Water Heat Connection Schemes


Since the heating system does not give the desired heat and in the apartments is cold enough, residents have to look for alternative methods of heating. Previously, heaters of different types were performed as such sources. But they have a number of shortcomings.

First, heaters are energy-consuming. Secondly, they have quite large dimensions and look not aesthetic. Thirdly, the set of heaters dries air, which is harmful to human health. All this has become an impetus to create a more economical and harmless alternative. Such an alternative was a warm water or electric floor, which today has already acquired great popularity.

Water Heat Connection Schemes

What is the difference between these types of warm floors. First of all, the water floor is different from the electrical heat carrier. And more economical is the water warm floor. In addition, it does not have emissions, unlike the electrical analog. There are no facts that indicate that such radiation is harmful to human health. But there are no facts indicating the opposite.

Mounting work

Since connecting the electric warm floor will not work, we will stop more in the water. Its installation is reduced to the zigzag laying of pipes on the draft coating. But with the connection will have to tinker.

The water system involves the presence of a collector cabinet. It needs to be installed where it will not interfere. It is necessary to take into account the fact that on the one hand, all pipes of the system will approach the collector cabinet. And on the other pipe leading to the boiler. Its location should not cause difficulties when sterning pipes.

Water Heat Connection Schemes

The width of the collector cabinet is an average of 12 centimeters. Pipes that go from water underwear, as well as from the boiler must be connected to collectors. The scheme of the system is quite simple. Through one pipe, which is called the feed, hot water logs in, and through the return pipe goes back to the boiler. This process is repeated in a circle.

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Naturally, the water temperature will differ significantly from the one that was at the entrance. Therefore, the installation of warm water floors in apartments is not permitted, unless we are talking about autonomous heating. So that everything worked fine, the pump is necessary. If you see the instructions for the boiler, you can see that it is equipped with a pump. But whether it is enough for its normal functioning of warm water floors - this is a question.

Water feed and return pipes need to be equipped with lock valves. If this is not done, then if necessary, turn off the heating in the room will not work. To connect the valve made of metal, and the plastic tube use compression fittings. On this work can be considered completed.

On the other hand, you need to connect the system itself to the collector. Since the pipes in which water flows will be somewhat, the number of outputs on the collector should also be quite a lot. The connection occurs with the help of fittings. Installation is ready to work. This is the simplest scheme having a huge drawback. Warm water floor will depend on the work of the boiler itself.

So that everything functioned more independently, it is desirable to install such elements such as the air vent, the pumping unit, a drain valve and a circular pump. The latter will provide the best circulation of water in the system.

Water Heat Connection Schemes

The pumping unit should be located between the water supply pipe and the collector. This node is equipped with three outputs. The first two are connected to the pipe and the appropriate collector. The third is connected to the return pipe located in front of the removal collector. The operation of this node consists in supplying water with the smallest temperature in the system if the temperature exceeds the necessary one.

The mixing pump is easily replaced with a three-way mixer. It takes the same place in the scheme that occupied the mixing pump, and performs the same task. However, it will function normally only if there is a good water circulation in the system.

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As for the air vent, it is necessary in order to get rid of air bubbles that will certainly fall into the system. To install the air vent, the system needs to be equipped with splitters. Their connection occurs on collectors from the connection of the system pipes.


The installation scheme of the system with air veins involves the presence of drain cranes. They are located on the splitter, from its lower side. If the system for some reason has ceased to work and it is necessary to produce repair work, then using the valves, water supply is overlapped, and with the help of drain cranes, it is getting rid of the liquid in the pipes.

Replace the mixer can be circular pump. It is advisable to do in the event that there is a need to increase the circulation of the fluid. The connection scheme assumes the installation of this item on the feed feed pipe. When installing a circular pump on the feed pipe, a minor heat leak will occur. It is advisable to purchase a pump equipped with a thermostat. So it will be easier to achieve the desired temperature.

Before finishing work, it is necessary to check the performance of the system. It is not enough to simply turn on and inspect compounds on tightness. The mechanism must work for several hours. During this time, it is possible to determine which maximum temperature of heating can be obtained and whether everything is tightly determined.

Water Heat Connection Schemes

Connection diagram can be selected at the discretion of the user. If you do not want to bother, then you can restrict ourselves to connecting collectors to the pipes of the system and pipes leading to the boiler. Everything! Such a scheme will work. But the system will not work much to regulate. Therefore, it will have to be placed on the blastness of the boiler.

If you want to be able to adjust the temperature and quality of water supply, it is advisable to install such elements such as a pump mixing unit or a circular pump, an air vent. In order not to have problems with troubleshooting, the heat-insulated system must be equipped with drain cranes.

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There are ready-made sets, including the additional elements in addition to the collector, which was mentioned above. Such sets attached scheme. It will simplify the installation of the system to the boiler. Do not think that, buying all the elements individually, it will be possible to save. Often cheaper to buy a ready-made set. And you should not save on components. The service life of the system depends on their quality.

Connect the system to the boiler is simple enough. Since we are talking about a system filled with water, when installing, it is necessary to pay special attention to the issues of tightness.

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