Nomex fabric: Properties, Composition and Application


High-tech material NOMEX refers to the development of the famous company Dupont. Its main purpose is to protect against high temperatures and open fire. However, the main difference of this tissue from the remaining materials of the same group is a special composition of the fibers. Special varieties of polymers provide a unique combination of large mechanical strength with the highest current levels of thermal stability.

Nomex fabric: Properties, Composition and Application

Composition and properties

The protective fabric selling under this brand contains the following types of threads:
  • metararamide;
  • Paramyid (Kevlar);
  • Antistatic (metallized Bekinox or P140).

Traditional heat-resistant fabrics are made on the basis of cotton and mixed fibers with antipiren impregnation of different types. When exposed to high temperatures and open flames, such impregnation activates the separation of gases that stop the combustion process. However, while the thermal protection layer impairs its qualities and collapses over time. In contrast to the materials of this type, the number when exposed to high temperatures retains the chemical composition of its fibers during the long term. A feature of the metararamide is its strength, flexibility, and resistance to abrasive effects, which is maintained in a wide temperature range (250 degrees) . The charging of the metararamide fiber occurs at a temperature of more than 400 degrees, while outside the open flame burning instantly stops.

In addition, the structure of the NEXS is characterized by the presence of pores, and reacts to thermal effects. With raising the temperature of the pores, it is compressed, not passing the inside of hot air, which provides additional protection. This fabric does not melt and does not burn, and besides, it has such advantages as:

  • Resistance to open flame (for a short time), high temperatures and splashes of metal;
  • Self-fighting outside of the flame, while the charred layer retains its protective properties;
  • Resistance to aggressive chemical components
  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • high tensile strength;
  • protection against static electricity;
  • low weight (220 g / sq. meter);
  • hygroscopicity and ability to air exchange;
  • durability (at least five years);
  • Ease of care.

Thanks to the presence of Kevlar Nomenes very durable. It retains its appearance and operational properties after two hundred and washing cycles, it is not deformed and does not give a shrinkage.

Scope of application

The main direction in which the number is used is protective clothing for people of dangerous professions. These include metallurgists, firefighters, oilmen, welders, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and people of other dangerous professions. The tests proved that the use of NEXS provides protection against burns one and a half times greater than that of materials with fire-resistant impregnation . At the same time, this material is more comfortable in use and has a long service life, besides, it meets the highest requirements of modern standards for protective clothing.

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Material of the trademark number may have different types. The most universal is the type of Comfort. It is used for widespread protective clothing. The modification of Antistatik is characterized by increased protection against static discharges, and stahl material is characterized by the presence of Bekinox metallized threads. For employees of the oil and gas industry, the TEFLON Nomex fabric has been developed. It is distinguished by the presence of a special impregnation, forming molecular protection against water and oil pollution. Such impregnation is completely invisible and does not affect the hygienic properties of overalls.

Nomex fabric: Properties, Composition and Application

This protective material can have any color, it does not limit and does not fade, it is easily erased and cleaned, long retains an attractive appearance. Although this fabric is fairly expensive, but high protective qualities and the duration of operation make Number leader in the materials market for the production of workwear and protective equipment. From this material also produce filter structures designed to work in a hot gas environment. It should be remembered that under the trademark of the NEX company, the company of Dupont produces several types of materials, including staple filter fabric and paper.

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