Zigzag pattern with knitting needles: schemes with description and video


Zigzag is considered one of the most popular ornaments: thanks to the existence of many options for its execution, this pattern is suitable for registration of both strict classic clothing and retro sets, poncho in the style of boho, sports cleaner, children's costumes and many other things. You can link the "Zigzag" pattern with knitting needles in several versions: with a simple knitting, the drawing is formed by changing the color of the thread, in a slightly more complex - relief.


Color "Zigzag"

The simplicity of the formation of this pattern by combining threads allows you to create many options, including experimenting with copyright pictures. Zigzag can be horizontal or vertical, large or small, it is well combined with other patterns of geometric shapes. Colorful canvas can also be used to knit relief patterns, then Zigzag will be supplemented with decorative elements of the corresponding color.

To knit a simple color zigzag, the following scheme is suitable:


Openwork pattern

Aerial openwork zigzag can be used as the main ornament, as well as for connecting other elements of the picture: for example, it combines well with braids and asnarans. To save the openwork it is better to knit with thin threads.

The rapport of this pattern is 4 loops and 16 rows. When knitting, in addition to the facial, two hinges are used, associated with a different inclination with different inclination - right or left. All even rows of this pattern should be knit facial.

The first row begins with the facial loop, then make the Nakid. After that, two loops facial left are knit. Completes a number one facial. In the third row, first knit two facial, behind it, nakid and two facial left. The fifth row begins with two facial left, followed by two ordinary facial and nakid. The seventh row begins with the Caida, then two facial left, the two facial completes. Thus, a part of the zigzag is formed, tilted on the left side. From the ninth row, the slope changes. If you wish to increase or decrease the size of the zigzag, it is necessary to remember that "half" one element is created from eight rows.

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In the ninth row it is necessary to connect two facial, behind them - two facial tilt to the right. At the end of the row - Nakid. In 11 row, they first knit one facial, then two facial right. Complete a number of Nakid and the usual facial. A number of 13 begins with two facial right, then make a nakid and two more facial are tied. The range of 15 begins with the Nakid, behind it - two facial. Then - two facial left. There are other options for knitting openwork zigzag, the description of which can be found further.

Simple rubberry

If desired, connect the product with a more dense and drawn pattern, you can decorate it with a rubber band in the form of a zigzag. It is somewhat more complicated for openwork, but the result justifies efforts.

In the first row, you need to link the wrong loop, then skip the next, not dropping from the needles, to penetrate the second facial wall, then missed - the front wall for the front wall, then reset both hinges. This alternation continues until the end of the row.

In the second row, the invalid and facial loops are changing in places - first knit the front, then invalid in the same order as in the first row: they are tied the second loop on the needle, then the first, reset both.

As a result, a small zigzag is obtained in the form of a gum that keeps the form well and is not stretched. That is why this pattern is popular in the design of the edges of the products and when knitting the caps.

Relief bilateral option

Easy to tie and bilateral zigzag, which is ideal for caps and sodov. This pattern is created by alternating facial and invalid loops, its volume depends on the thickness of the thread. Rapport - 16 rows and loops. It looks well both in monotonous and in a multicolor version. Below is a description for knitting a single-color web.

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Even rods knit in the drawing, in odd it is necessary to follow the description. In the first row, you must associate 10 facial, then alternate two wrong loops and facial. The third row begins with eight irons, then twice alternate pairs of facial and invalid. The fifth row begins with six facial loops, then the facial and invalid will be alternate, and the row is completed with four facial. The seventh row should be started with four wrong and two facial. After that, two wrong and two facial are knit again, and at the end of the row - six wrong. In the ninth row, twice alternate the pairs of facial and invalid, it ends with 8 facial. In 11 row, it is necessary to link two facial, involne and facial, and complete it with 10 irons.

A number 13 begins with two facial. Then they knit two irons, 10 facial and the last two are invalid. In the latter, 15 rows first knit two facial, then - 10 wrong, two facial and last two irons. This pattern can also be modified at the author. For example, to increase the zigzag zigzag, you only need to increase the ratio of loops (facial and invalid) in the row and number of rows. Unlike previous zigzags, the line of this will be diagonally, which will give the product of originality and decorate it with light asymmetry. The two-color option can be associated using different colors for facial and involving loops, and you can, placing color strips in a completely different order, without repeating zigzags.

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