What filler for doors is better to choose and for what criteria


Many apartment owners today are installed external armored and steel doors. It is necessary to choose the external door correctly, rating not only the metal thickness in the doorway, but also the characteristics of the filler. Good operating characteristics of the door are depending on this. They need to be carefully examined to make a decision, what kind of doors filler will suit in your family.

What filler for doors is better to choose and for what criteria

Door elements in section.

What is the internal filling of the door design? The purpose of these structural elements is the thermal and noise isolation of residential premises from the impact of the outside world. As a result of the use of fillers, the degree of stiffness of the door canvase increases. In direct relationship there are the quality of the internal filler and the possibilities of the external door design exercise their main functions. To understand what filler is better to use in order to insulate the external door, it is necessary to find out what their characteristics are. What filler for doors is better to choose? This question is asked all people who have to solve the problem of acquiring a metal door.

For what criteria should choose these materials: what a filler for doors to buy

What filler for doors is better to choose and for what criteria

Door cut with cell filler.

  1. They should be safe for the environment and family members living in this apartment.
  2. Maximum isolation from external noise in public corridor is necessary.
  3. The door must reliably keep warm in the apartment.
  4. The door canvas should be moistureproof.
  5. The door must serve for a long time during its operation.
  6. Masters the price for which the owner of the apartment is calculated.

Each owner of the apartment has its own priorities when arranging their homes. For someone, the price does not matter for another silence in the house and so on. But it is imperative to stay in the house was safe for all family members. Therefore, it is precisely this criterion to take into account first of all by choosing building materials to solve the problem of isolation of an external input opening.

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Mineral wool from rocks

What filler for doors is better to choose and for what criteria

Characteristics of the main brands of mineral wool.

Earlier, the use of this fibrous material was limited to the defense industry. And only now it began to apply in construction.

  1. Such an innovative filler is a universal material for thermal insulation and noise absorption.
  2. Its price is relatively low and accessible to everyone.
  3. This substance has a fibrous composition and is made from molten rock or blast furnace slag.
  4. Mineral wool, which was obtained by the first way (stone wool), is a high-quality filler with excellent properties.
  5. This insulation is resistant to the effect of high temperature, dampness and aggressive medium, has a small shrinkage.
  6. 6. Therefore, this substance is undemandingly to the operating conditions and can serve more than half a century.
  7. 7. This material allows you to perform environmentally friendly filling of the door leaf, providing reliable protection of the room.
  8. 8. The excellent quality of the stability of mineral wool to ignition is used when installing fire structures and doors.

Builders consider this excellent fire-resistant filler by one of the most effective materials for filling the designs of the door leaf. But all this concerns the mineral wool produced from rocks.

Slag wool: features

What filler for doors is better to choose and for what criteria

Scheme of steel door with rubber seal.

Mineral wool, which was obtained from a domain slag (slag wool), in adverse conditions of damp, high or low temperature and various types of deformations, does not have the properties of reliable durability.

Such mineral wool has a big drawback. Oding this substance occurs over time. This leads to the formation of emptiness in the cavity of the door design. In order to avoid this manufacturers, additional ribs are installed, which do not allow the filler to slide down.

Usually the sphere of its application is the country construction, the construction of temporary structures and structures that can be easily subjected to repair.

Corrugated cardboard: advantages and disadvantages

What filler for doors is better to choose and for what criteria

The main characteristics of corrugated corrugations.

This is an inexpensive insulation for a door having an excellent property. It absorbs noises. The special design of this filler is similar to "bee honeycombs". It is a frame of corrugated cardboard inside a metal door.

  1. For this material, rigidity, horizontal resistance and vertical are characteristic. The rigidity of the corrugated cardboard gives corrugated paper located between the carton layers.
  2. His special composition does not miss moisture.
  3. Also, the merchandise of corrugated cardboard includes low weight, not taking the design of the door, and relatively low prices.
  4. Low price, good heat and noise insulation are undoubted advantages of this filler.

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But this insulation has drawers. Since it is a dense paper, the increased humidity acts on it destructive. For this reason, the timing of the operation of such external door structures is reduced if their tightness is impaired.

Polyfoam: effective, but can be dangerous

What filler for doors is better to choose and for what criteria

Characteristics of foam.

  1. This is a good heat insulating material with excellent noise absorbing qualities.
  2. His porous structure gives the filler with excellent sound-absorbing qualities, frost resistance and nonhygroscopic.
  3. The foam - harmless, environmentally friendly material, which is distinguished by durability and long retains its operational qualities.
  4. Being one of the most effective heat insulating materials, it has a very affordable price.

But serious disadvantage is its extreme flammability. It melts very quickly, burns. With burning, they allocate a very large number of toxic combustion products and poisonous smoke. Such parameters do not allow the foam to be considered the optimal option for filling the external door.

Foamed polyurethane

What filler for doors is better to choose and for what criteria

The main schemes for the location of dispersed fillers.

This material that has many bubbles in its composition. Therefore, it has ease and durability. The voids of the door space are filled with this filler tight. The modern building market offers two types of polyurethane: elastic and hard. The greatest application has the last.

  1. It is characterized by high wear resistance, moisture resistance, durability, environmental friendly, effectively protects against foreign sounds. This is a good insulation.
  2. Usually such a substance is used to install external high-quality doors, since it has a high cost than minvata and foam.

In addition, being a synthetic material, the polyurethane filler is easily flammified and toxic substances. This can be an argument against such a material when solving the problem, which filler for doors find.

Pincers: pros and cons

  1. The polyrophythine combined the very valuable features of synthetic materials - fillers for metal doors. This material is characterized by good characteristics of heat and sound insulation for a long time.
  2. The term of its operation is calculated up to 70 years, it is resistant to various loads.
  3. Its advantages are in low weight, ease of installation, resistance to chemicals. It is injected under pressure and does not give a shrinkage, unlike mineral wool.
  4. Characteristics of fire safety of this substance are significantly better than that of polyurethane filler and foam.

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However, it is still easily flammable material. And this is his serious minus when choosing a heater. Need to remember this by making a decision which filler for doors apply.

What filler for doors choose, decide the owner of the apartment. However, buying material, you need to extract its consumer properties. The features of the filler affect the insulation qualities of the door cannol. By purchasing the door, you should look not only on its aesthetic qualities, but also to know what is filled with this door canvas. It is also useful to explore the documents for these materials. In this case, you can make a conscious choice and decide which insulation for doors to purchase.

What filler for doors is better to choose and for what criteria

Door cut with insulation Polyenopolster.

By analyzing and comparing building materials that can be used as fillers of an external metal door, you can come to the conclusion:

  1. Comparing the heat engineering characteristics of polystyrene and minvati, we can talk about their equivalent.
  2. With regard to noise absorption, the filler from Minvati is more preferable.
  3. In modern conditions, the most preferred option for isolation of external metallic doors of the economy class can be considered a high quality mineral wool (stone wool). It is this filler that is capable of providing good insulating properties of an external door. In addition, it is most safe. It is the safety of building materials that takes into account when solving the problem, which filler for the door to prefer.
  4. When filling out the external metal doors of the business class, polystroplane and foamed polyurethane are commonly used, since they are more expensive and have good insulating qualities. But these materials are flammable.

The correct choice of material for filling the external door will help make the home more cozy and comfortable.

The problems of insulation are solved by each owner of the apartment individually.

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