We make the repair of the balcony do it yourself in stages


We make the repair of the balcony do it yourself in stages

If you repair the whole apartment, you will definitely be repaired and the balcony, the advantage of which is that it can be used as an additional room-taking a balcony repair with your own hands will allow not only to update the room by making it warmer, but also to give the dwelling style, nobility, Uniqueness. Balconies or loggias can turn into anything: a floral greenhouse that will be happy with even frosty winter, a children's room, where kids or workshop with a multitude of shelves and lockers will be played, where dad will place tools and equipment. How to make repairs on the balcony? The answer to this question will follow further in the article.

Before the start of the main work ...

When you have already decided on the external appearance of your balcony or loggia, you can start repairing work. To start, the room of the balcony should be released from things stored in it.

Balcony should be cleaned of old finishing and interior elements:

  • floor coatings
  • wall covering
  • partitions.

The depressions or bulges on the floor and the walls need to be rocked. The room can be made more durable with the help of a chamber frame, going through it from all sides.

In order not to happen the collapse, use only relatively lightweight materials, for example, foam blocks.

If the materials for finishing the loggia or balcony chosen lining or MDF slab, you need to level the walls and floors in advance, foaming in the slot mounting foam. Cement mortar is superimposed on top. It will protect the foam from rotting. The biggest clefts close up brick, smaller - silicone.

We make the repair of the balcony do it yourself in stages

Before repairing the balcony, you should clean it from the old elements of finishing and interior

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What material is better

Today, the question of how to repair the balcony, if you are new to construction, is no longer sharp. And all thanks to numerous video lessons on the Internet, articles with descriptions of work technologies and consultations of specialists of stores that will demonstrate photographs and samples of existing raw materials.

Modern manufacturers for finishing the loggia or balcony offer:

  • Decorative panels
  • wallpaper,
  • Plastic panels,
  • stucco
  • lining;
  • ceramics tile
  • paint.

The most convenient for use and frequently chosen are MDF-slabs, lining and plastic.

Before laying the coating, it is necessary to establish thermal insulation, as the balcony is open to winds and precipitation.

Insulation, which will suit the best - mineral wool. Wonderful properties and low price, as well as simplicity of use, it is advantageous than this material from the assortment of others.

Loggia or Balcony glazing options

The glazing of the balcony is a necessary part of its repair, otherwise all the efforts can go to the smart.

Installation of glass can be made in several ways:

  • Cold glazing. This option implies the installation of the aluminum frame, which inserted single-layer glasses. But from such a loggia should not be waiting for heat.
  • Frameless way - Almost the same as cold, only without the use of frames and vertically standing partitions. Glass in this case - tempered, durable. It is mounted in an aluminum profile using rollers. From the profiles of the window are separated by rubber seals that do not pass water.
  • Warm glazing. The glazing warm way is the installation of double-glazed windows and profiles equipped with thermal protection. This option protects from outdoor noise. The frame during warm glazing is made of aluminum or plastic. It is attached to the parapet with bolts.

We make the repair of the balcony do it yourself in stages

Balcony glazing - not only the best way to provide additional protection of the house from wind, moisture and heat loss, but also an excellent opportunity to expand the useful space of the apartment

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Heat insulation for the floor

Before repaired the balcony, giving it a certain style, it is necessary to insulate the floors. It is best for this by extruded polystyrene foam, which in addition to the high indicators of its main function, has other positive qualities.

The advantages of the material:

  • big density
  • low weight
  • high strength,
  • durability.

Each plate is placed on the floor, pre-aligned and lubricated with glue. You can put a mounting mesh on the adhesive coating, then pour the self-leveling mixture. So that the insulation was even better, use clamzit. Plates are attached to plastic dowels.

Also, popular balcony flooring coatings are linoleum, laminate and ceramic tiles.

Repair of the balcony with their own hands will not be difficult if you do not regret it on his finishing of time and strength.

How to arrange the walls

Lining is one of the most commonly used materials for the insulation of balcony walls due to its advantages.

Pluses of lining are obvious:

  • Natural basis
  • long service life
  • low cost
  • Attractive appearance.

Before putting the material on the walls of the loggia or balcony, they must be strengthened by a metal profile or a tree slats. Next are installed heat - and waterproofing. For the first, expanded polystyrene foam, for the second - rubberoid. The lining itself is mounted using nails or cough.

It is not always possible to make a beautifully arrange corner. Unsight plots will help to hide the decorative angle of the same material as the main plates.

We make the repair of the balcony do it yourself in stages

Today, one of the most popular ways to cover the balcony is the lining, because wooden walls are invariably in fashion and look very stylish

Heat ceiling

Warm the ceiling is not difficult at all. To insulate the ceiling, you can use any non-natural insulation, most often the foam is used.

The process of working on warming ceiling looks like this:

  • Before insulating the ceiling, it is necessary to make a contour crate.
  • Foam sheets are glued to the slab overlap or inserted into the opening of the roof.
  • Additionally, the insulation should be consolidated by umbrella dowels.
  • The cracks are bleed by mounting foam.
  • The main frame for the finishing finish is mounted on the contour clamp.

Little trick: Learn whether tenants were insulated from above their balcony floor. If they did it, the ceiling of your balcony will not miss the cold, and it is no longer necessary to insulate it.

We make the repair of the balcony do it yourself in stages

Floor insulation on the balcony - a very important stage of joining this room to the main square meters of the apartment

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Interior decoration

The photo gallery of the Internet is a variety of exceeded balconies. Beautifully arrange your own balcony - for everyone.

For this purpose, suitable:

  • siding;
  • metal plates;
  • Plastic panels.

The best option is siding, which does not rust, does not mold, it is distinguished by resistance and durability and does not require special care. Stacking plates outside the balcony is desirable to entrust professionals.

We make the repair of the balcony do it yourself in stages

The best option for finishing the balcony is siding that does not rust, does not mold, it is distinguished by persistence and durability and does not require special care.

The warm balcony can be made by any materials. The combined balcony can be decorated in a single style with the main premises, and separate - for every taste.

Repair of the balcony do it yourself stages (video)

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