Stages of restoration of wooden doors do it yourself


Most often, new interior doors are installed during the repair work. There are new doors relatively inexpensive, the price will mostly depend on the material and complexity of production. But there are cases when the door fit perfectly into the interior, has an original appearance or just want to leave the door for the same. The restoration of wooden doors with their own hands is a method that will allow you to give the second life to the old doors. Regardless of whether the door interroom or entrance, restoration work is carried out according to one principle. The only difference can be in the presence of glass inserts in the interior door. During the operation of the glass it is worth pulling out, after restoration, install in place or order a new glass canvas.

Stages of restoration of wooden doors do it yourself

Restoration can be simply painting or a complete replacement door.

The use of wooden elements in the interior is considered a sign of a good taste and wealth. Natural material provides doors not only with an excellent appearance, but also good technical indicators. In order to protect the wooden cloth from the effects of temperature differences, high humidity, mechanical impacts, it is necessary to comply with all the rules of production technology. After some time, wooden doors may lose their appearance. A huge advantage of doors made of natural wood is that they can be restored, after which they will look like new.

Before proceeding with the work, it is necessary to determine the restoration option: it can be the usual painting or a complete update of the door canvase. From this will depend on the choice of materials and tools, as well as the time required in order to make repair doors.

From the tools you need to cook:

Stages of restoration of wooden doors do it yourself

Tools for restoration of a wooden door.

  • Drill and two sets of drills, ordinary and feather;
  • carpentry knives;
  • chisels of different sizes;
  • hacksaw with small teeth;
  • Grinding machine and nozzles with different grinding surfaces;
  • Special wood putty;
  • The paintopult for applying a paintwork material.

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It is very important to prepare personal protective equipment: gloves and masks, because during grinding there will be a lot of dust, inhalation of which can entail negative consequences for human health.

After all the tools are prepared, it is worth deciding where the restoration of the door will be held. It is not recommended to do this in the apartment because of the large amount of dust and the specific smell of paints and varnishes.

Preparatory work: removal of old paintwork

Before proceeding to remove the paint or varnish layer, it is worth estimating the overall state of the door. It is from the state of the upper layer that will depend on which tool must be used. There are several options: you can use a grinding machine, fan heater or a special wash.

Stages of restoration of wooden doors do it yourself

Restoration begins with the removal of old varnish and paint.

Washing can be purchased in a special construction store department. It is necessary to use it strictly according to the instructions that is specified on the label. In general, such a wash is applied to the surface and withstands a certain time, as a result of which the paint must be laid. To remove such paint, you need to use scrapers. If necessary, you can re-replace the reptile. This procedure is carried out on each side of the door.

The paint layer can also be removed using a fan heater. When using such an appliance, there will be much less garbage, since the paint layer under the influence of high temperature simply sweeps, and in order to remove it, it is enough to use a spatula. It should be careful not to damage the wood itself with sharp corners of the spatula. If the paint stains remain on the surface, they can be manually removed by sandpaper.

Using a grinding machine, the paint is eliminated on large, main planes, in hard-to-reach all work is carried out manually.

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Before painting it is very important to carry out the repair of the canvas. View the entire surface. The weakest place on the door is the bottom. In order to eliminate various chips, cracks, scratches or dents, it is worth using a special putty for wood.

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Stages of restoration of wooden doors do it yourself

Wooden door is better to paint with varnish or transparent paint, to keep the drawing of a tree

If the lower part has significant damage, it is advisable to replace it with a new one. Very often, figure sample is subject to damage, it can also be replaced with a new one. To do this, use a manual milling mill. After all defects are eliminated, you can start the finish sanding of the surface.

Grinding is carried out in two stages. The first stage implies a rough stripping, as a result of which the coarse flaws are eliminated. After graduating from the first stage, you can proceed to grinding smaller emery paper. Circular scratches are characteristic of grinding machine. To eliminate them, the surface is grouped manually. To make it convenient to carry out grinding, sandpaper must be wounded on a wooden bar. Grinding with a bar should be carried out strictly by wood fiber.

Eliminate dust after grinding is recommended by a wet cloth or sponge. This will raise a small pile, which remained on the surface, after which it can be eliminated.

Painting as a door restoration stage

Painting the door can be carried out in two ways: using collapse and manual method.

In order to use the spray gun, you need to choose a room with a very high-quality ventilation system. There is also no special equipment with which such a procedure will be implemented, so the manual painting method is most often used.

To apply paintwork on the prepared door, it is necessary to use a roller or brush. Before the painting, the door recommends primer a special primer, it will contribute to the best grip of paint with the surface. During painting the door is better to keep in a horizontal position, it will prevent the formation of flushing.

If it is necessary to leave the natural color of the tree and the texture of the material, the veil is used.

Today it is represented in a wide range of colors, the door can be made darker or leave natural color. In order for the layer of the vehicle to lay on the surface evenly, it is necessary to use a roller.

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The first thing from which the staining begins is all protruding elements and panels, after that large planes are painted. After the door is painted, it is necessary to give a completely dry by the first layer of the paintwork. If necessary, repeated layers are applied. This will prevent the formation of damage to the previous layer.

The entrance doors are restored and painted as the same method as interior doors. The only difference will be to choose a paint and varnish material. It must be resistant to environmental impact and protect the wooden door from the negative impact of the sun, precipitation, wind.

How to choose a paintwork?

In order to choose the right paint material, it is worth paying attention to the operating conditions of the door and the wood of wood. The coloring material can be completely colorless or have a certain tone. Using transparent materials, it is possible to emphasize the natural beauty of wood, its drawing and texture.

Paintwork materials that give the necessary shade of the product are produced on an organic basis. The most popular today are polyurethane, acrylic and alkyd compositions. They are very easy to use in work, and ultimately they create reliable coverage.

In most cases, wooden doors are covered with varnishes. The lacquer coating not only performs a decorative role, but also protects the wood from the negative impact of the environment.

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