A black mold appeared in the bathroom, how to get rid of it


A black mold appeared in the bathroom, how to get rid of it

Bathroom, like other rooms in the house, should always be kept clean. The health of all family members depends on this. But such a small room with high humidity has one serious enemy - this is a black mold. This fungus can hit the corners and sections of the walls or the ceiling of the bathroom. Black mold not only seriously spoils the appearance of the room, but also can become a hazardous to the health of a person. Therefore, from such a "parasite" need to get rid of it. And about how to do this, and it will be discussed in this article.

Where does black mold come from

A black mold appeared in the bathroom, how to get rid of it

Black mold is Variety of fungus . This body loves to live in a humid environment. At the same time, it is not so important to the surrounding temperature, some of the types of fungi live perfectly even in the glaciers of Antarctica and Greenland. The most important factor is the presence of moisture. The black mold begins to appear at a humidity of 70%, and the optimal value for their growth is 90%.

Humidity in the bathroom - This is an ordinary phenomenon. When a person takes a bath or washing under the shower, water pores are settled on the walls and the ceiling. All this moisture accumulates and over time can lead to the appearance of black mold.

The main reasons appearance fungus in the bathroom can be considered as follows:

  • In the bathroom, the ventilation system does not work well;
  • Bad heating system, in particular, non-working heated towel rail;
  • Choosing the wrong material for finishing walls and ceiling. If it has a porous structure, there will definitely begin to accumulate moisture;
  • The presence of leaks in the water supply system or sewage, which increases the humidity of the air in the bathroom.

As you can see, the appearance of black mold causes preciseness of high humidity. It is impossible to protect against mushrooms. They are in huge numbers are in any, even a sterile room. Therefore, the main thing at the beginning of the struggle against mold is to get rid of high humidity. Only after that it will be possible to forget about these unpleasant and harmful "neighbors."

Get rid of high humidity

Since the black mold lives best where heightened humidity, the first in dealing with it is Fight of excess water . To do this, you can use one of the following recommendations of specialists. So, to reduce humidity in the bathroom follows:

  • A black mold appeared in the bathroom, how to get rid of it

    The most important way to overcome excess humidity is to arrange high-quality ventilation. In apartment buildings, the air is ventilated naturally. In the bathroom and some other rooms there is a vent hole that goes into the shaft. Through it, the wet air goes out. If the ventilation shaft does not cope with its task (it is clogged or has insufficient sizes) then the appearance of black mold is very likely. Correct this state of affairs. You can clean the ventilation shaft. If it is impossible to do this or such an operation did not help, then the system forced air circulation is mounted. In the ventilation hole, a lattice with a small fan is installed;

  • The temperature of the humidity can affect the reduction of humidity. It is best that in the bathroom will be a warmer for a couple of degrees than in other rooms. You can achieve this by installing additional radiators or mount the warm floor system;
  • If one of the walls of the bathroom is external, then make high-quality insulation. So you reduce the risk of condensate formation both on the wall surface and inside it;
  • In addition, it is necessary to inspect your communication systems. Check the absence of leaks, replace the cranes and mixers if they proceed. In addition, it is desirable to change all metal pipes on plastic. In this case, the amount of condensate formed by the resulting condensation will decrease.

Best of all these measures to take still in the construction process or repair. Such prevention will be a guarantee of a black mold in the bathroom. And if the fungi started, then you just need to do all these events.

Stages of work on the removal of black mold

Regardless of the material of the finishing of your bathroom, General work plan To get rid of surfaces from black mold will look like this:

  1. A black mold appeared in the bathroom, how to get rid of it

    Before working, you must take care of the means of protection. Black mold is a pretty toxic fungus that can harm health. Therefore, all work must be carried out in the respirator and rubber gloves.

  2. Then it is necessary to wash the mold from the surface. If the walls are separated by a smooth material (for example, a cafeter), then it is most often enough. Another thing, if the walls have a porous structure (for example, plaster). In this case, it will most likely need to be considered. The fact is that the fungal of black mold can penetrate deep into the finishing material. If you wash the fungus from the surface, it will appear again through time.
  3. Then the entire surface is processed by an antiseptic. To do this, you can use special chemical preparations manufactured by factory, or take advantage of some effective folk remedies.

Quite often, especially if the process of breeding the black mold is launched, the fungus penetrates deep Even on the wall with a tiled . If the mushroom is visible on the seams, they are removed. Then everything is processed by an antiseptic agent and a new grout is applied.

If the black mold penetrated the tile, then it will have to be kept off. In this case, it is better to consider all the plaster and paste the tile again. But here it should be at first to treat the antiseptic.


To combat black mold in the bathroom, you can use a variety of drugs. Some are sold in household chemicals, while others in pharmacies. List the most Popular chemicals To combat fungi. So, you can help the following:

  • A black mold appeared in the bathroom, how to get rid of it

    Copper Kuner . It is pretty easily accessible, and a highly efficient means for combating black mold and other fungi. Here, most importantly, strictly follow the instructions and comply with precautions. Copper core is toxic and can harm human health. For the preparation of the solution, 10 liters of water and 100 grams of powder are taken. This mixture is launched all the affected surface, and for the prevention you can "go through" all the walls and the ceiling. After that, the surface is washed and dried;

  • Chlorine It is the strongest poison for living organisms, including for fungi. To combat black mold in the bathroom, you can use the usual chlorine bleach. 10 ml of substance is diluted with 1 liter of water. This solution carries out the entire surface. To get rid of the smell of chlorks, you can use a weak solution of soda;
  • In special departments of most construction stores you can find special Antifungicidal agents . Such substances are produced in large quantities. When used, it is important to comply with all manufacturer's recommendations set forth in the instructions. Such substances are usually very toxic. Therefore, you should be careful.

The choice of chemicals manufactured by industrial means is very large. In addition, every year all new drugs appear. Everyone can easily find a suitable substance suitable for its occasion.

Folk remedies

If you have no confidence in the chemicals, you can use some folk remedies. Most of them are also very effective. But besides this, in almost all folk methods, a substance safe for human health is applied.

Here Some of the ways who are developed in the people:

  • Soda and vinegar. These two substances that can be found in any house are used in many cases. Alkali (soda) and acid (vinegar) when contacting is reacted. As a result, their mixture can get rid of your bathroom from the black mold that appeared. To do this, you need to apply to the surface of the soda (so that it is better to keep, wet the desired area with water), then add vinegar. As a result of the reaction, foam is formed, and mushrooms die;
  • You can use tea tree oil. Two tablespoons of this tool dilute 400 grams of water. With this solution, wipe the affected areas, wash the substance is not necessary;
  • Hydrogen peroxide will also help get rid of black mold. For the preparation of the solution, it will be necessary: ​​2 parts of the peroxide, 1 part of the boric acid, 4 parts of water and 2 parts of vinegar.

All these methods are easily accessible and safe for humans. At the same time Efficiency is proved . If the black mold penetrated into hard-to-reach places, then you can wet in any of the cotton swab or cloth and put it on time for the right place. The liquid will penetrate into any gap and kill the fungus.


Black mold is often found in the bathrooms. This The fungus loves moisture , and in such premises it is always in excess. But with high humidity it is necessary to fight. Improve the ventilation system, follow the temperature in the bathroom and control the absence of leaks in plumbing and sewage. All this will reduce moisture and will not give mold to appear. And if the fungus still started, various chemicals or folk methods will help him. The main thing is not to launch the beginning of the fight against mold. It is worth remembering that the fungus is quite toxic and can harm human health.

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