Restoration of old doors with your own hands: Effective update method


Real wooden doors are quite expensive pleasure in our time. Therefore, it is not necessary to throw away the boning old doors, if their form leaves much to be desired or does not meet the freshly combined wallpaper and new furniture. Of course, you can buy modern hollow glued doors at a low price or lay out a rather round sum and make to order from a natural tree. However, why throw money on the wind, if there are no good-quality doors and are in their place? In this case, the best way out is to hold a home restoration of old doors with your own hands, because the new product will also have to grind and paint, and you still need to cut the loops and locks. But restoration is not just painting or coating self-adhesive film. In order for the doors to be transformed, you need to remove all the layers of paint, then spend the surface to put the surface to smooth the defects, pollute and only then cover with varnish or matte enamel.

Restoration of old doors with your own hands: Effective update method

The restoration of the old door will cost much cheaper shopping new.

Preparation of old doors to repair

It is best to restore the door leaf to spend in a separate room or on the street, since this procedure is rather dusty and requires free space. The following tools are needed for work:

  • electric drill;
  • Fazing saw;
  • construction hairdryer;
  • putty knife;
  • Fomka;
  • chisel;
  • screwdriver;
  • brushes;
  • a hammer;
  • Shooter manual.

Materials required for restoration of doors:

Restoration of old doors with your own hands: Effective update method

Restoration tools doors.

  • primer deep penetration;
  • small and large sandpaper;
  • varnish or paint;
  • putty;
  • accessories;
  • platbands;
  • Chase strokes for glazed doors.

Prepare all the necessary tools and materials, you can remove the doors with loops and lay in a horizontal position on a flat surface. When removing the doors, it is necessary to use a bag only as a last resort and act carefully, so as not to spoil the door leaf. If the upholstery is present, it is removed and left the object for the restoration in the primordial appearance. Then remove the locks, knobs, from the glazed doors, take out the glass (it is better to replace them with new).

After that, they begin to remove paint with a construction hairdryer. For this, small areas of the painted surface are heated and immediately after swollen paint eliminate it with a spatula. After every 15 minutes, the hair dryer must be turned off and take a break for 5 minutes. It is necessary in order to prevent the tool breaking, especially if it is unprofessional. During operation, it is not necessary to lean over the hairdryer very low, since the temperature of it is heated to 6000 °.

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In this way, it is removed most of the paint, but some areas cannot be cleaned with heating and spatula, so at the next stage you need to grind the door surface manually. To do this, on the hand-made schocrotter put on the sandpaper and passed through the door canvase. After such treatment, there should be no irregularities, burrs or fragments of an old coating. Then the doors are covered with deep penetration and leave for drying.

The main stages in the reconstruction of the door

Restoration of old doors with your own hands: Effective update method

First of all, you need to clean the surface of the door from the old paint.

The final elimination of flaws from the surface occurs last. Here will help putting on a tree. With a very poor condition, the door will have to put most of the door leaf, with small flaws it is enough to align only damaged areas. After the putty dries, the surface is thinned with a medium-hearted sandpaper in the direction of fibers, avoiding diagonal and transverse strokes. This must be done so that after grinding there is no traces. After machining the sandpaper, the door canvas are wetted to raise small porks and smoothed with zero sandpaper. Shasplight places are covered with primer.

The next step will be the coloring of the doors. It is better to spend it in two stages. First of all, the door covers matte enamel, and then give the necessary tone of paint Belinka. Before painting the doors, dust remove from the surface and wipe with a wet rag. Painting produce a conventional painting brush into one layer along wood fibers. So that there are no drows, the door is painted in a horizontal position. After drying, it is turned over to the other side and repeat the procedure. In this position, the paint falls perfectly even when using a conventional painting brush.

The well dried surface is grinding fine sandpaper to remove microscopic dust parts. After that, you can start toning the door cloth. Best for this, the paint Belinka Lasur is suitable. Lasur paint is distinguished by a great glitter, the consistency is pretty water, so it is necessary to do painting very carefully so that there is no marking tracks from the tassel. How many layers need to be applied, depends on what saturation should be the desired color.

Restoration of old doors with your own hands: Effective update method

Rules painting doors.

Each new layer is applied only after complete drying of the previous one, it takes place from 6 to 12 hours. The dried layer before applying the following grind with zero sandpaper. Usually, the smooth layer is obtained after two approaches.

