Liquid wallpapers from the newspapers do it yourself - cooking and applying


In the modern market, a rather extensive range of various wall coverage is presented. These are classic, liquid wallpaper, as well as decorative finish. If the material does not have enough money or you need to punish a small plot, you can make a wallpaper from newspapers with your own hands - a simple task with which everyone will cope.

Among the advantages of using this option, it is worth noting the following points:

  • Low cost. Practical all have home collection of waste paper, and additional components that are part of will cost extremely cheap;
  • Production of kneading both small and large volumes;
  • The work does not require special knowledge and skills, and the instruction on the preparation of the solution is quite simple and understandable.

Preparation of materials and tools

Liquid wallpaper do it yourself quite simple. The following components will be required for work:

  • newspapers;
  • Clean warm water that will serve as the basis for the future composition;
  • Coleberry pigment for water-level paints (color is selected according to individual preferences);
  • PVA glue for strength and elasticity of the solution;
  • Alebaster is predominantly high quality.

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

From the tools it is worth prepare the following:

  • Drill or screwdriver having a special nozzle mixer for grinding paper to the desired consistency;
  • bucket or other decrease in the solution;
  • putty knife.

Machinery cooking

The manufacture of liquid wallpapers is a pretty simple task and consists of several stages:

1. It is necessary to take 200 g of paper (the amount can be calculated depending on the required volume), cuts into strips or rushes into small parts, after which it is placed in the bucket and 1.25 liters of warm water poured.

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Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)
Paper or newspaper is cut and poured with water

2. For complete rejection and impregnation with water, the composition should be for about an hour.

3. Then, using a drill or mixer, a solution must be stirred and crushed to homogeneous mass.

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)
With the help of a mixer, bring to a homogeneous mass

4. 2 axle cap of the selected color for staining to the desired tone is added.

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)
Add paint and glue

5. After into the solution, 20 g of PVA glue is poured and everything is thoroughly mixed again.

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)
The mixture is thoroughly mixed

6. In the last stage, 200 g of gypsum is added. The material is rapidly grasped, so immediately after that it is worth embarking the solution.

Sequins or colored fibers can also be added to the liquid, which will add finishing even greater originality.

On video: Liquid wallpaper from newspapers.

How to apply the mixture

The application itself occurs quite easily and effortlessly. Pre-cleaned surface must be processed by primer. After the resulting mass is uniformly, the layer is distributed over the surface with a spatula. The complete hardening of the solution occurs after the day.

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)
The process of applying wallpaper from newspapers

The liquid wallpaper for walls do not smell and are quite simple to use. In addition, the composition is made practically from harmless and safe components.

Wallpaper from newspapers in the interior

Newspaper wallpapers in the interior look quite original and eccentric. In some cases, they look really unusual and beautiful. It should be borne in mind that the overall design of the room should be harmonized with the selected solution. Nowadays, there are several stylistic directions that will help make newspapers in the form of wallpapers with an excellent complement to the common range, while noticeably allocating them.

Modern style

Newspaper, wallpaper should not necessarily be on all walls indoors. To achieve the desired effect, it will be enough to arrange one wall with liquid wallpaper, which at the entrance immediately rushes into the eyes. In addition, you can add other details of the interior concerning the "newspaper" subjects. It can be a plated table or other furniture items. Also from the old waste paper can be made with your own lamp lamps.

Designers advise the bet on the game of black and white shades, as a result of which the room will look modern and harmoniously. Optionally, you can add a few bright accents.

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Retro style

Wallpaper in the form of newspapers are most often used in retro style. For best similarities, it is recommended to use the press of past times. If there is no such, it can be found on the Internet and print, mainly on newspaper paper. Quite often, in the interior, newspaper wallpapers are used to finish the arches, columns and eurkets.

For a larger approach to retro style in the interior, you can add a few things of those times. It can be a vinyl player, a black and white TV and other details.

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Application of newspapers under the wallpaper

The wallpaper under the newspaper is a good and justified decision. The main advantage is that the paper base does not require putty and primer walls. The newspaper paper with wets is very swelling, and after complete drying, many wall coating defects are stretched and hides. This will save not only time, but also the cost of buying a material.

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Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

For this case, you can use any whole newspapers old or new binder. Casting occurs in several stages:

1. Remove the old coating and elimination of flaws. To achieve the ideal state of the base, the surface needs to be spacked.

2. Applying primer. The composition will improve the adhesion between the materials, and will also strengthen the layer of old plaster and will be a barrier from the development of fungus and mold on the walls.

3. The next step will be the applying of the wallpaper glue.

4. On the wall of the wall with glue apply a newspaper and carefully smoothed.

5. Fucking the next sheet is made in the same way.

6. To secure the result, the finished wall with newspapers should be covered with a protective varnish. Advantageously applying a water-based varnish, as it dries quickly and does not smell.

Glowing walls with newspaper wallpaper is quite original and unusual, it requires a special approach and fantasy. The absolute advantage is the minimum cost of the material used, so that if the result does not suit, the finish will not sorce the finish. To obtain high-quality coverage, it is important to comply with all the recommendations on the preparation and pasting of liquid wallpaper from newspapers. Then ultimately you can get your rather attractive and exquisite interior.

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Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

Liquid wallpapers from newspapers - the basis for decoration of the walls (cooking and application technique)

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