 2-3 mm.

Thrust through the plywood sheet, drump over the holes - they should be ¾ of the diameter of the legs of the self-press. Holes must be in the corners, in the center and in the middle of each side. The central holes drill so that they would be shifted to about half the step along the long side, that is, a quarter of the strip width, the drill choose the solid from the solid alloy - the simple quickly fascinates, the assterior concrete.

Now Faneru can be removed to the side, and in the concrete, drill holes for the dowels for those tags, which remained from the drill. Calculate the dowels in them.

On the revolving side of the plywood, apply glue with a spatula, put the material into place. Take a screwdriver and beat the self-tapping screw to the level on which the head will be slightly drowning in Phaneur.

How to put the floor of plywood on lags

Plywood floor how to make in the apartment

Floor alignment diagram with lag and plywood.

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Some premises may cause doubt the stability of temperature and humidity. In these cases, the plywood floor is trying to arrange lags. At the same time, some points should be observed:

  1. For lags, you should choose unstored boards per 100 mm.
  2. Material For future lags, you must adore at least a week in the room where they are planned to be used. After that, it is necessary to sort the boards and remove those that led or swamped.
  3. Choosing a fane for the floor, it is better to stop at such a type as FC, or to independently process the sheets with impregnations in order to improve the working properties. Its thickness should be at least 12 mm.
  4. The preparation of the foundation is performed in the same way as for the floor on the screed.
  5. From the lags perform the crate in a step of 300-600 mm in such a way that the edges of the plywood sheets would have come to lags.
  6. The section of the section must fill in the material with hydro and thermal insulation properties. Polyurethane foam fit well. Mineral cotton can not be used - small particles arise from it in the air, which I can annoy the respiratory bodies in the premises of people;
  7. The flooring of plywood sheets are made with a mandatory gap in 2-3 mm, the clearance should be observed in 20-30 mm around the perimeter.
  8. Phaneur is attached to lags using liquid nails glue. Fixation is made using self-tapping screws.

Now the finish finish is performed: Phaneur can be covered with paint and varnish materials or lay on top of linoleum, laminate, parquet, etc.

Plywood floor how to make in the apartment

Plywood floor how to make in the apartment

Plywood floor how to make in the apartment

Plywood floor how to make in the apartment

Plywood floor how to make in the apartment

Plywood floor how to make in the apartment

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