Instruction How to use a doors upholstery kit


Is it possible to update the entrance doors with minimal costs, but the view is at the level? Of course, this is suitable for the inlet door upholstery. This is a whole set in which everything you need is already provided to make work qualitatively, having received a good result. For example, the kit for the upholstery with the foam rubber is already coming with some insulation. It is well used for metal or wooden doors.

Instruction How to use a doors upholstery kit

Door upholstery kit


Dermatin doors upholstery kit is a material for decorative finish, as well as thermal and noise insulation of the front door. Usually, the standard set includes materials such as:
  • finishing strings;
  • Decorative external coating (artificial leather);
  • decorative nails;
  • Materials insulation.

Using all this, as well as guided by the instructions, it is easy to cope with the task even with your own hands.


So how to hide the door with a kit for the upholstery? To answer this question, you need to look into the instructions. She will help to deal with this business. And with the proper use of each part and all the recommendations of the instruction may turn out to be a good updated door.

  1. The first thing the web for processing must be removed from the loops. By the way, it should be noted that this moment requires special attention. If the doors with loops are not removed (and there are such homemade structures), the kit is unlikely to be able to set efficiently.
  2. The equipment is dismantled, that is, the eyes, call, handle, loops, fittings are removed. In a word, it remains clean canvas.
  3. If there is an external lock on the doors, it is also necessary to delete it. After that, you can proceed to further actions.
  4. Cuts a piece for upholstery. It must be 2-4 cm more than the real size of the canvas. It is necessary to consolidate the material on the end and after not to draw it.
  5. First, the insulation is stacked if it is. As soon as the material is decomposed all over the canvase, it must be punctured from the end part. For this, liquid nails are suitable or high-quality glue.
  6. Rolled rollers along the entire length of the door and a width of 8-10 cm. First, they are nailed.
  7. After the insulation is ready, the face of the upholstery is superimposed. Initially, one band of the edge to the ends is nailed in the twisted form. It is very important that the edges of it are sufficient to consolidate. It is attached to several details, it can be ordinary small nails, they most often come in the kit, or the brackets from the furniture stapler. If the doors are wooden, the procedure will not be a special complexity.

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Instruction How to use a doors upholstery kit

The upholstery of wooden doors is a fairly simple lesson. There are sets and for metal canvases. But in this case you will need a greater set of tools. Let's take a look at how to use a set for a metal door, and that it will be needed for this.

Tools and materials

Depending on the thickness of the metal, it will necessarily need a drill with a diameter for nails, most often it is thin. Head facilities for working with metal web will be:
  • drill or perforator;
  • a hammer;
  • Dowel;
  • nails;
  • glue;
  • Passatia;
  • screwdriver.

The principle is not much different from the wooden doors. But it is very important to make the right markup. Only after that you can start drilling holes and installing dowels. It is also necessary to cry the insulation with special glue, preferably throughout the surface of the canvas. After that, you can pull the dermatin. It is also important to correctly do all work on the front side. The upholstery can additionally be nailed to the canvas.


When buying a set, it is very important to pay attention to the drawing. The fact is that for self-use it is better to choose a universal invoice that will help not think about joints and the final form. But if a complicated drawing caught, requiring a selection, you need to strengthen attention during the upholstery process.

It is important to understand that the vinyl, which is used complete, despite the external strength, can break in the process of working with sharp objects, so it is important to work carefully.

Sealer and box

Special attention must be paid to the box. It is necessary to navigate the rollers by its width so that the aesthetics of the door is not lost. It is also important to smoke insulation. It should not interfere with the door to close, so it is important to extinct the gap between the web and the box.

Installing elements

It is important to measure the correctly and install the locations of the lock, eye and handles. It follows that part of the material is present under the elements, then will achieve due results.

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In conclusion, it remains to add that during operation the canvas must be fixed, lying on some elevation.

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