Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos


Probably, each mother is trying to give her baby all the beautiful, spend with him as much time as possible and help with the development of various kid abilities. If you are going to develop a shallow motility of hands, then we suggest to make you a small toy from plasticine with a child. For boys, the aircraft modeling will be the most promising. After all, the boys most often like to crash, sculpt, play with all cars and aircraft. One of the best of the developing games is the model of plasticine, but it will become much more interesting and more exciting if you have the most real copy of the real plane from plasticine for the literally half hour.

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

Go to practice

In today's article, we offer you the most detailed instructions for the aircraft modeling for passengers, although their variations are a huge amount: cargo or military, for example. In each option, it is necessary to first make it consider every feature of the aircraft. In order to make a plane from plasticine with your own hands, it is necessary to prepare such materials as the plasticine itself (preferably gray, blue or black colors), the tools will serve matches and stack. You will also need to stock one free evening and desire.

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

Of course, you can make the most unusual plane, choosing very bright and extraordinary colors. But if you want to blind realistic air apparatus, then select the most common colors such as gray, black, white and blue. The most popular aircraft are made in gray-black or white-blue combinations. First of all, we take plasticine first color, warm it in your hands, soften and roll the ball of the future plane from plasticine.

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

After that, the resulting ball pull in the sausage. Trust this thing to your baby, but tell us how to do it right. The child must pick up a ball from plasticine between the handles or put it between the palm and the board. After that, we roll off the ball with small oscillatory movements back and forth.

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Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

Then help the baby and surpassed the resulting sausage. Then sharpen one of the parts of the sausages, and then round it a little in the form of a real aircraft. Thus, you got a spout. Take plasticine of black and cut a large window in the cockpit of the pilot. Imitation of front windows should resemble crescent.

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

The next fifth step, the kid can make it from the main color of the aircraft wings, and then attach them to the sausage.

It is worthwhile to take into account the fact that if you want to make a beautiful plane, then the wings should not be thin. They must keep their shape.

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

Then take black plasticine, pinch up small pieces from it and attach to the top as windows of portholes on each side of the aircraft. Make a pair of barrels and prepare matches, because you will need to make a turbine.

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

Then attach to the bottom of the turbine housing. We are attached to the places where the wings are connected with the main toh toy.

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

We form the tail. To do this, fix the triangular elements from behind toys.

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

Here is such a plane from plasticine from us. You can hang it on the string and send it to the flight in kindergarten. Sure, this toy will definitely like every boy in this place.

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

Military model

In the second stage of this article, we suggest to deal with you and your baby with how to make a military aircraft on the example of a step-by-step master class with a photo. Prepare a pair of plasticine plasticine green and blue, but you can also make a monophonic aircraft.

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

Preheat plasticine and mix two lumps among themselves. Thus, the future military airplane will be khaki color and even more remind the original.

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

Roll over the plasticine into the ball, which in the future stretch in the form of sausages, from which we make the form of the aircraft.

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Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

Then we take some more plasticine and roll out the shape of the ball.

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

Next, add two balls to the board, and then cut the shape of triangles from the cords.

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

A little closer to the beginning of the aircraft, we attach wings to the aircraft housing.

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

Then make three triangles, from which we swallow the shape of the tail part of the aircraft.

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

At the end of the housing, we place ready-made blanks.

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

Make a small piece of plasticine rectangular bar and press it on the aircraft housing to get a pilot cabin. From plasticine we make glasses.

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

Our military aircraft is almost ready. Add a propeller ahead, which is planted on a big match.

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

That's how we disassembled how the plane can be made step by step.

Plane from Plasticine: Step by step instructions with photos

Video on the topic

We offer to see a selection of video on how to create a plane from plasticine with your own hands.

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