Finishing of slopes of windows Saintwich panels - the final stage of installation


If you plan to install new windows, then you should think about how you will issue slopes. The decoration of slopes of sandwich panels is an excellent option that is combined with windows of any type. This material has many advantages over plasterboard and plastic plates. This method of finishing is very simple and you can carry out installation work on your own and in short time.

Why the sandwich panel?

Initially, we will understand what this building material represents and how it is manufactured. They have a three-layer structure - two sheets of rigid material and insulation. It is thanks to the layer of the insulation of the sandwich panels are called as warm slopes. This material has many advantages that we will discuss in detail.

The front sheet of the sandwich panel for facing windows is made of PVC. This material is quite durable and is stroen. The heat insulating layer consists of mineral wool or polystyrene foam - these materials are non-aggravated. In order to save heat in the room, you need to warm the window as carefully as possible. Sandwich panels have a high level of thermal insulation. Moreover, they also provide additional sound insulation of the room. This material is also famous for its durability and reliability.

Finishing of slopes of windows Saintwich panels - the final stage of installation

Installation does not require special construction skills, you can install them yourself and fast enough. The material is environmentally friendly and when finished, you will not need additional protection. In addition, it is lightweight and when working with him, dust does not stand out, unlike drywall.

Another bonus of this material is its waterproofability, which is important for window slopes. Often it appears condensate due to temperature drops, which can cause the appearance of fungus. This material is not subject to rotting, it will not crumble and does not crack. For the slopes from this building material, it is very easy to care for. They are enough to wipe with a damp cloth. This material is resistant to chemical influences. Another important advantage is its aesthetics. This slightly will easily fit into any interior.

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There are various types of sandwich panels. When choosing a material for finishing windows, purchase panels with one centimeter thickness. Panels can be facing the slope of 5 to 150 cm.

Finishing of slopes of windows Saintwich panels - the final stage of installation


Installation work of window slopes are performed quite quickly. You can set the panel in just one day. The decoration of slopes sandwich panels is simple and you can independently perform all installation work without having special experience.

List of instruments required for installation:

  • N and f profiles;
  • sealant;
  • roulette;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • screwdriver.

If necessary, additionally, you can insulate the slopes, by setting the insulation material on them. They can also serve as a mounting foam. The sealant between the slopes and the window can be liquid plastic - this is a glue based on PVC. Its advantage is that over time it does not darken and does not spoil the appearance of the window. It is necessary that after installing the window, at least 24 hours have passed - this is the time of drying the mounting foam.

Finishing of slopes of windows Saintwich panels - the final stage of installation

Seven times measure cut once. So, we begin mounting work with measurements of slopes, in order to accurately adjust the material under the size of the window. Taking into account measurements, it is necessary to cut three stripes, the upper - parallel windowsill and two side.

It is very important to install the windowsill and slopes at the same time. This will provide better sound insulation and thermal insulation of the window.

The first secure starting profile, which in its form resembles the letter "P". It is initially fixed upper. There should be no gaps between profiles. Their attitudes with a self-tapping screws with length of 8-8.5 mm, the distance between them should be not more than 15 cm.

Using the mounting foam, fill the cracks and emptiness in the slopes. After the foam dry, carefully cut and align it using a cutter. In the already installed top profile insert the panel. Side profiles are attached to the top board using self-samples. Also these profiles are fixed to the wall in 150 mm increments. And the last P-profiles fasten on the windowsill. Clauses between starting stripes fill with liquid plastic. It is not recommended to use the usual sealant, as it draws over with time, and this spoils the appearance of the window. After the liquid plastic in the gaps dry the two side panels.

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Next final stage - installation of finishing profiles. We make measurements and cut off three right strips: one upper and two side. The finish strips are recommended to cut off with a reserve of approximately 2-3 cm, and subsequently shorten them to the desired size.

Finishing of slopes of windows Saintwich panels - the final stage of installation

Then we snatch the profiles on the panel sandwich. In the corners, the bands will go to the mustache and they must be trimmed. On the profiles at the place of the docking, we make the markup of the cutting with a pencil, and neatly cut them at an angle of 45 degrees. The emptiness between the wall and the design is filled with a mounting foam. This will increase the degree of thermal insulation of the window. The docking place of the finish bands can also be melted with PVC glue for a stronger consolidation.

As we see the window facing by this building material - a fairly simple process that can be done very quickly. For finishing, the main thing is to correctly make measurements so as not to spoil the material. This design looks beautiful and fits into any interior. Observing all of the above finishing recommendations, you will provide a high level of thermal insulation and noise insulation of the window. Conduct installation work you can independently without the involvement of specialists. The advantage of this type of facing of window slopes is quite clean work, since you do not have to use plaster or plasterboard.

Video "Finishing of slopes of windows Senvich panels"

The record shows how to set the slopes from the sandwich panels.

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