Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin


The cover for books is gaining great popularity recently. The process of its creation helps to develop a fantasy, patience in some cases, fine motility of hands and many other positive qualities. In this article, we consider examples of different types of covers with your own hands.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Hard cover

As we all know, the hardcover is made in printing. But sometimes straight and want to make some new cover for a book from cardboard with your own hands. The process of making a cardboard cover can be traced on the example of a master class for everyone.

For the cover, take a solid cardboard, paper, PVA glue, stapler and other pride tools.

We distribute sheets of 8 pieces into separate stacks.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

We fold a stack by collapse.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

We fasten paper.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cut out the pieces of fabric with the same height, and the width should be thicker five times. Then we glue along the side line fabric.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cut from cardboard three details. The dimensions correspond to the paper stack, the third part - the root - is equal to the width of the stack.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Close the cardboard with a cloth.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

We wash the edges and glit to the cover of a stack of paper or an old book.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cut the forgeds (substrate) from paper.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

We glue it.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

This is such a solid cardboard cover.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Wrapped paper

The process of manufacturing the wrapping cover can be traced on the example of a small master class. For work, take a paper wrapper.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

We put paper on the table. Measure the size of the book and put it on the middle of the paper.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Then horizontal lines spend along the upper and lower edges of the book. Then bend the paper along these lines.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

We put back the book in the wrapper center.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

We drive the edges in width, then bend the book and we bring the second side.

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Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Take a book in the cover and that's it. Cover is ready.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

At the end, you can decorate the book under your taste.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Beautiful and stylish

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

If you want to make a good and high-quality hardcover, then the next master class is for you. The first step, you must measure the size of the book, cut out a couple of parts from Beresta. We apply a pattern on Beresto. You can make beautiful various curls, flower and notches.

You can apply patterns only on the front or on both parts. Cut the patterns using a special tool. Cover the cover of varnish or some kind of paint with a matte tint. We glue the details from Berestov to the ready-made fabric case.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

For a pocket book

The next stage we suggest to consider creating a cover for a small pocket book from the skin with your own hands. The manufacturing process can be viewed on the example of step-by-step instructions.

Draw a rectangle on a cardboard size under our book, making an allowance for half a cape on each side.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cut it.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cut the same rectangle on the skin and briefly put it in hot water.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Stamp beautiful drawing. You can skip this stage.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Bend a leather cover on the desired form and leave for one night under the press.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

On the perimeter we pass by the eyes, making canvas.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

We flash the skin around the edges. This is a rather cerebral job, so you have to spend another evening if you are new to this business.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Now you need to work on the clasp. Cut the letter H a stationery knife.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Crow the upper ends.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

With chalk we plan the lines that we will flash in the future.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

We do hole hole for the buttons and install the fasteners.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

The first is ready, we make one more.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

We glue a clasp cover.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Install the buttons.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Send from the wrong side the clasp.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Send a small rectangle of white leather.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

This is such a beautiful cover turned out.

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Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Instead of buttons, you can also make a zipper. Cut the rectangle is a little wider than the size of the book. The process of starting exactly the same, and at the end we sew a zipper on the sides, instead of a fastener of buttons.

Simple cover

The process of manufacturing the cover from fabric can be traced on the example of the master class. We propose to create an ordinary cover form, as on a notebook, but unusual in components: a cover from a tissue with a lining, and the most important thing is that no seams are visible at all.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cut the rectangle for the size of the book and we spawn the front-side pins inside. Stead them among themselves.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cut the allowance and irrigate.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

On the front side, we flex a latch to that width that was laid on the basis.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Filing the cloth as shown in the photo.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Left reject lining.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

And transfer it upstairs.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

We spawn the pins all the layers and spend. Leave some fabric for turning.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

The next step will need to cut the corners and trim the allowance.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Soak the cover and reveaning the seams. We sew a little left for turning place.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Insert the book in the cover and that's it.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Crochet option

We offer to view schemes for creating crochet and needles.

Cover based on belt.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cover on the book.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Scheme cover for books.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cover for a book with a pattern.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Effect of antiquity

If you prefer books under the old days, then this master class is for you.

In order to make such an effect, take the book, the paint is ordinary, then staring paint, rubber prints and stamps, paint stamp.

Take the books and clean them from surplus, degrease the acetone.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Cover the book of ordinary paint.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Then we apply a staring paint and stamps on the book.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Here are such ancient books from us.

Cover for books with your own hands under the antique of cardboard and skin

Video on the topic

We suggest to consider a selection of video to create covers for books with your own hands.

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