Decor with liquid wallpaper


Decor with liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper is a ceiling - wall-mounted coating made of eco-clean materials. Liquid wallpaper will be remarkably fit into any interior of your home. Without fears, they can be saved the bedroom and the children's room, because the liquid wallpaper is made and natural products - cellulose, cotton and silk fibers. Thanks to these fibers, the surface of liquid wallpapers is pleasant to the touch and pleases the eye. All sorts of drawings and patterns on the surface of liquid wallpapers give them comfort and comfort in the house.

Liquid wallpaper is good because they decorate both walls and any other surface. Working with such wallpaper, you get one pleasure and desire to create.

Types of wall and ceiling liquid wallpapers

  • Liquid silk wallpapers
  • Liquid cellulosic wallpapers
  • Liquid Wallpapers Cellulosen - Silk

Liquid wallpapers in spite of their variety of just three types.

Liquid silk wallpaper

The basis of liquid silk wallpapers is considered natural silk fibers. Therefore, silk liquid wallpaper looks rich and aristocratic. The highlight of such a wallpaper gives the difference in the size of the fiber and their color decoration in the interior design. Silk liquid wallpaper can easily change the design of a small room. This type of wallpaper is ideal for office space.

Silk liquid wallpaper can be produced, with the addition of sequin, which will undoubtedly decorate your walls and ceiling.

Accordingly, you must understand that the price of these wallpapers is not so accessible to everyone, therefore, they are not so often used.

Liquid silk wallpapers for a long time retain their primary appearance. Maybe you should not be afraid to spend money on a good purchase?!

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Decor with liquid wallpaper

Liquid Wallpapers Cellulosen - Silk

Cellulosen - silk liquid wallpapers - this is a cross between expensive and cheap liquid wallpaper. These liquid silk and cellulose wallpapers make. These wallpapers are often found in medical facilities, as they are resistant to ultraviolet rays.

Cellulosenly - silk wallpaper will be interesting to look at any room.

Decor with liquid wallpaper

Liquid cellulosic wallpapers

The basis of liquid cellulose wallpaper is cellulose natural fibers. These wallpapers have a cheap price, because they are not durable and have a small resistance to light. Basically, liquid cellulose wallpapers are used to design the interior of the bathroom and the corridor.

Decor with liquid wallpaper

What are the benefits of liquid wallpaper:

  • Natural eco-material
  • Antistatic
  • Moistgradable
  • Economical
  • Practical liquid wallpaper

What are the shortcomings of liquid wallpaper:

  • Easily washed off with water
  • Not always easily accessible

Preparation of walls and ceilings to coloring with liquid wallpaper

Concrete walls or ceilings

Concrete walls need to be pressed, then apply white primer. Give the wallpaper wall to dry during the day.

Gypsum wall or ceiling

Such a plasterboard coating first put sand, and then soaked with white acrylic soil. Whatever the plasterboard walls appeared, spots should be placed in several layers. After that, covered with ground paint.

Walls and ceilings from plywood and tree origin

Such walls are lubricated by alkyd enamel and apply a brine paint on top. And only then, smear with liquid wallpaper.

Oil and paint walls and ceilings

Walls and ceilings carefully examine, remove the old swollen coating and putty. Then the 2 layers of the grinding paint are applied.

How to dilute liquid dry wallpaper

For breeding liquid dry wallpaper, it is necessary to take a container, preferably plastic. Pour the amount of water that is indicated on the packaging of liquid wallpaper. Be careful!!! Observe the proportions.

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Stir the mixture and let it stand for about 12 hours. During this time, she should ravel. Stir again and add another 1 liter of water.

Decor with liquid wallpaper

How to cover the ceiling and walls with liquid wallpaper

To coating with liquid wallpaper wall coating or ceiling, make sure that the temperature in the room is 17 degrees.

Ceiling and walls cover both manually and mechanically.

Covering with manual way, wallpaper are applied using a brush, structural roller or spatula. The layer should be about 5 mlm. The texture of the ceiling is attached after 5 hours of drying.

With mechanical application, a gun is used - a spray gun. This ukrit processing and decoration of walls. But the texture will still have to apply a structural roller.

The time for drying liquid wallpaper is two days.

We make a drawing on liquid wallpaper

Apply a sketch on the wall or ceiling by a simple pencil. Then apply liquid wallpapers along the contour of the pencil. Scroll through the spatula and let's dry. If you want to apply another type of wallpaper, you should make an indentation from the previously applied layer of liquid wallpaper.

Beautifully looks like drawings using beads, brushes and various threads. For drawing on liquid wallpaper, silk wallpapers are better fit.

Decor with liquid wallpaper

Restoration of liquid wallpapers and rules for the care of them

Liquid wallpaper is easy to care. It is enough to periodically make them a vacuum cleaner to preserve their purity and freshness.

To restore liquid wallpaper, you need to remove a damaged surface with water. And then again apply a new layer of liquid wallpaper. Do not worry after drying a new layer, the difference will be absolutely invisible.

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