Types of metal products for use as roofing and wall coating


The popularity of metal profile is a completely understandable phenomenon, since the attractiveness and ease of use speak for themselves. When I first met this material, I could not think that I would use it in various processes of roofing, fence, and even the gate of my house. To date, manufacturers produce not only different colors of corrugated metal sheets, but also different types of metal products that are used to carry out specific works. Today I will tell about the main characteristics, as well as types of metal products. Thanks to the knowledge gained, you will manage to make the right choice when buying a building material.

Types of metal products for use as roofing and wall coating


Varieties of material

Types of metal products for use as roofing and wall coating

Types of metal products

Immediately I want to note that the pricing policy on the professional flooring is significantly lower than the cost of metal tiles. Together with the durability of the material and the easy way to install, the corrugated metal is perfect for independent work. There are 2 main varieties of metal products:

  1. Nester-wall (roofing)
  2. Wall
  3. Carrier

At the same time, the first label letter will help to distinguish the material. To do this, I compiled a small decryption table:

LetterDecoding and description
N.Borrowing professional flooring, which refers to the most durable elements. Such material has the largest thickness and height of the corrugations. The use of this type is widespread during the arrangement of the roof, the facilities of various workshops or hangars, as well as warehouses, fences and garage premises. Increased strength of this professional flooring allows you to apply it for gates and wickets.
Ns.Universal view that has an average height and thickness. Can be used for partitions, walls, roofing coatings. Decoded as a carrier-wall profile
FROMIt is deciphered as wall metal profile, which is used to finish the wall surfaces. The layer of thermal insulation is stacked under it. With the thickness of the sheet, is strong enough to install the roof
Numeric valueAfter the letter "H, NS or C", the manufacturer indicates a numeric value that corresponds to the height of the corrugations on the sheet. This value is indicated in millimeters

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Metal coating

Types of metal products for use as roofing and wall coating

Metal fence

Durability material and its favorable appearance provides coating. It is it that allows us when buying a metal profile to select colors in their tastes and preferences.

Important! For those who want to save maximize and acquires a material with a zinc or zinc-silicon coating, it should be remembered that this solution does not provide durable protection for metal products from the action of the atmospheric environment.

In addition, choosing this coverage you will not have the possibility of a full color choice. If metal products will be used in external processes, then only a few years will need a replacement. Let's get a little closer to get acquainted with the advantages of other coatings:

  • Polyester or polyester-teflon - various colors and shades, a reliable coating that can withstand the temperature differences and resistant to moisture and ultraviolet rays
  • PVC with various additives - along with the excellent protection of the material, the possibility of selecting almost any color appears. Resistance to the sharp difference in temperature is one of the main advantages of this coverage.
  • PVDF - Polyvinylidenefloid is the best and most reliable coating that can be used for metal products. Anticorrosion coating protects the material even on the effects of chemicals

Advantages of use for roofing

Types of metal products for use as roofing and wall coating

Roof trim metal products

As a do not know the person, I always thought that it is best to use metal tile for the roof. However, having studied a huge amount of forums and asking the advice from knowledgeable masters, it turned out that metal-friendly is much more profitable. Especially if you decide to save at work and fulfill it yourself. The main advantage over other options for roofing flooring from metal profile is that there is no need for the installation of complex schemes. In addition, it stands out by such features:

  1. Universal - as you already understood it is possible not only for the roof
  2. Installation of metal products can occur independently
  3. Good rates of strength and resistance to atmospheric phenomena
  4. Installation occurs on any kind of crate + low weight
  5. Impeccable appearance and the possibility of selecting the necessary colors

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A huge number of challenges greatly simplifies the process of installation and fixing the material, while giving the resulting coating of the finished species.


Types of metal products for use as roofing and wall coating

Metal plate for roof

Fastening of metal sheets occurs with the help of self-tapping screws. But in order to achieve quality and reliability, special self-tapping screws should be used, which I will tell now.

There are several types of self-samples, which are used when working with metal profile:

  • Self-tapping screws that connect a straightener with wood - a step in such elements is rare, it is this simplifies the whole process of work.
  • Self-tapping screws - a special sharpening allows not to spoil the metal during screwing. A step in such elements is also rare
  • Connecting skate - such screws differ from the rest of their length

Important! For one square meter of metal profile, it is necessary to use 5-8 screws.

It is also necessary to remember that the screws should be screwed up strictly vertically, without slope. If you finish the wall surfaces, then fix the self-pressing on each second wave at the bottom of the corrugations.

Several useful tips

Types of metal products for use as roofing and wall coating

Manufacture of metal profile

Before mounting metal products, you should remember some key points. They will allow you to quickly cope with the task, and most importantly, fulfill all as much as possible:

  1. By installing roofing, use soft shoes - it is that it does not hurt the surface of the material. If the material used is very thin and its thickness is less than 7/10 mm, then install wooden bears.
  2. If even minor scratches appeared during the installation on metal profile, then after the end of the work they should be squeezed by special LKM. This will avoid corrosion. At the same time, do not forget to remove all dirt and sawdust from the coating at the end of work
  3. After three months, check the quality of the work you have done - if the tension of the screws is insufficient, then tighten them
  4. Do not forget about your safety - use the mounting belt and the cable to ensure complete comfort when performing the work with your own hands.

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Only the fulfillment of all rules for the choice of the type of metal products, fasteners for it, as well as the correct installation, which occurs in all technologies will allow your coverage to serve you not one decade. I hope my tips can also determine the choice of a suitable material.

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