How to Clean Mud Paper Wallpaper


To decorate the walls today, people increasingly use such material as wallpaper. Today, the canvases are sold in a wide range, but not regardless of the type of bleat wallpaper during their operation they are certainly polluted.

How to Clean Mud Paper Wallpaper

Create wallpaper in a normal condition can always be with screwdrivers

Such a defect is not a reason in order to carry out the repair, because you can remove all the pollution from the wallpaper at home, using the remedies, it is enough to simply clean the decorative surface of paper wallpapers. Let us dwell on how to exist pollution, and what methods of combating them are considered the most effective

Ways to remove stains with cloths

If you used paper wallpaper for sticking walls, then you need to care for them very delicately. In no case, it is impossible to water them, so it will be possible to remove the spot only by dry method.

Method 1

This technology for removing contamination from wallpaper is considered the easiest. It is necessary to use a dry brush for cleaning the carpet and walk over the entire surface of the canvas. As a result of such actions, you can eliminate dirt and dust particles. Making such events is regularly with each cleaning and as needed.

Method 2

If you need to remove traces from the wallpaper from your fingers, the usual stationery eraser will help you. It is necessary to process them the contaminated surface of paper wallpaper and all traces will disappear.

How to Clean Mud Paper Wallpaper

Simple erasing gum can help you in caring for wallpaper

Method 3.

When the task is to remove the fat stain from the surface of the wallpaper, it is necessary to use this method: take a white sheet of paper, attach to the surface and walk along it with a warm iron. Under the action of high temperatures, the fat stain absorbs into a sheet of paper. Performing such a procedure, it is necessary to understand that it is possible to obtain a positive effect only provided that the contamination is fresh. To remove soased spots, no methods are invented. In this case, it will be necessary to make repairs again, despite even the fact that the stain one, it will not be able to clean the cloth.

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Method 4.

Apply this method of cleansing pollution is suitable for paper metallized wallpaper. On their surface there is an aluminum foil with a gold or aluminum coating. Such wallpapers may be damp processing.

How to Clean Mud Paper Wallpaper

Modern paper wallpapers with metallized coating

To eliminate dirt from such crafts, you must follow the following plan:

  • Carefully handle the surface of the canvas of the vacuum cleaner and collect, so dust.
  • Prepare a warm soap solution and apply it to a sponge.
  • Swimmed sponge to handle the contamination area. After that, with the help of dry matter, remove excess humidity.

Removal of serious contaminants

If you have a light layer of dust on the wallpaper, then it will not be difficult to eliminate it. Another thing is when the canvases contain serious pollution. Here it will already be necessary to make special efforts, and you can not do with one infirred means.

How to Clean Mud Paper Wallpaper

On the wallpaper often appear inscription handle, pencil, marker

To effectively and quickly clean the wallpaper from strong pollution, it is worth using the following compositions:

  1. Oxygen powders and bleach, which contains chlorine. Such products are capable of very quickly and easily remove even the most complex pollution. But it is possible to apply them only on bright wallpaper without patterns.
  2. Special pastes and gels that can not only clean the dirt from wallpaper, but also overcome dirt in hard-to-reach places.
  3. Lemon acid and cashem prepared on the basis of water with starch. The funds presented are actively struggling with pollution on the wallpaper, which were left after the marker, ballpoint handles, feltwasters, coffee, juice. For their correct use, it is necessary to process in the means of cotton wool or sponge, and then carefully wipe the contaminated area. Wallpaper is necessary before that moment until the dirty spot disappears.
  4. Talc can be involved in its pure form, but the mixture of starch should dry directly on the surface being processed.
  5. The melamine sponge is a wonderful modern version for removing pollution of various origin. Note such a means is very simple and easy. It is necessary to process the surface with a sponge to the moment the contamination will be completely removed from wallpaper.

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Wallpaper is a very profitable solution for decoration. But during the operation of the canvas, if they are not covered with a protective layer, polluted and lose their attractive appearance. It is not worth upset about this, because with the existing defects it is still possible to compete with the help of the funds presented above. If no one described method gave a positive effect, then most likely you have to repair anew.

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