Clothes for paper dolls: selection of pictures with photos and video


We all remember how special magazines were sold, where beautiful girls-dolls were printed in swimsuits, and clothes attached to them. I remember how I could not even find such a magazine, then moms painted the pupa, and to them clothes. This way of dressing paper dolls is an interesting game in which little girls often play. In addition, another plus is that the girls can draw clothes for their toys alone, and then cut. But it depends on the age of the child and to draw from the ability. But in any case, mom can come to the rescue and help paint beautiful outfits. Another plus of such a game is the development of a child's fantasy that will invent new models, playing in a clothing designer. Clothes for paper dolls is made easy and simple. Basically, it needs when the old album is tired or has already broken.

Many experts recommend such an occupation along with her daughter. Then she will be able to remember the course of work and help in creating an outfit, which is important in the future game and its development.

Clothes for paper dolls: selection of pictures with photos and video

Clothes for paper dolls: selection of pictures with photos and video

Clothes for paper dolls: selection of pictures with photos and video

For boys

When a girl begins to play dolls, it must be a full-fledged family, and each family has dad. Therefore, in this master class, we will draw clothes for boys. They basically need shorts, shirts, pants, hats, sweaters, sweaters, scarves, jackets. For this you do not need to spend a lot of time, just take a regular sheet of paper, pencil simple and paper boy.

To pants or shorts, it is for this doll that needs to take it and put it on a white paper leaf, then begin to circle the bottom of the body with a simple pencil. It is necessary in order for the pants to be for this doll and approached exactly in size.

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After we circled the lower part, we draw pants or shorts themselves. We supply the right lines with a black marker, and then we need to fill in color. To do this, it is best to use paints, then clothes will get bright and beautiful. It is necessary to ensure that there is no water too much used. When the product dry, you need to draw such rectangles on the sides, with the help of which we will attach pants to the doll. Cut out, and our product is ready.

In any such work, you can use your fantasy, drawing different elements of the decor, even gluing pockets.

Clothes for paper dolls: selection of pictures with photos and video

Clothes for paper dolls: selection of pictures with photos and video

In fact, it is enough just to create such pictures with your child. In addition, in the modern world of technology, you can find as many beautiful images of celebrities, which are depicted in the form of paper pupa. When there are such pictures, then small girls are glad to be fascinated by the simulation of new modern clothes. But first of all, such a doll needs to withdraw using a printer on paper, and then knit scissors and cut.

It is best to do this in the presence of parents, because then the child will be secure from cuts and can cut beautifully, without cutting off extra detail. But young beauties most often asked to draw outfits not from modern magazines, because how to do without royal dresses, crown, jewelry on the neck? You will have to work with such dresses, because they are so sophisticated, have many small details that you have to try over it for a while. But we drew such a dress as a child.

Clothes for paper dolls: selection of pictures with photos and video

Such an occupation is good because you can familiarize your daughter with the history of this or that outfit, which is important for development. In the creation of such paper masterpieces, ordinary paper and pencils are mainly used, paints. But the wardrobe from other materials can be made on such a doll. For example, in the autumn you can try to create dresses, sweaters and skirts from leaves and grass, which will be completely unusual. Even, cutting out the necessary model from paper, on it, as the basis, we can begin to glue various flavors of the fabric, and then it turns out a dress similar to natural. The main thing is not to be forgotten to ensure that the doll is attached to the doll and the outfit holds on it.

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Ideas for creating dresses can be a lot, the main thing is to apply your fantasy. Some are created from colored paper, mixing colors, then do not use paints, pencils. Then very interesting dresses are obtained. In any case, an approach is important, given this, a child must participate in the work, so that he could repeat all the actions for her mother.

Clothes for paper dolls: selection of pictures with photos and video

Clothes for paper dolls: selection of pictures with photos and video

Clothes for paper dolls: selection of pictures with photos and video

Video on the topic

This article provides a video selection with which you can learn how to make clothes for paper dolls.

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