Beautiful interroom articles from wood: making with their own hands


The opening between rooms does not always imply the availability of the door. Very often modern design provides for the creation of an original form in this place - arches. It allows you to make this space stylish, beautiful and functionally. The arch is capable of not just be an element of the interior, it can visually increase the space. In this case, the effective zoning of the room can be effective.

Beautiful interroom articles from wood: making with their own hands

Arch in the interior of the apartment

There are many options as you can create an attractive interior arch. The use of plasterboard design is very popular, but nothing compares with the manufacture of wood facilities. It looks natural, but is used more practical.

Beautiful interroom articles from wood: making with their own hands

Beautiful wooden arches

Therefore, we'll figure it out how such a design can be made with your own hands, for which we use photos and video materials.

Beautiful interroom articles from wood: making with their own hands


It should be understood that, despite the classic arches, which are upgraded to the ceiling, the interior door in size differ little from ordinary openings. And therefore, two groups of structures can be distinguished: which requires the destruction of the walls and which does not require such an action. The first look like an arc, they are integrated into the existing space of the opening.

Beautiful interroom articles from wood: making with their own hands

The seconds have the appearance of the arch, but according to the characteristics it is a regular rectangle. This approach requires less effort than in the first case, however, less space uses at the top of the portal.

It should be noted that the modern market makes it possible to purchase a finished product, which can then be inserted in the doorway, as shown in the photo. It can even be carved wood arches. This decision will harmoniously look at a wooden finish, for example.

Dimensions that can be found - 90x210 and 120x210 mm. There may be other options, especially if they are made to order.

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Beautiful interroom articles from wood: making with their own hands

The design is attached either on glue, or with the need to do the holes for fixing with the help of screws. Then they are closed with putty or close with decorative plugs. In this case, the design can be a one-piece product, arches from a wood array, or consisting of parts that are collected into a single structure.

Beautiful interroom articles from wood: making with their own hands


Making an archer from a tree - a difficult process requiring attention and certain efforts. And to begin with, it is recommended to determine which form will be. You can choose by photo. Original option is a classic in which the radius is determined by half volume width. Such a solution cannot be called effective at low ceilings, for these cases it is recommended to use the arch upgrade. If you reduce the solution to a minimum, then you can implement the portal - a rectangular arch from the wood array, made in the form of the letter "P".

Beautiful interroom articles from wood: making with their own hands


For a start, interroom opening should be prepared. For this, the old door box is removed if it is still in place. Then the surface must be cleaned from everything that may interfere with further actions. After that, you can measure its dimensions.

Next you need to prepare the tools:

  • Roulette and pencil;
  • level;

Beautiful interroom articles from wood: making with their own hands

  • sharp knife;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • Impact drill or perforator.

Beautiful interroom articles from wood: making with their own hands

For the manufacture of the design, it is recommended to use either a whole product made to order, or create it from several elements combined into a single composition.


If there is a desire to create a portal, then this is the simplest to implement the solution. You need to purchase a door frame, but not under the installation of the door, but with a fully flat front part. Further, with a drill, you need to drill a few holes around the perimeter for the possibility of fixing. It should be noted these points on the opening, for which the design is applied, marks are made. We drill holes on them using a drill with a shock mode or a perforator. It remains to insert a dowel. Next again to put the box and consolidate it with screws.

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Beautiful interroom articles from wood: making with their own hands

It remains only to decorate the box with platbands. They must be selected for color. We make measurements and cut the products under 45 degrees to stick the items. In fact, you need to cut two door openings to close the box on both sides.

Construction of several elements

It is more difficult when you need to install a design with your own hands, which includes several elements. In this case, it will be necessary to work out not only over the fastening of them to the wall, but above their pitch, so that the resulting solid design formed without defects is formed.

Beautiful interroom articles from wood: making with their own hands

In this case, the shape of the arch under the tree may be essentially any. It is only important to fit it in harmoniously into the existing doorway.

Starting the installation of a multicomponent design is better from above. In this case, it will be easier to adjust the sizes so that the product fits in the opening. Further actions are similar to securing the portal. Only in this case we have one inconsistency. The traditional doorway has a rectangular shape, and the classical arch is the form of an arc. If you dock them, we get two triangular holes. Therefore, it will have to take care that they are beautiful, imperceptibly close. For this, a tree, chipboard, MDF and even drywall are suitable. The main thing later hide these elements under the overall decoration of the room.

Beautiful interroom articles from wood: making with their own hands

When assembling structural elements, it is recommended to immediately not tighten the screws that the products can be adjusted for the desired position. And only when there will be an ideal coincidence with neighboring details, you can finally fix. This approach will help to avoid unpleasant inconsistencies.

Finish finish

It remains to paint the arch, open lacquer or simply soak in a special substance that will not change its color, but only protects from external factors. In some cases, the arches decoration with wood allows you to achieve even more impressive results. This is especially true, for example, for the style of A la Baroque.

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Whatever option for implementation was chosen, one thing is understandable - the door arches from the tree array is a stylish, bright and presentable solution of the designer idea. And if everything is realized at the proper level, then the harmony and the celebration of taste will be triumphane in the interior, and this is the best praise for good work.

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