Backlight door handles do it yourself in the car


The handles are those mechanism on the doors that constantly need to touch and drive. Therefore, it is important to ensure the constant visibility of such mechanisms so that they do not have to look for a long time in complete darkness. This is especially true of the door handles of the car. After all, you see, terrible inconveniently at night constantly fascinating the location of the handle.

Backlight door handles do it yourself in the car

Specialists recommend a diode lamp to direct down.

It was for this reason that the backlight options for the handles were invented. There are a wide variety of them. But most are based on the work of LEDs. Consider one of the easiest and most reliable options, as you can quickly make the backlight on the handle.

Tool for work

Backlight door handles do it yourself in the car

Illumination circuit of external handles.

First of all, you need to stock up in advance with the necessary materials and tools. Moreover, it is necessary to envisage the presence of everything at once, since work with electricity does not tolerate delay, especially if it comes to the car. So you will need:

  • LED light bulb;
  • terminals;
  • Thin wires;
  • blowtorch;
  • screwdrivers;
  • knife;
  • insulating tape;
  • drill;
  • Super glue;
  • plastic corks for terminals;
  • ammeter;
  • Passatia.

When everything you need will be prepared, decide for yourself, from which door you want to start. Experts recommend starting to draw backlight on the front doors, as access to the electric part of the car is always closer here.

Preparation and connection of wires

Backlight door handles do it yourself in the car

Illumination of door handles from the inside.

Now proceed to work. First you need to disassemble the door handle. This is done using the appropriate screwdrivers. Now take the LED lamp and remove the plastic housing from it. There you will see the pins at the end of the lamp that will need to solder to wiring. But before this, it is advisable to wiring slightly and put on them small terminals. So you will fall out much more convenient, and the quality of work will be better.

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It is not necessary to hurry to put on the wires plastic corks for protection, since in any case you still have to shoot them until the work is completely finished. On the other hand, the wiring also need to make a light sweeping and put on the terminals on the tips, but already larger.

With this work, it is important to consider one important point. As a rule, any door backlight in the car has two sides: one is directly the lamp that will light, and the other is part of which the main nutrition will come to this light bulb. So that's meals it can go as directly from the electric part of the car (usually you need to open a box that is located near the steering wheel) and from the door map, if it has direct nutrition (often this is observed in modern car brands).

In the first case, you need to calculate the length of the wiring in advance so that it is completely enough to connect the backlight and at the same time for the correct placement so that the wires do not prevent the wires under their feet. In the second case, the wires are usually used small, since their location does not go beyond the handle area. But still, both in the first and in the second case it is advisable to take long wiring, as they can always be shortened.

After that, with the help of an ammeter, you must check the correct connection of all wiring. If in electricity you understand not very good, then it is better to resort to consultation or direct help of the electrician so that there are no unpleasant problems with possible closure in the future.

Installation of the diode in the handle

Backlight door handles do it yourself in the car

Fittings with LED backlight.

Next you will need to install a diode directly into the knob itself. Here the electric drill is useful. But first try to place the diode inside the handle and temporarily fix it on the door. Usually in modern cars, the design allows you to do so. After that, be sure to connect the diode to the electrician and check the operation.

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Specialists advise the diode lamp Always direct down - so the light will be best lighting the handle. Also, they recommend connecting other ends of the wire to the power supply in the form of a power-capacity mechanism if you do not want a permanent glow. But if on the contrary, it makes sense to solder the wires to the feed of the cigarette lighter.

When it is ready, make the necessary markup on the handle in those places where the wiring will be published and where the diode will be seen. It is not always necessary and depends on what kind of design has a handle. But if it came to this, you will have to work a drill, drilling holes. Drill diameter Choose the minimum. After all, it is possible to increase the hole, but to reduce - already in no way.

Now you will only have to finish the connection of the wiring and diode. Now that all major work is over, you can safely wear plastic protective corks on small terminals, after which you put the plastic case on them, which was removed initially.

As for the part of the nutrition, here you first need to be insulated with small pieces of tape, after which only to wear plastic protection on wiring. But note that protection is put on when the LED wires are connected to the main nutrition wires.

Many electricians advise all this to carry out an additional fixation of the LED bulb on the door. This is done with the help of an ordinary superclay. As a rule, the base of the lamp on the edges is slightly labeled, for which it touches the handle. Then pressed for a few seconds. So the lamp will not constantly pop up from the hole in the handle.

So, the homemade illumination of the handles of the door in the car is considered.

A similar method is made of highlights for all other handles, and if necessary - and rear. A newcomer such work will seem complicated, but if you do not rush and carefully do everything, you will certainly have a good result, and the car will finally become more comfortable in use.

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