Repair of interroom doors do it yourself (photo and video)


As you know, interior doors are able to lose their attractive species during operation. However, it is not necessary to immediately go to the store for purchase, because all kinds of deformations can be easily eliminated with their own hands. It is worth understanding that interior doors are durable and high-quality structures, therefore defects that appear on their surface are not able to influence the parameters.

Such defects like loosening, swelling the interior door, the appearance of the gaps can be eliminated independently without resorting to buying a new door.

For example, the main problem that torments people, slots arising between the walls and the basis. Because of such non-psychic slots, the door canvas begins to sign. As a result, the door can close badly. But it is worth considering that the repair of interior doors with their own hands can be even a novice master. Closeing defects yourself, you can save time and money well.

Construction repair materials

You will need:

  • glue;
  • press;
  • sawdust;
  • varnish;
  • mounting foam;
  • Metal corners;
  • Reiki;
  • paint;
  • Dowels.

Repair of interroom doors do it yourself (photo and video)

If the loops weaken and the door began to sag, it is necessary to fix them with the help of a screwdriver.

How is the restoration of doors do it with their own hands? Pre-in the walls of the box do 3 holes evenly located along the length of the surfaces. Note that these holes should be approached under the dowel.

With the help of dowels, lock the box. The remaining defects make a mounting foam.

As a rule, during the savings the door is inconvenient. But to correct malfunctions you can do this:

  1. The fastening of the loops is performed (quite often the doors are saved due to weakened loops).
  2. The next stage is pulling the looping.
  3. Quite often to the provision of a violation of the geometry of the canvas. In this case, you will need to return to him the previous form: Take the plan and treat them the strapping.
  4. The same method is treated with a wake-up door. Sometimes it happens that the door cannot be closed due to the belling of the canvas. As a rule, this happens through the increased humidity of the atmosphere in the house. That is why the extra moisture should not fall into the room.
  5. In addition, during closing the door can form a gap with a box. To eliminate such an opening, gain a rack box. After fixing the rail, it needs to be treated with a reference and fit under the door. Then the color is performed.

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What if the door fumbled?

As a rule, all people try to put wooden doors in the house.

Repair of interroom doors do it yourself (photo and video)

If the door frame has occurred, it is necessary to put a wedge under the bottom of the right side.

But it is worth understanding that the environment is strongly affected by the environment. It is quite often cracking, swells, breathing. For example, if the door fade, it is best for its restoration. Metal corners are best. Perform repair of the crash construction is easy.

To recover the doors better, try to dismantle them. Remove them with loops and disassemble. All design elements will need to apply special glue. Next, the canvas can be put in order, disguise the cracks and places where drying. Clear door Hold in the clips and wait until it gets up. After that, the canvas hang on the loop in the box.

To repair the cracks and detachable places, you need to use the adhesive mixture and the press. In the form of a press can serve as a heavy item. It will be useful for you to pressed the canvas from above. And with the help of glue, various deformations and emptiness on the design are perfectly filled.

If there are deep enough cracks in the design, then in this case you need to use sawdust and varnish. Sawdust - material for masking such defects.

The interroom door can serve for a very long time without restoration. This requires only the correct care for it. Any detachment can be easily prevented. You should know that such deformations in the tree are rapidly growing over time. Therefore, the sooner you find and eliminate small cracks, the greater the likelihood that they will not spoil the design.

Installing a new door

Repair of interroom doors do it yourself (photo and video)

Diagram installation of the door frame in the opening.

Of course, if the doors are old, it is more profitable to purchase new things than to deal with their restoration.

Pre-remove the cloth with the loops. Elimination of the old door block is carried out by mounting.

Article on the topic: How to place a wall with photos?

Next, think about installing a new door. It is best to acquire collected products. In this case, you will not need to perform additional work.

It is necessary to install the hinges so that the distance from the bottom and from above is about 20 cm. Installation of the lock can be made by drills and chisels. Try to locate the lock at a distance of 1 m from the floor.

Remember that installing the box is required by level. After performing the work, be sure to turn the openings between the wall and the box. Fastening of platbands is possible only after complete foam drying.

To install the door, use the chisels, drills, dowels and screws, water level, mounting foam, wedges, mate.

Also buy more accessories. Note that the cheap doors, as a rule, is not too durable.

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