Pillow Roller: Form and Filler Selection Rules



Pillow Roller: Form and Filler Selection Rules

Many of us think that the pillow-roller is the know-how of our time. As soon as we started paying attention to high-quality sleep and attributes for rest, then they remembered such pillows. But the rollers existed long before the appearance of pillows, for example, with holofiber. Once the rollers were used as a sidewalls for wooden sofas and beds. They were finished with luxurious tissues and draperies, and filled with horse hair or straw. Today, roller pillows are experiencing "Renaissance Epoch" and are becoming popular again. And we use them not for the decor, but for a healthy sleep. After all, we know that the cause of insomnia, pain in the cervical spine can be the usual pillow.

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What is the so unique pillow-roller? Let's start with the fact that the symptoms of bad sleep and spine pain can be associated with bulky pillows. They contribute to the stress of the thoracic spine, while the chin area, on the contrary, is relaxing. This position in a dream and becomes the cause of pain, and sometimes migrain and even osteochondrosis. So the roller "places" the body to the right position.

  • The pillow-roller cleans the deflection in the chest and supports the neck in a comfortable position.
  • The pillow is used not only for the cervical, but also for the lumbar department - it will relax the muscles of the back.

It can be said that the roller will become a preventive tool from the diseases of the spine, osteochondrosis and lower back pain.

Pillow Roller: Form and Filler Selection Rules

Three pillow selection rules

As for the form, there are no variations here - the roller is because it is called that it has one form. But width, height and number of rollers can vary. How to choose a comfortable roller for yourself?

  1. The first parameter is height. It is easy to determine it - measure the distance from the bottom of the neck to the shoulder. This will be the height of the product you need. As a rule, such pillows are produced with a height of 14 and 10 cm.
  2. The second parameter is width. And here everything is simple - the same pillow will be comfortable, the width of which is 5-7 centimeters than the width of your shoulders. There are rollers with an orthopedic form - their width is slightly smaller and they are created to maintain the cervical department. Such pillows will suit those who suffer from osteochondrosis.
  3. The third parameter is additional "functions". Yes, the roller can also have additions. For example, the "memory effect" when the product remembers the position of the head, or perforation. The last addition will strengthen the heat exchange and will pass the air well.

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The rollers for children are best to choose with two sidelights on the edges - they will allow you to keep both the head and the spine at the same level. And, of course, your personal preferences will be the main criterion of choice. If it is possible to lie down on the pillow and it is suitable whether it is suitable, choose the one on which the back, and the cervical department will feel as comfortable as possible.

Pillow Roller: Form and Filler Selection Rules

What filler is better

What the know-how touched, so these are fillers. Modern hypoallergenic pillows are performed from the most practical and even medicinal fillers.

  • Polyurethan. The most popular filler in which dust does not accumulate and ticks do not appear. Polyurethane foam accurately takes the shape of the head, and after sleeping is not dents left. Another advantage of the filler - it is resistant to external influences and is easy to clean.
  • Polyester. The rollers with such a filler will cost inexpensively, and the main advantage of the material - polyester makes it easy to form height and shape, due to the fact that it is a lot of small balls. True, such a pillow will have to constantly beat.
  • Buckwheat husk. Products with such a filler are considered the most healing. It is such pillows that are recommended to those who suffer from bronchial asthma, since Luzga is absolutely hypoallergenne. The roller with a buckwheat filler will be the rigidity and possess the "memory effect". Luzga will also perform the role of a cosmetics - it produces micro-massage of the skin of the face.

From a practical point of view, it is better to choose a product from polyurethane foam or latex - a pillow can be cleaned, and it will not lose form. But Luzga and Polyester poorly tolerate moisture - for such a roller it is worth choosing a decorative pillowcase. And by the way, the roller can be used for decor - it is enough to "climb" it in the fabric, which will emphasize the style of your bedroom.

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