Cooking crochet. Knit toy for kids


Cooking crochet. Knit toy for kids. Dear mommies and grandmothers babies! Greetings to you on the handmade site and I want to suggest creating your own hands a bright colorful caterpillar - a good toy for your baby.

Cooking crochet. Knit toy for kids

Cooking crochet. Knit toy for kids

To work, we will need a cotton yarn or any other, which is intended only for knitting children's things that does not cause allergies and irritation of the delicate skin of the child. Prepare several colors of yarn, for example, green, red, blue, yellow and orange - the brighter the colors of the threads will be brighter, the more beautiful to get a toy and will undoubtedly interest the child.

Cook another knitting hook, filler - syntheluch or holofiber, black round beads, buttons or artificial eyes and threads with a needle.


X - column without Nakida,

V - gain,

A - Ubaulk.

Knitting caterpillars (start with a moving loop amigurum):

Cooking crochet. Knit toy for kids

Cooking crochet. Knit toy for kids

Knitting caterpillar body (4 identical balls):

Cooking crochet. Knit toy for kids

Details fill with syntheph and sew together.

Cooking crochet. Knit toy for kids

Cooking crochet. Knit toy for kids

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