Mercury Counters: species, features, features


Mercury counters have recently popularity, many people pay attention to them. By the poet, we decided to stop special attention to them, consider the most popular models and try to figure out which it is better to use for home. We will also see the reviews of the owners and a few videos on the topic.

Mercury Counters: species, features, features

Counters Mercury species

Initially, I would like to tell about all the meters that have now gained special popularity in our country. It should be immediately noted that the manufacturer of the Mercury counter company Incoteks, which has already firmly entrenched in our market and produces not only the counters, but also another electronic equipment. So, better meters of Mercury:

Mercury 200 series meters such devices are used in single-phase networks with a frequency of alternating current in Hz, nominally voltage is volt, the electricity accounting is uninstalled.

Mercury Counters: species, features, features

Mercury 201 counters are considered the most popular, they were widespread and used as the main devices for accounting electricity at enterprises and in private homes. Such devices are considered the most functional and can be one / two-phase and one / multitarithic. The design of the meter turned out to be high-quality, because it is protected from any hacking. Such counters received several more serious types depending on the scope of their application. Find out whether to install two-timing counters in the house.

The following types can be distinguished:

  1. 201.2.
  2. 201.5.
  3. 201.22.

Above the listed types are calculated on the rated current in 5a, the maximum operating current is 60a.

Types: 201.4, 201,6 are calculated on the rated current 5 and the maximum 80a. They are used to account for a large amount of electricity.

If we talk for the essential differences of such counters, it is worth noting the fact that they have a different display of consumable electricity. On models 201.4 and 201.22, a digital indicator is installed, the mechanical dial is installed on models 201.5 and 201.6.

Mercury Counters: species, features, features

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The service life of such Mercury meters is 30 years, such indicators rarely boast similar accounting devices. The manufacturer's guarantee is for three years, it is enough, because any problems with electrical energy metering devices are visible in a few months. Check Mercury meters must pass every 15 years, in some modifications such counters this period may vary, all of this must be viewed in its characteristics.

Video Review Counter Mercury

Mercury design

These devices received a not a big body that looks great in any interior. If we talk for the features of the attachment, then manufacturers have thought out absolutely all possible little things. Fasten and use it in the future is quite simple.

The case is impossible to open due to the absence of all bolts, so, no one can penetrate it. Plus, he is not afraid of moisture at all, so it can be installed even in the basement (where it is wet, but some water).

I would like to note that the 201.22 model meters received a modern built-in PLC-modem, which eliminates any opportunity to theft and simply shows the actual consumption of electrical energy.

Counter Mercury Reviews

On the Web we found many reviews about Mercury, so as not to go into details, we just show them all.

Positive reviews

Mercury Counters: species, features, features
Mercury Counters: species, features, features

Negative feedback

Mercury Counters: species, features, features
Mercury Counters: species, features, features

Interesting article on the topic: Remove the testimony from the meter.

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