Installing the roof on a balcony with your own hands: Following the instructions, do yourself


Installing the roof on a balcony with your own hands: Following the instructions, do yourself

To fully use the balcony space in cold or raw weather, you will surely need a roof on the balcony climatic conditions of Russia often costs the problem of housing insulation, because the houses of the old residential foundation are usually freezing in winter, and the bearing walls do not contain insulation. One of the important elements of the insulation of the house and the acquisition of several extra square meters of the square is a balcony and its roof.

Roof on the balcony

This problem is especially relevant for the residents of the last floor, as atmospheric precipitates falling on an unprotected balcony leading to corrosion of metal elements and the destruction of concrete structures. Balconies of intermediate floors are some extent protected by the above-mentioned balconies. However, you can also cover the roofs of the balconies of the intermediate floors, it will protect both atmospheric precipitation and from unwanted insolation, as well as close an unnecessary overview of your balcony from the upper floors.

Installing the roof on a balcony with your own hands: Following the instructions, do yourself

The roof serves to protect against precipitation, rain and melt water, is also one of its basic functions - thermal insulation

While under the indoor balcony, the person will be well protected from serious injury to falling icicles or courses of concrete structures.

Installing the roof on the balcony - the operation is very complex and can hardly be carried out and alone. This action requires the involvement of special techniques or superbid specialists with climbing equipment. In the first of all, it is necessary to obtain permission to redevelop the appearance of the house, coordinate the project of your roof in the BTI and get the documentation in the Architectural and Planning Department of the district, to get a positive decision of the housing inspection.

Unauthorized redevelopment can be an object of unpleasant trial, and you may be obliged to regain the balcony in the original appearance and the costs incomprehensible to the roof installation.

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Two types of roofs for the balcony

Glazing and overlapping balcony - Operation Routine, requiring certain knowledge and skills.

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Installing the roof on a balcony with your own hands: Following the instructions, do yourself

The main thing is that it is necessary to decide on the installation is the type of roof design.

The roof of the balcony is two types:

  • Independent design , based on spars and ribs of rigidity of a frame from a corner or foreign beams. Welded frame frame, mounted on an outer wall. As a rule, such a roof must be enhanced by oblique backups, which are also attached to the wall with dowels or anchor screws. This is a heavy and expensive design, it is the only option if the glazing balcony is not provided in general (for example, you want to sunbathe and breed plants on this balcony). If your balcony is very long, then the roof for an independent type balcony allows you to use only light non-metallic roofing materials. This design has a high sailboat, so with a strong wind and the absence of glazing the roof can collapse.
  • Dependent design Loading on longitudinal lags and beams of glazing frames. It is believed that this is a cheapest option than an independent variety, since, of course, does not require its own carrier frame. Its reliability is even less than that of dependent design, and it can only be applied to the glacled balconies.

Roofing materials

Currently, there are many materials for the manufacture of roofs, with a variety of strength, aesthetic, operational and price characteristics.

Installing the roof on a balcony with your own hands: Following the instructions, do yourself

There is a huge set of roofing materials, so it is important to know some nuances and secrets

To cover the balcony, most often apply:

  • Professional flooring. The material is a galvanized steel sheet, corrugated. It is the most durable and inexpensive material, especially professional flooring. The relief of the surface acts as a ribbiness, which allows such a roof to hold significant impulses of the wind and the mass of snow. The disadvantages of the professional flooring are the tendency to corrosion, a non-resistant roar and climbing when windscreen.
  • Cellular polycarbonate. Flexible, chemically inert, beautiful and practical material. Not destroyed even with long-term exposure to sun rays, shockproof, light.
  • Ondulin. Imitating the surface of expensive ceramic tiles (which is not actually used for balcony roofs), it is a soft material, requires additional consolidation. Ondulin does not withstand shocks, so it should be put on the hard framework.
  • Glass windows made of tempered glass. The most expensive option, however, is very beautiful and spectacular, the roof is obtained shiny, openwork, almost transparent.

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Preparation of wall and montage of frame

Very few dared to make the frame and the roof with their own hands. Qualified specialists can make almost any balcony with a roof, perfectly knowing the sequence and creatures of operations. The roof of the balcony can be performed with their own hands in case of possession of the situation.

Installing the roof on a balcony with your own hands: Following the instructions, do yourself

Roof frame and carrying construction consist of a metal profile

The main technological items of work are:

  • Design. It is necessary to determine the type of design, make a welded frame. For it is used by an area of ​​at least 70 mm, the slope must be made at least 40 degrees to the horizon so that the snow is easily sculpted from your roof, and the birds could not hold on it, scratching the roof. In the general case, the splint sets should be made at a distance of at least 1 meter so that the frame has the necessary rigidity.
  • Frame fixing. The roof frame for the balcony is attached to the anchor screws at a depth of at least 80 mm. The lamb of the wooden bar, impregnated with antiseptic composition, is laid directly on it.
  • Glazing. After that, the framework is made for glazing and installing frames with double-glazed windows.
  • Laying the roof. The roof is laid by attaching special screws to the shepherd.

The junction between the roof and the wall of the house is sealed outside and from the inside with silicone sealant.

Roof exploitation

In principle, today the tasks of expanding residential spaces due to insulation and glazing balcony, as was the same in the 1990s. The maintenance of the roof in proper condition is simply a regular inspection of its roof balcony, timely detection of depressurization and roof defects, their immediate elimination. In the summer, on the south side of the roofing can be significantly heated, and this can increase the air temperature in the apartment.

Thus, the roof on the last floor balcony is the work of the owner of the apartment, although in some projects new buildings are already equipped with indoor and glazed balconies that are essentially winter gardens. The balcony with a roof looks much more cozy, the roof protects a person from atmospheric precipitation, curious views, falling objects and solar radiation. Properly made roof on the balcony serves dozens of years and may be damaged only in exceptional cases.

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Examples of roof installation on a balcony with your own hands (photo)

Installing the roof on a balcony with your own hands: Following the instructions, do yourself

Installing the roof on a balcony with your own hands: Following the instructions, do yourself

Installing the roof on a balcony with your own hands: Following the instructions, do yourself

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