Crafts from plasticine for children on glass with photos and videos


It is known that there are many techniques for creating paintings or figures from various plastic materials. Each technician has its own features. This article is designed to help the reader learn how to make crafts from plasticine for children quickly and easily.

The modeling is fun, it is interesting, gives a lot of positive emotions, brings closer children with parents. This lesson also develops many skills and skills in a child who are very necessary for a developing person. Today on the Internet you can find a lot of educational video on how to perform certain sculptures from plasticine. At the same time, adults who have long left the work, it is difficult to navigate that it is to offer a child as a starting point. That is, adults are lost from the request of the child: "Tell me, what to blind." Then a variety of articles with ideas for creativity come to the rescue.

Inspiration does not come in disarray

Creativity loves order, in the workplace and in professionalism. It is quite easy to learn to make unusual features from plasticine. It is quite difficult to figure out where to start. First, for creativity it is recommended to select a separate zone in the apartment. This is due to many reasons. First of all, for reasons of preserving the order and purity of the rest of the space in the residential room. Then, it should be noted that the desktop that is put in order contributes to the flight of thought and fantasy. You can get calendas any flat wide surface in the room and arrange a mini workshop on it.

Crafts from plasticine for children on glass with photos and videos

Crafts from plasticine for children on glass with photos and videos

You can work in gloves or bare hands. In order to simplify the creative process for children, it is better to prepare any small capacity with water next to the workplace. Thanks to a constantly supported moisture, your hands or hands of your child will be protected from plasticine, which sometimes gives the skin unpleasant, difficult smell or fatty.

Lepim paintings

The first idea is to create not bulk figures, but paintings on glass. Such crafts will occupy less space when stored, and will also be stored longer (under protective glass frame). The principle of performing such works is simple and understandable. It is filling the template pattern by zones.

Crafts from plasticine for children on glass with photos and videos

Crafts from plasticine for children on glass with photos and videos

To do this, you can use such types of modeling techniques:

  1. Disposal technique. Requires more effort, accuracy and preparation. To fill the selected areas, it will be necessary to apply material to the surface using the stack;
  2. Technique flagella (mosaic). It is that it is initially necessary to teach the child to make flashers. To create them in sufficient quantities, you can use soften plasticine and syringe with an extended hole. This technique looks like this. Crafts from flavors will have a very neat appearance;
  3. Sharikov technique (mosaic). It looks like the previous technique, but does not require such training, as for the manufacture of flagella.

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Where to begin? Degreased glass (for example, alcohol solution). Place the selected drawing under the glass and circle the marker on the contour. Start filling the drawing with large pattern details. You can choose one of the techniques described above: balls, flavors, mosaic.

Please note that it is possible to create patterns and patterns from plasticine also on the disk or on paper.

Crafts from plasticine for children on glass with photos and videos

Favorite characters

For lovers of the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" will be very interesting to make figures of familiar characters. This idea is not Nova, but many have to do. Moreover, the figures of Masha and the Bear from the cartoon are very easy to make even the smallest.

Crafts from plasticine for children on glass with photos and videos

  1. To begin with, take plasticine of corporal color. We form a ball - the head of Masha. Then we form a gauge for eyes and bulge for the nose. Add three little cakes - eyes and nose;
  2. Top add different colors of the circle to make your eyes;
  3. Stick the yellow semicircle on the forehead of Masha and add small slots to give a semicircle of the appearance of bangs;
  4. Crafts on the head make out of raspberry flat rolled cakes. We framed the ball - your head, align your fingers and give smoothness throughout the entire mass. Two triangles of raspberry and one small ball - this is a scarf bobbies;
  5. We do a slightly elongated shape cylinder, tapering up. It will be a torso - part-time dress;
  6. Add gray pencils and two elongated sausages - this is a collar and sleeves;
  7. Two cakes and two small raspberry flagellas are shoes and lap dresses of Masha;
  8. We attach two bodily slices of cakes to the sleeves. The hands of our figurines are obtained.

The craft is made. Let's go to the bear figure. There is less than a variety of colors, but it is more difficult to make expressive character damnity. It is worth trying.

Crafts from plasticine for children on glass with photos and videos

  1. We take a beige ball smaller and brown - bigger. It is necessary to flatten a beige ball, glue to large and give the shape of a muzzle of a bear from a cartoon;
  2. Stack perform the necessary recesses. Add nose, eyes and eyebrows of the desired colors. Next, two round pellets are ears;
  3. To make a torso, it is necessary to form it from a brown material, add oval cake from beige;
  4. Then add 4 not very thin sausages for the rear and front paws;
  5. Four small parallelogram with formed claws will become the endings of the lapse of the bear.

