How to Choke a room with different wallpaper: combination method (photo)



One of the most common finishing materials for residential premises are wallpapers that are produced today in a huge range. These can be simple monochromatic coatings, with a flower or geometric pattern, bright with embossed and without painting and even original varieties of photo wallpaper. To issue an interior unusually and attractive, it is recommended to use the combination method. You can cycle different wallpapers creatively, combining them with each other.

Room finishing with wallpaper.

The origine will look at the panel, you can simply highlight individual walls. Using the combinations of different coatings, it is possible to make a dark room visually lighter and wider, fix the flaws of the planning. To properly combine wallpaper, you must first decide which type of coating can be used which technique to choose. Much depends on the variety of material, its colors, drawing.

Variety of Wallpaper for Rooms

Before you begin to combine wallpaper combination, it is necessary to determine not only with color and pattern, but also with what material is made on the wallpaper. Today on the market you can find a variety of products that differ in quality, application technology, appearance.

The easiest option is paper wallpaper.

The canvases are made of natural and environmentally friendly raw materials.

How to Choke a room with different wallpaper: combination method (photo)

Wallpaper wrapping scheme in corners.

The base is made only from paper on which any drawing is applied, including the most modern and trendy options. Products are fine, require mandatory wall preparation.

Vinyl coatings are more durable, they are produced in two versions:

  • canvas on a nonwoven-based basis;
  • Based on high-strength tissues.

Such wallpapers allow you to imitate any material, ranging from wood and textiles and ending with plaster, metal surfaces. They are pasted easily, the joints are practically not visible. The coating is resistant to aggressive, chemical substances, mold, bacteria and other negative agents.

Textile coatings can be produced on a different basis, ranging from jacquard and ending with modern laminated materials. The base is often paper, then there is textile weaving. But today it is possible to find and coatings with the foundation of the phlizelin, such a finishing material is more durable. The width of the canvas may vary from 0.52 m and up to 3.2 m, which opens up ample opportunities for decorating walls.

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Vegetable wallpaper is no less popular. This can include well-known bamboo wallpapers, based on jute, sisal, other vegetable fibers. The coating is not only very attractive and unusual, but also safe, durable and durable. After gluing the wall, you can paint in the desired color, although usually there is no need.

Linker and luminous coatings

How to Choke a room with different wallpaper: combination method (photo)

Wall pastry scheme with wallpaper.

Linker is a coating that is made on the basis of wax, rosin, flax oil, chalk, wood flour. This plastic mass allows you to create unusual coatings imitating the finest stucco. Such wallpapers are used for stylish interiors, most often they are used as a panel, to highlight part of the premises.

Original coatings made using Cybertex 3D technology. They represent the material that is in the dark glowing. Drawings can be selected varied, ranging from urban landscapes, underwater world and ending with geographic, architectural monuments. Today, they are increasingly replacing traditional photographic wallpapers.

Wallpaper combination: benefits

Combined wallpapers are distinguished by originality. With the help of a competent combination of the canvas, you can hide disadvantages of the room, the disproportionality of its shapes and sizes, select the functional zones. Among the advantages of such a simple finish technology must be allocated:

How to Choke a room with different wallpaper: combination method (photo)

Required tools for wicked walls by wallpaper.

  1. The ability to emphasize the merits of the room. Having a single section on the wall with the help of wallpapers of another species, you can focus on this space, to make it central. In this way, attention can be distinguished from the disadvantages of the room.
  2. Zoning space. In any apartment it is important to correctly plan residential and non-residential space. But with a limited area, it is difficult to do this in conventional measures, but the wallpaper does not require much costs, global permutations too. It is enough just to highlight the individual parts of the room with the canvas of another color so that the room looks completely different. Even in a small living room in this way you can easily select the corner for recreation, homemade handicrafts, children's games. In the kitchen, you can highlight the working and dining area, creating 2 completely different spaces in one room.
  3. The method of combining wallpaper can be visually creating a variety of effects. For example, in an unnecessary narrow room, you can visually push the walls, and the square give more comfort, to highlight one part of the room as a central one. This method is recommended to be used in close rooms, where other methods are impossible.
  4. Selection of the so-called focus point. Using the combination of wall coating, it is possible to allocate exactly the element of the room where attention is required. In the bedroom it can be a bed, in the living room - a fireplace or a reading corner, in the kitchen - a dining or working area.

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Methods of putting various wallpaper

Combine wallpaper in residential rooms can be in a different way, but there are certain rules that allow you to create beautiful and unusual combinations, harmoniously and stylishly suitable for any interior. Most often use the combination of shades of monochromatic materials. This option is great for minimalist style, for small rooms and for the interior, which cannot be overloaded with various elements. A transition from more rich shades to less saturated is used. Best and gray shades, ivory and sandy color, Ecrup look. Excellent for a small room, a combination of Pervshch and a sky blue gentle shade will be suitable.

The combination of patterns and monotonous coatings is an option for large and bright rooms in which you want to use bright panels. The main background is the monophonic, best of all bright shades, and one or two walls can be highlighted with bright patterned wallpaper. A geometric pattern, floral ornament, stripes are used. Colors may match either be contrasting. There are many options for using such a combination method, depend on the overall interior, its features, the mood that needs to be created.

A rather complex method of combining is the use of wallpaper with different patterns. Usually this method is suitable for bedrooms, living rooms, cabinets, children, but it is not recommended to apply it for kitchens. With a combination of materials, we need to pay much attention to ensuring that they organically intertwine with each other. Abstractions are perfectly combined with a geometric pattern of any type, but the floral drawings should be combined with wood patterns. When choosing, it is necessary to carefully watch the resulting decor to be pleasant and comfortable, and not rippled in the eyes.

The combination method of shades is used often, but attention is paid to how harmonious they will look at each other. Neutral, for example, it is best to combine with active, and for the modern interior with bold features to optimally use contrasting colors. Similar option for plating wallpapers is great for zoning the space of large rooms.

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Horizontal combinations

This method of dividing the wall lies in the fact that the wallpaper of different types are used for the horizontal separation of the surface. Up to a certain height, the wallpaper of one color and coloring are used, then the curb is going, after which the wallpaper of another color is pasted. The optimal option is to use for the bottom of a darker coating, and for the top - light. This classic finish option could seem boring if there is no modern diversity of finishing materials, with their help you can transform any room, giving it exactly those features that are necessary.

The use of wallpapers of different colors and type today in the interior is becoming increasingly. Using such a simple method, you can achieve a stunning result. Combining only two different types of coating, you can make lighter and spacious even a very small bedroom, and a close living room give more comfort and warmth, make it more comfortable.

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