Balcony turnkey with your own hands (photo)



For someone, the balcony still plays the role of a warehouse. From the owners of such loggias, it is often possible to hear the merchants that it's time to disassemble things there, but do not reach your hands. However, using modern technologies, which recently began to be widely applied to the repair of apartments, you can make a beautiful and warm place to hold your holiday. After all, a cozy balcony can be made independently.

Balcony turnkey with your own hands (photo)

Comfort on the balcony can be created with their own hands from simple and accessible to each person items.

After all, add a couple of square meters to its small-sized urban apartments will be happy.

Balcony turnkey with your own hands (photo)

With the help of the balcony, you can significantly increase the area of ​​the room, combining them.

Recently, more and more people rewor their loggias from cold warehouses into warm cozy rooms, color flowers, make workers offices, game children's rooms. There are a lot of options. I'm not so difficult to implement these. Not even having a big construction experience, you can make a turnkey balcony with your own hands.

Loggia turnkey with their own hands implies all mandatory and additional work with wishes.

List of necessary works and tools

The work plan is:

  • glazing (by parapet or with 30 cm removal from parapet);
  • exterior finish;
  • Interior decoration;
  • insulation of sex and work to increase its strength;
  • Strengthening design;
  • insulation and installation of ceilings;
  • Installing any additional elements and accessories, etc.

Of course, all this can be done by contacting specialized companies to repair apartments and balconies. There will always be ready to fulfill any caprice of the customer. Immediately I want to note that there are such cases when only a professional can do the repairs of the balcony. For example, in such cases when the balcony stove itself needs to be converted. Of course, the result of the work performed will depend on the quality of building materials. But, if there is a desire to do everything with your own hands, then having a little experience in construction, it is quite real.

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Balcony turnkey with your own hands (photo)

For construction works on the balcony, you will need: hammer, level, saw, roulette and so on.

Tools that will be needed to create a cozy turnkey balcony with your own hands:

  • stepladder or staircase;
  • Construction pistol (for foam);
  • pencil and roulette;
  • construction level;
  • construction knife;
  • a hammer;
  • Drill and nozzles to her;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • Perforator with a brown;
  • Mounting construction foam and cleaner for it;
  • Dowel, screws, nails;
  • self-tapping screw (with a wide hat);
  • Scotch metallized and vapor insulation;
  • wooden bars or bars;
  • antiseptic;
  • galvanized profile;
  • polystyrene insulation and foam.

Stages of work when creating a turnkey balcony

Removing the balcony, you need to take care of thermal insulation.

Balcony turnkey with your own hands (photo)

The first and most important step towards the insulation of the balcony will be its glazing. The best option will be the installation of metal-plastic windows and balcony blocks. There are also modern technologies that allow both wooden structures to resist the precipitate and temperature drops.

After all, the new loggia should be warm and cozy not only in the warm season, but also in winter. This can be done using stoves of polystyrene foam, fairly lung and with a durable material. Frame made of wooden bars. There is a thermal insulation between them and is fixed with the help of plastic screws and glue. All the gaps that are formed during the work, then it will be necessary to pour construction foam. After its drying, the remains of the foam will need to trim carefully.

Before coating the floor with a floor covering, it is necessary to put a sheet of plywood (its thickness should be at least 1 cm). And on top of it is already putting the selected floor covering. Specialists argue that the most suitable coating for the balcony is laminate. If it is planned to be carried out in the room for a long time, then it is worth thinking about the additional floor insulation. For this purpose, the so-called film warm floors can be used. They are very easily mounted. The first layer is stacked insulating material (foil ozon). Next top is a substrate for a laminate, the so-called heating element. Last layer laminate itself.

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Making a cozy balcony with their own turnkey hands, lay out the walls of the walls.

Balcony turnkey with your own hands (photo)

On balconies, loggias and verandas, the lining on the walls is better to cover with aqualak, and the floors are alkyd varnishes (naturally, if they are wooden).

To attach the selected finishing material, you need to make an additional fraud from the tree (frame). It will be attached to the panels themselves. It is necessary to install it in terms of level. The frame is processed using a primer for wood. The prepared frame attacks facing.

Materials that are used to sew a balcony:

  1. Lining. This is traditional and, perhaps, the most popular of all facing materials. It has many advantages, such as external attractiveness, ease of installation, etc. The main disadvantage is that it is necessary to care for it.
  2. Eurovale. Present wood planks. Reminds usual lining, but it is much more expensive. The main difference is that the Eurovantia is easy to assemble than the usual one.
  3. Siding. Externally, very similar to the Euro woman. The main plus of siding is its durability and fire resistance. Easy mounted.
  4. Plastic panels. For the price they are the most affordable. Panels do not require some or special care. Do not react to air temperature drops.
  5. Alternative materials. These include moisture-resistant plasterboard, Phaneur, etc. When choosing this material, a frame or a metal lattice on the wall is made. It is placed a layer of insulation, and on top everything is trimmed with facing material.

After all the work on the arrangement of the balcony will be performed with their own hands, will remain to make the necessary furniture in it and choose, as the room it will be used.

Balcony turnkey with your own hands (photo)

Balcony turnkey with your own hands (photo)

Balcony turnkey with your own hands (photo)

Balcony turnkey with your own hands (photo)

Balcony turnkey with your own hands (photo)

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