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Crafts from plasticine for children on glass with photos and videos

The second figurine is also ready. See more about Lrack in the video section.

Military equipment

The photo below shows an example of the next craft. Offer the child to blind plane.

Crafts from plasticine for children on glass with photos and videos

To make a similar figure will be interesting to boys, since after execution it will be possible to leave the air market as a model. This does not mean that this article is not for girls. Interested girls, too, can become grateful to her readers. In this part of the article, a detailed master class will be given on the execution of the plane's plane figures.

According to these instructions, the child will be able to navigate independently, however, if you look at the video together and tell you the child, you will take part in its development.

Crafts from plasticine for children on glass with photos and videos

Crafts from plasticine for children on glass with photos and videos

It will take two pieces of plasticine of two different colors. Take white and blue. Lighter shade will be the case of a manufactured aircraft. Dark material - future wings, windows and other additional details.


  1. From a white piece you need to form a ball. For him, you can take the whole white color, as it will only be necessary to perform the aircraft housing;
  2. Give the oval shape, reminiscent of the fish;
  3. On a wider part of this detail, form a small recess. It will be the front of the aircraft;
  4. To form a tail, you need to disconnect 3 small pieces of blue plasticine. First you need to roll out of each piece of the ball, and then flatten into the tortillas and give the stack of the triangular shape of each of them;
  5. Three prepared triangular details will become the tail of the aircraft. Give them a similar shape, attaching to the back of the aircraft;
  6. The same way as the tail, form the wings of the sculpture;
  7. Be proceed to the fastening of the wings of the aircraft, if necessary, on a wire frame;
  8. To perform the portholes, form another 4-6 round pellets from the blue material;
  9. Add oval pellet to the previously formed recess in the front of the aircraft.

The plane is ready. There are a variety of variations of such crafts. For example, look at this cheerful figure. The following scheme is a plasticine tank.

Crafts from plasticine for children on glass with photos and videos

A child who is interested in military equipment or who wants to fulfill a similar gift for grandfather or dad on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, wants to create their own hand to the array of military topics.

Of course, it is necessary to help the child in creating his first masterpieces. First, look at the scheme and discuss opportunities for creating figures. Then you can prepare a workplace together and some of the details. After reading the description and seeing additional video, you will immediately understand the sequence of necessary actions.

Crafts from plasticine for children on glass with photos and videos

Description for children and their parents:

  1. To start, make tank caterpillars. This should be an even amount of fairly wide, but small in the diameter of circles, preferably the same;
  2. Using the stack, cut the strip on each wheel, moving in a circle;
  3. Next, it is necessary to form a long flat detail - the caterpillar chains. First, cut this long detail into two narrow parts to have enough for two sides of the future tank;
  4. On one of the strips, place wheels sideways close to each other;
  5. Place the resulting ribbons, place half of the number of wheels. Thus, prepare two caterpillars for the tank;
  6. Mix black, green and brown plasticine to get a camouflage effect. Make a pellet from this mass and put it on the matchbox;
  7. Attach the caterpillars on both sides of the tank;
  8. From the same camouflage material, make a rounded part and attach from above on the housing of the tank;
  9. Insert a long blow to the central part of the resulting tower;
  10. You can decorate the tank with an asterisk or flag. To make the flag, you can stick the red cake to the match.

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Figurine is made. So that it acquires more solid consistency, leave it for a while in the refrigerator. You can also make plasticine soldiers.

Crafts from plasticine for children on glass with photos and videos

Crafts from plasticine for children on glass with photos and videos


Creating paintings from plasticine is a very exciting occupation. Most often, crafts are obtained bright and interesting, and the process itself delivers a lot of pleasure to both children and adults.

Another idea is to create crafts on the topic "Autumn". To create this picture, you will not need complex skills, the main thing is to mix suitable autumn shades and apply them to canvas or cardboard.

Crafts from plasticine for children on glass with photos and videos

First, select Suitable Colors. Use cardboard or glass as the basis. You will also need a plastic stack for work.

  1. It is necessary to start painting the picture from the top of it. To begin with, mix the colors for the sky: blue, a little yellow and gray, without achieving homogeneity of shades. Mixed colors should reflect color and light glare;
  2. Distribute colors on the surface of the canvas with a thin layer. Yellow splasions in the middle of a common background. It will mimic solar glimpses;
  3. Make a trunk of a tree, having cutting a stack and creating an intersection, like a hawned tree bark;
  4. Mix a little orange and brown plasticine, also without achieving homogeneity;
  5. Add orange drops, imitating leaffall and tree crown. Then birds, animals, berries.

It turns out a juicy and live painting on the autumn theme. It will only be left to put it into the frame.

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