[Plants in the house] Pandanus: Care rules


Pandanus is a beautiful decorative plant that is often used to decorate home interior. In a natural habitat, this palm tree regularly fruits and blooms. However, when cultivated at home will have to enjoy only its green leaves. Every person who wants to cultivate Pandanus independently, should deal with the peculiarities of care.

[Plants in the house] Pandanus: Care rules


In winter, Pandanus must be grown in well-lit rooms so that he has enough light. In the summer, the plant must be transferred to the shaded premises so that the sun rays do not fall on the foliage. It is necessary to follow the palm to have enough lighting. The lack of light indicates the yellowing and fading of foliage.

Tip! If the plant lacks light, it will have to install additional lamps. They are placed at a distance of 60-70 centimeters from tanks with palm trees.

[Plants in the house] Pandanus: Care rules


Pandanus is a thermo-loving plant, which should grow in warm rooms. In summer, temperature indicators should be at the level of 20-25 degrees of heat. In winter, a decrease in temperature is allowed to 16 degrees above zero. A room in which palm is grown is to periodically ventilate. The plant does not like drafts and therefore the ventilation should not last longer than 15-20 minutes.

[Plants in the house] Pandanus: Care rules


So that Pandanus is well grew, it should be abundantly and regularly water. In hot summer days, watering every three days, after drying the top layer of the soil. In winter, the soil dries not so quickly and therefore watering palm can be 1-2 times a week. It is impossible to water the palm with more often, as this leads to the mooring of the soil. For watering the plant, an accumulated and pinned driver is used, warming up to room temperature.

[Plants in the house] Pandanus: Care rules

Tip! It is not worth using cold water, since the roots rotting can begin because of it.


In order for Pandanus well at home, it will have to regularly feed the organic and mineral fertilizers.

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In the spring and summer, the palm tree is fed by a monthly comprehensive concave mixtures, which contains phosphorus. At the end of summer, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are added to the soil to improve the growth of green mass.

Tip! For fertilizers quickly assimilated, they are added 1-2 hours after soil moisturizing.


Young indoor palm trees need to plant in new pots annually. Adult plants are transplanted less often - every three years. To transplant Pandanus, you need to use the transshipment method. When using such a method, the plant is extracted from the old pot together with the soil.

[Plants in the house] Pandanus: Care rules

To transplant palm, you need to perform the following actions:

  • Pick up a pot. For transplanting Pandanus choose large plastic pots with drainage holes at the bottom.
  • Prepare soil. It is preparing from the turf, sand and humus, which are added in the same quantities.
  • Press the palm tree. The soil mixture is smashed into a new pot and watering water. It makes a hole in a depth of 8-10 centimeters, into which the young Pandanus is transplanted.

[Plants in the house] Pandanus: Care rules

Tip! Adult palm trees that are grown in huge pots can not be replant. If necessary, the container is packed with a new soil mixed with organic and mineral fertilizers.

Pandanus or screw palm tree. Care at home (1 video)

Pandanus in the interior (6 photos)

[Plants in the house] Pandanus: Care rules

[Plants in the house] Pandanus: Care rules

[Plants in the house] Pandanus: Care rules

[Plants in the house] Pandanus: Care rules

[Plants in the house] Pandanus: Care rules

[Plants in the house] Pandanus: Care rules

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