Provence in the interior with their own hands


Provence in the interior with their own hands

Provence is an amazing place that is located in the south of France. There is harmony and calm. Provincial French houses located in Provence always inspired designers of the whole world to create real masterpieces. So the new style of interiors was born - Provence. Try and you recreate this unique stylist with your own hands.

The basis of olive interior

There is a top 7 elements, without which you will not get with your own hands to create an interior in the style of Provence. Let's get acquainted with each of them:

  1. Natural materials must prevail in the interior. The same plastic usual can hardly spoil all the impression of the design. Try to focus on wood (especially on untreated or artificially aged), fabrics, stones, ceramics.
  2. In everything, whether it is a decoration of walls or textiles, a floral print or floral patterns must be present.

    Provence in the interior with their own hands

  3. Textiles is insanely important. Pillows, tablecloths, bedspreads - all this needs to be used as decor. Ideally, these elements need to complement all sorts of mouths and ruffles.
  4. In general, the abundance of decor is a characteristic feature of olive stylistics.

    Provence in the interior with their own hands

  5. All tones used in design must be pastel, pleasant to the eyes.
  6. Be sure to add a large number of colors to the interior. It can be plants in pots, live flowers in vases or even high-quality artificial flowers. Moreover, you can try to make flowers for olive interior with your own hands, it will add more individuality design.
  7. As for windows, they need to decorate with transparent weightless curtains so that the maximum amount of natural light fall into the room.

    Provence in the interior with their own hands

Suitable furniture

The most important thing is to pay attention to when choosing furniture for olive interior is its color and texture. Traditional furniture colors - white, soft blue, pale green, light purple. As for the texture, artificially appreciated furniture with all sorts of cracks, scratches, chips is most appreciated. Such furniture seem to be part of the story of history. The form of all furniture is simple, without intricate curls. All sophistication must be transmitted by color, not forms. In general, olive furniture is quite low, it is very important that it does not catch the eye when visiting the room.

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Provence in the interior with their own hands

Where to take such furniture? You have as many as four ways to get the appropriate furniture for the interior in the style of Provence:

  1. The simplest and obvious decision is to look for her in the attic of your relatives and friends. So you can collect very original and truly vintage things. However, such furniture has a big minus. Most often it is very old and not functional. Olive furniture should look exquisite old, and not sprinkling on the part.
  2. The second option is to search for antique shops and shops, search for furniture on antiques on the Internet. Such furniture is likely to be in good condition, however, the price of it will be appropriate.
  3. The following solution is to buy artificially aged furniture in specialized stores. Since Provence is now in fashion, many shops are engaged in such trade. However, the price of artificially aged furniture will be slightly cheaper than purchased in an antique shop.
  4. Finally, you can form furniture yourself. This is the easiest and cheapest way we will talk about in more detail.

Making furniture with your own hands

As we found out, the easiest way to choose suitable furniture for your olive design is to make it yourself. No need to be frightened, even a person who is far from occupying needlework will cope with this process. So, you can buy the most simple and cheap single-wall wooden furniture or with the masculine to remove the paint with the old wooden furniture. However, the second option is even more interesting.

First of all, it is necessary to give wood relief. To do this, it must be lost with a metal brush, the edges of sharpened by sandpaper, and the nails make several holes and chips. After completing this stage, carefully clean the furniture from the residues of the chips and sawdust.

Now it is necessary to cross the surface with the help of enamel (turn well all the holes). Without waiting for a complete drying, we wash with a sponge most of the paint (it should remain mainly in the recesses). After that, you can paint furniture already the main layer of enamel, which is a few tones lighter than the previous one.

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Provence in the interior with their own hands

Olive-style kitchen

The most harmonious style of Provence looks in the kitchen interior. Create olive cuisine with your own hands is real. First you need to prepare the room:

  • The perfect olive ceiling is decorated with beams. In the urban apartment, such beams can be decorative, for example, from polyurethane. Similar beams can be bought at any construction store. When choosing the mounting option, give preference to the frame, as it is much more reliable than the adhesive option. As a rule, beams are sold already painted, so choose the color, similar to the genuine wood. Surface under the beams need to be painted with conventional paint white or beige color.
  • Walls treat with decorative plaster. Apply it with defects and errors. Let a small negligence in the wall decoration will be visible. The chic is the brickwork, appearing from the plaster. If for one reason or another you do not want to cover the walls of the kitchen with plaster, lick them with ceramic tiles under the color of the brick or stone.
  • Turning to the decoration of the floor, immediately discard the variants with linolyium, laminate, synthetic tiles and other unnatural materials. The perfect solution is coarse, poorly processed boards on the floor. Of course, if you can not provide boards in the kitchen normal protection against moisture, replace them on the tile.
  • Wood and door frames should be white. From plastic window frames it is better to refuse. Prefer the wood that can be very beautiful and covered with drawings of elegant curly colors. If you are engaged in the construction of your home - "give" the kitchen of delicious French windows from the ceiling to the floor.

Provence in the interior with their own hands

After finishing the kitchen, you can move to the most interesting thing - to its filling. Since we have already figured out how the furniture in the style of Provence should look like, we will not dwell on it. However, remember that the main rule for olive cuisine is that furniture in it should not be too much. Let your kitchen look a little minimalist.

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Well, finally, household appliances. Of course, in the modern world without it, it is not anywhere and hardly someone wants to give up the technique to achieve the perfect compliance with olive stylistics. You only need to create visibility that there is no technique in your old kitchen. To do this, all household equipment must be made either as built-in and disguised as possible, or hide it in lockers.

Provence in the interior with their own hands

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