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The door is almost ready, you can insert new glass. They are pressed by the strokes and fasten with decorative nails, then screw the accessories and locks. If necessary, update the door frame and hang the doors.

This restoration is completed. There is nothing labor in it. In the same way, you can upgrade all old doors, extend your life and return the beauty.

Blooming door leaf veneer

With a veneer, not only the restoration of the door is made, but also its repair.

The price of such an update is slightly higher than simple staining, but as a result, the product acquires an interesting and beautiful appearance.

In order to update the surface of the door with a veneer, you need to purchase thin sheets of wood on a special adhesive basis and coat the door surface with a hot iron. After heating, the veneer is fixed with a dense cargo and covered with varnish. With this method of restoration, you need to be attentive and prevent the formation of empty space under the braised wood sheets.

The following materials will be needed for restoration:

Restoration of old doors with your own hands: Effective update method

Scheme of pasting door veneer.

  • veneer;
  • putty;
  • paper for pattern;
  • carpentry glue;
  • Sindiatic glue or spacure.

And, of course, do not do without such tools like:

  • Metal ruler;
  • Lobzik;
  • plane;
  • sandpaper;
  • scissors;
  • joiner's knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • iron;
  • smooth bar;
  • Syringe or pipette.

First of all, the surface is aligned with the plane, it is used in case of serious defects. If nonsense is minor, then there will be enough stripping by ordinary emery paper. Cracks and shcherbins are aligned with syndiete glue or putty. The door treated with putty or syndoticone glue is left to completely dry, and then grind the sandpaper.

Now you can start the cutting of wood sheets in accordance with the door sizes. The pattern is first made on paper in order to preserve the finishing material and save your own time.

With a joinery knife and metal line, the sheets of veneer cut into pieces of the required form. Then prepare carpenter and apply it on the back side of the wood sheets and on the door canvas. For the impregnation of the material with joinery glue, it is necessary to withstand the processed surfaces for 8-10 minutes.

After that, the veneer is superimposed on the door and stroke the iron, heated to 50 °. Instead of an iron, you can use a smooth bar. Turning is carried out from the middle to the edges, moving along the texture lines of the veneer.

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You should not allow the appearance of air bubbles under the vehicle sheets, but if they are still formed, this section is wetted with water and produce incisions. Air is screwed down with a syringe or pipette. Finally, the renovated door is left 1.5-2 hours until complete drying.

Finishing wooden doors with embossed decorative straps

Restoration of old doors with your own hands: Effective update method

Scheme of pasting door timber.

You can give interior doors an original attribution view using embossed slats and a variety of colors of paint. This work requires a zeal, but using the tips of the masters, it is possible to facilitate restoration.

First of all, the door remove and give a horizontal position on the table or building goats. Then the door leaf from all sides is treated with sandpaper to eliminate irregularities. Dust is better removed with a vacuum cleaner and wet rag. The prepared surface is covered with the finest layer of primer composition and leave up to dry. The projected door canvas grind the waterproof shallow sandpaper, constantly moisturizing. Now the surface is fully ready, the initial layer of varnish is applied with parallel strokes using a greasy roller or brush.

The dried layer is treated with shallow sandpaper, not forgetting to moisturize the surface. In the same way, the following layer is applied and after grinding - the final one. Before continuing the restoration, the door canvas are left for several days until complete drying.

During this time, you can prepare relief planks, laying out on dense paper and finishing the thin layer of primer. After drying the primer composition, the planks are grinding fine sandpaper and covered with varnish in two layers with mandatory polishing of each of them. During the time decorative parts dry on the door canvase, make markers for accurate decoration location. Then the relief strips are fixed on the door canvase with small nails and glue. If desired, finished straps can be given the desired shade, tightening them with varnish the desired color.

You can convert deaf doors and with glass inserts. But here will be a consultation of a professional carpenter. It will help to apply a drawing on the door, cut it off and insert the rails for fixing the glasses. Such a reconstruction of old wooden doors not only completely changes the type of product, but also transforms the room, making it spacious and lighter.

Restoration of doors - an affordable and effective method of updating and the transformation of residential space, which brings not only visible benefits, but also gives pleasure during the creative process. The main thing is that the decor of the updated doors correspond to the general direction in the interior design.

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