How to grind the walls with glue, preparing them to shook the wallpaper


The primer is a unique solution that is actively used before sticking wallpaper. If this is not done, then all the glued canvases will accelerate over time, with the result that you will again have to do all the work again.

How to grind the walls with glue, preparing them to shook the wallpaper

Good primer will allow you to quickly and hard to shove wallpaper

It doesn't matter here, what glue you used when sticking wallpaper. Sometimes even the highest quality products do not allow to achieve an effective coupling. But even when choosing a primer glue, such criteria should be taken into account as the composition of the means, its adhesive properties.

Preparatory activities

Grinding wall glue should be performed only after the preparation actions are made, that is, the surface is obliged to be perfectly clean and smooth. Only this will allow you to qualitatively glue the wallpaper and not fulfill all the decoration events.

Before installing wallpaper and applying primer, it is necessary to carefully examine the surface for damage. If they are present, then everything needs to be eliminated using putty. After that, remove the entire old material from the walls of the walls.

How to grind the walls with glue, preparing them to shook the wallpaper

Most often primer composition has such color and consistency

When the surface of the walls is prepared, then you need to take the necessary devices. Here you can not do without a wide roller, special containers for the solution and the primer itself.

Before performing the grinding of the walls with glue, you need to dress accordingly. Be sure to take care of the protection of the skin so that the primer composition does not harm her.

So that the harmful components of the primer do not get into the respiratory tract, it is worth protecting them with a respirator. The reason for anxiety lies in the fact that the primer glue can cause allergies.

What makeup is best suited

On the arrival in the construction store, you will open a wide range of specified products. What to choose in such a situation, and what solution is best? Here you need to take into account the type of wallpaper used and operating conditions. The primer compounds used before cutting wallpaper can be of various variations. Classify them with regard to the surface on which it will be used, as well as by the type of binder component.

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The primer is presented in a construction store from various manufacturers. The choice of the appropriate should determine only you yourself, given the qualitative characteristics of a certain composition. If you decide to pay attention to well-known brands, then their cost will be much higher.

How to grind the walls with glue, preparing them to shook the wallpaper

Primer composition from the famous German manufacturer

Very often implemented under the guise of a primer solution such a cheap option as PVA glue. But this option does not always allow to get high-quality clutch, although many people choose this glue and are very satisfied with this composition. If you decide to handle the surface of the wall before sticking wallpaper, then it is necessary to breed it with water.

But this primer does not end. Many manufacturers make effective means that in many criteria can occupy leading positions compared to PVA.

Primer may be such species:

  • alkyd;
  • glyphthaled;
  • acrylic.

The alkyd composition is perfectly applied to the surface of the tree. Due to the unique composition, it is possible to qualitatively prepare a tree to further shook wallpaper. But you can not always apply such primer. It can not be applied to the surface of the walls of plaster. When the surface is processed, it will finally dry it within 15 hours.

The following type of primer is glyphthale. They are in great demand before mixing wallpapers on metal and wooden surfaces. You can also conduct processing on a wall covered by primer, the only condition so that low humidity is present in the room. The lack of primer consists in its long-term drying, for this you need to wait for a day.

How to grind the walls with glue, preparing them to shook the wallpaper

Universal acrylic primer

Acrylic primer today applies to the most popular means when the wall processing is required before cutting the canvas. It does not have the smell, it can be used for walls from various material, except for metal. It will dry very quickly, so it is possible to glue the wallpaper after 5 hours. Such a primer can have an ordinary or deep action. The second option should be applied in the case when the blending of wallpaper will occur on an unprepared surface.

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If you do not want to use a special primer composition, then you can produce the walls of the walls by means of any wallpaper glue. To do this, impese glue in liquid consistency and apply it on the wall. The consistency of the wallpaper glue, which must be observed for the priming of the walls, is indicated on the pack.

How to grind the walls with glue, preparing them to shook the wallpaper

Best for primer is suitable inexpensive wallpaper glue

How to applied

If you are determined with the type of composition used, you can proceed to directly applying it. However, that make careful processing you need to know in which areas of the surface composition is distributed in a smaller and greater volume.

This suggests that the surface of the wall has an inhomogeneous structure, in some place of the pores are present in more, and in some less. In order to recognize it, it is worth handling the wall with water, and then carefully examine it. In the place where water evaporates quickly, putting primer worth it is pretty and carefully.

After that, it is worth calculating and understanding the consumption of primer to a specific area. To do this, you need to take the area of ​​the covered surface to multiply by 1.5. The value obtained is an approximate amount of primer, which will go to one layer, is measured in liters. For high-quality processing, it is worth applying the composition in two layers.

How to grind the walls with glue, preparing them to shook the wallpaper

It is impossible to leave dry places, it is necessary to control the process of applying the composition

The selected solution is pouring into any container, dip in the liquid roller, press over and start to apply a primer solution to the surface. In the process of performing work, it is necessary to thoroughly make each wall zone. At the same time, it is important to ensure that there is no dry plot anywhere. If hard-to-reach sections occur, they are processed using a painting brush.

When the first layer was caused and thoroughly dry, then the primer can be applied. Before it is worth spending palm over the wall surface, where the first composition was applied, and see if there is a white flare. In the case of its presence, it is necessary to use primer for the subsequent layer with the property of deep penetration.

When the last layer is drying, then you need to evaluate the work done. If the surface has become smooth and slightly sticks to the hands, then everything is done correctly.

The primer is a very important process before sticking wallpaper. Only the appropriate composition and proper application will guarantee you high-quality finishing with wallpaper. Choose a primer solution with a material that is applied to the surface of the wall (concrete, wood, plasterboard, plaster).

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