How to organize a separate garbage collection at home?


According to sociologists, the main reason for the folding of all kinds of garbage in one place is a lack of time and place . The garbage is more profitable to separately storing it in one container.

How to organize a separate garbage collection at home?

Waste collection separately

Waste sorting is based on principle: garbage to be recycled must be separated from the total mass.

The main rule is insulation of organic waste that is polluting. To recycle garbage, it must be pre-divided:

  1. Cardboard and paper. The main thing is that there are no plastic in the waste, the exception is toilet paper.
  2. Plastic. Plastic bottles transparent and transparent.
  3. Glass. Broken glass, banks and bottles.
  4. Metal waste. Canine and aluminum banks.
  5. Batteries. Mercury lamps, batteries and batteries.

How to organize a separate garbage collection at home?

Council. In order for waste into habit to be stored separately, it is recommended to start with one species.

How to sort garbage

To organize a collection, you need to get a box or container. Install the containers can be installed in the kitchen, in the bathroom or in the corridor . If there is not enough space, you can purchase two containers, one for recycling waste, another - for the rest.

How to organize a separate garbage collection at home?

All that for recycling can be laid in one container, and everything else is to another.

Waste collection rules:

  1. On paper there should be no residues of food and organic waste, as well as garbage with the inclusion of plastic and metal inclusions. Revision of such a plan as toilet paper, napkins, checks are not refined.
  2. Plastic container is suitable for processing if there is a marking - at the bottom of a small triangle, and the figure, applied on it, denotes the type of material. This marking is used to confirm that such plastic is accepted in the settlement. Tara needs to rinse, rinse with water, and to save space a bottle can be flattened.
  3. Glass. Glass packaging is taken broken and the whole. Tara must be laid clean.
  4. Metal. Aluminum banks can be minted. It should be noted that the cartridges from the aerosols are not accepted.
  5. When passing batteries and energy-saving lamps of special processing is not required.

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How to organize a separate garbage collection at home?

Optimization of a separate collection of waste

After collecting garbage for 1-2 weeks, it will be known how much useful waste will be sorted, with which frequency it will be necessary to take them on processing into the container, including to know how the plastic is different.

How to organize a separate garbage collection at home?

Several tips, how to optimize the process:

  1. If there is not enough time, you can pass batteries or plastic on processing. The latter will decompose for a very long time, for several years, so it causes significant damage to the environment and leads to the death of mammals and animals. Batteries, falling into a landfill, decompose and their harmful components may be on the ground or in water, and then fall inside the body.
  2. If you start to engage in separate collection of waste, it is sooner or later he brings inspiration, so they want to continue to separate them. In megalopolis, waste can be handed out separately: plastic, glass, paper, metal and batteries. Waste after cooking can be used as a fertilizer in the garden or in the forest, soil, satisfying them in the ingredients, will only be better fruit.

How to organize a separate garbage collection at home?

Attention. The most optimal solution for the metropolis will be the installation of the shredder, that is, waste after will turn into powder and wash off with water into the sewer.

How to organize a separate garbage collection at home?

The separation of waste is an important process that ensures savings, as well as environmental care. Environmentally friendly food, water and air - human health.

Separate garbage collection at home: where to start? (1 video)

How to organize a separate garbage collection at home (7 photos)

How to organize a separate garbage collection at home?

How to organize a separate garbage collection at home?

How to organize a separate garbage collection at home?

How to organize a separate garbage collection at home?

How to organize a separate garbage collection at home?

How to organize a separate garbage collection at home?

How to organize a separate garbage collection at home?

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