Mounting features MDF panels - professionals


At the moment, the fastest, simple, but at the same time a high-quality way to separate the premises is beautiful - this is the mounting of MDF panels to the wall. Naturally, such a solution is not suitable for each room, but for corridors, storage rooms, hallways or even staircases are the perfect option.

Preparation of walls

In the event that the installation of the panels is planned for a plastic or wooden crate, it is not necessary to engage in preliminary preparation of the walls. This situation suggests only the sealing of deep cracks, if any. If PVC is glued to the base base, it will have to do with the cleaning of old paint.

It is absolutely optionally to remove the coating from the whole wall, just those sites, where the whitewashed or paint has shut. Used in modern construction adhesives for PVC, easily penetrate the paint through the layer, with an excellent clutch with the surface.

Mounting features MDF panels - professionals

Installation of the crate is performed perpendicular to the selected direction of installation. Bruces of wood can be used as a material for the crate, or purchase a ready-made profile from PVC in the construction store. The formation of the design does not take much time. At first, the sweat of a plumb or with a level assistance is installed four decishes - two at the top and two at the bottom, and the cords are stretched along the edges.

In the room of standard sizes there will be enough two cords, between which other additional reshetins are installed in increasing no more than sixty centimeters. This will ensure the absence of PVC deflection in the case of pressure on them.

Fastening panels to the wall

With the help of elements from the PVC profile, you can bind the surface of any complexity. The first stage is the installation of angular profiles on the bars of the crates, and moldings should be installed under the ceiling and on the floor. In the event of a ceiling finishes in the same way, you need to mount an angular profile of internal type.

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Special n-profiles are used for docking. At the same time, the place of the joint can also be processed by the sizing surface of the versatile corners or the outdoor plinth of the right color.

Mounting features MDF panels - professionals

Panels for the installation are cut with handheld with small teeth. Tip: It is worth starting cutting from a thickened part of the material, where the "spike" is located, cutting at the beginning with one, and then on the other side. Thinner material can be cut using a conventional knife, and then calm down.

For complex cases, a disk saw or an electric jignery can be used.

The length of the sliced ​​panels must be less than the size of the wall, with an indent of five millimeters. This clearance is necessary for the further installation of moldings. Another feature of these gaps is to ensure the compensation of elongation from temperature expansion.

Mounting features MDF panels - professionals

Now, if the room increases the temperature, which will lead to the expansion of the finishing material, the panels will not rest in the bottom of the receiving gutters, which will provide them with deformation. The same situation may occur in the case of high humidity in the room, in this case the gap avoids the deformation.

This amount of the gap is relevant for a full-size embodiment of a chopped PVC, if we are talking about a shortened solution, then the size of the gap may vary by necessity.

There are several basic ways to install MDF panels on the walls:

  1. Glue on the surface of the panel. In cases where we are dealing with a smooth surface, the panel can be mounted using a special glue, and nothing more. It is only required to apply glue to the entire surface of the back side of the zigzag movement panel. At the same time, this method of installation is quite relevant in rooms, where the temperature of the temperature regime is possible, since the glue is quite elastic and does not create obstacles before the temperature expansion.
  2. Glue on the crate. In this case, the glue will be applied exclusively in those places of the panel where it is adjacent to the crate. The minus of such a method is an extremely small surface of gluing, so it is recommended to increase the design with an additional mechanical fastening.
  3. Mechanical fastening: brackets, self-tapping screws, nails. This method refers to the discharge of simple and reliable, but at the same time has one serious disadvantage - the obstacle to the temperature elongation of PVC in the case of temperature expansion. Therefore, it is worth applying only indoors with a stable level of humidity and temperature regime to avoid deformation.
  4. Mechanical mount: Clammers. Identical to the previous one, minus obstacles to temperature elongation. Clammers are attached to the crate with the aforementioned self-tapping screws, brackets or nails.

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If the installation of MDF panels on the walls assumed the use of framing profiles, then at the end it is possible to wipe the finished surface. To avoid constantly pulling dust panels, it is worth using an antistatic. If framing profiles were not used, then closing the angles of the adjoints can be closed using universal corners that glue to the lining with special PVC glue.


Any wall that ended with MDF panels must also be edged. For this, special decorative strips are used, the installation of which is carried out with the help of silicone sealant or "liquid nails".

Mounting features MDF panels - professionals

There is another option of edging, but in this case, all the cladding of the surface of the walls slightly changes its appearance. We are talking about profiles for mounting plastic lining. Such profiles usually have a white color, due to which the finishes look deliberately and is beneficial to stand out. Often such edging is used for small rooms, for example, balconies or loggias.

Video "Wall Decoration Panels MDF"

Video on the installation of MDF panels on the example of a loggia cladding with insulation.

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