Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper


If you have a desire to change something in the house, but soaring repairs - not a way out, or bored the situation in the room, but to move the furniture or skip the old wallpaper - also not your option, and maybe you just prepare for the holiday and think how to decorate Premises, then this article is for you. Bring the paints to the familiar setting will help the decoration of walls, for example, butterflies. Make a bulk butterfly with your own hands is quite simple, besides, they can also find another use.

Paper decor in the interior

Watching the butterfly fluttering, you can see ease, weightlessness and varnish. As if all the variety of colors of nature got these tiny colorful creatures. Sometimes there is a desire to bright colors to dilute the monotony of the interior of the house or apartment, its own corner.

To decorate your home, it is not necessary to chase long clock on a hollow with a porch of butterflies. Let these freedom-loving creations flute on the will. It's easier to make a butterfly with your own hands. Lined in the form of a geometric shape or just chaotic scattered butterfly scattered on the wall of bright shades will be able to add the interior of your dwelling freshness and ease. Variants for such a venture.

Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

There is an easy way to make such an applique. To do this, you need to take scissors, paper and pattern. For example, this is:

Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

The easiest way to make a butterfly is made of colored paper. There are several approaches.

First, you can use the template presented above. Cut it out of cardboard and, putting the color you like on the sheet of colored paper, circle along the contour, to do so several times until the sheet is free space, and then cut butterflies. Or take a thinner sheet of the required color and directly print the template on it, and then cut. Another positive moment of such a simple decoration for the walls is that you can use a different material: a newspaper, an old color cover with a notebook, magazine, old wallpaper, fabric, cardboard. Decorate with butterflies by beads and rhinestones, curling the mustache or even paint the butterfly with paints. This lesson may take the whole family. Children in particular, such changes in the interior will appear to taste.

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You can cut several butterflies of different sizes from a black and white newspaper and stick them to each other. To give a special aesthetics, the edge of the wings of butterflies can be neatly soldered with matches or lighter. So you will make bulk butterflies for decorating walls.

And here at your home already "fluttering with flocks" colored, bright and certainly unusual butterflies. But you do not want to leave them all. You definitely do not need them so much, you can give them to someone or use to decorate a gift.

Darim joy

If you still decided to give a few butterflies to friends, then you should not remove them from the walls. It is better to make a lot of new beautiful butterflies. And they do not only from paper.

Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

Beautiful bead butterflies. Such a gift will have to your face your girlfriend or sister, mom or grandmother, boss or colleague for work. Because such a butterfly can be used as a brooch or decoration on a handbag, like a key chain. Future hostess can find her mass of applications. Some of them look like alive. You can decorate with flower pots.

Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

And if you know how to knit with crochet, then easily make such a cute butterfly in the simple scheme.

Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

Threads can be taken different colors or several colors. Complete product beads. The finished butterfly can be attached to the curtains or decorate the pads on the sofa. Little butterflies are also used to decorate clothing. This item will look carefully, and the thing from the usual will become elegant.

Decorating postcard

If you conquered the theme of butterflies and you want to complement your gift with a postcard with them, then these ideas will help you to make a conceived.

Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

For example, we will make this postcard.

Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

To do this, we will need some time and materials that you have at home or in the nearest store of the office: ruler, scissors, PVA glue, color double-sided paper and corrugated cardboard sheet.

Applying a paper template, start cutting butterflies.

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Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

The occupation is a simple needed, but not very diverse. The upper 7 butterflies will be needed to decorate the postcard from the inside. Cut them first. We take 7 cut butterflies and stick them one on the other, starting with greater and gradually decreasing. The glue is applied only on the torso, leaving the wings free. We give glue a little appropriate, bend our received big butterfly in half.

Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

We take corrugated cardboard, cut off part of the desired size and fold in half. This will serve as a postcard. Reveal and insert a butterfly in the middle itself.

Bulk butterfly with your own hands on a postcard made of colored paper

The remaining butterflies can be decorated with a postcard outside. Inside write a wish, and our postcard is ready.

In the example, the fast option is shown, which is perfect, if you have little time per postcard, but it is needed. If you have a little more time, then using this approach you can make a more complex postcard. Using for this several sheets of different colors, sparkles and rhinestones.

Video on the topic

Some video for inspiration:

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