Washing at the dacha with your own hands: Required tools and materials


To date, in the summer, many residents of cities spend time at the cottage, as it is not only a place for growing vegetables, fruits and flowers, but also a place to relax. Some daches live there all year round. The cottage provides comfort and comfort, which is why it should be most comfortable.

Washing at the dacha with your own hands: Required tools and materials

Diary water supply scheme.

An integral component of the country area is a device like washing. She most often happens on the type of washbasin and is arranged on the street. You can, of course, build it in the building itself, but then it will be part of the kitchen. Washing on the street will allow you to wash your hands, wash, rinse fruits or berries.

In the summer, when it is very hot, the sink can be a great way to cool and wash the dirt after working in the garden. It can be built with your own hands, and from the remedies. Of course, there are already ready-made models in the store, but all this costs money. In addition, the homemade washbasin can well fit into the landscape of the country area. It should be considered in more detail how to make a sink at the cottage, the main stages of work.

Cottage washbasin with her hands

Washing at the dacha with your own hands: Required tools and materials

Scheme of stands under the washbasin.

To make a washbasin in the country with your own hands, you first need to highlight a small area where it will be located. It is desirable that he is not far. Then it will be necessary to make a washbasin itself. To do this, you need to measure the sink, that is, the water drain container. To this end, you can use the old car wash from home or apartment.

As it, it is recommended to use a stainless steel basin. It must necessarily make a hole for draining water. The next step is to install and make the framework. Since the washing weighs a little, the foundation is erected. The framework in the country can be made with their own hands from the reinforcement, a corner or tree.

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Next you need to make your hands a worktop. For this take wooden boards. The area of ​​the table top is about 1 square. meter. Her washbasin itself is put on it. For the stand table top will suit any old table, chest or barrel. If desired, the washbasin in the country can be made with their own hands folding so that it can be stored in the room in a disassembled form.

Sink installation height is taken at 830-900 mm.

Washing at the dacha with your own hands: Required tools and materials

Schema of the couch with a washbasin.

As a tank, you can operate any capacity (bucket, barrel, canister). To make a sink in the country with your own hands, you need to organize a crane and lid. This is necessary for the water not clogging. In the table top you need to cut the hole corresponding to its size. It is important that it be about 10 cm wider washbasin.

The tank is fixed to the frame over the main design. For the attachment you can use nails or screws. It is impossible to make it in the country without properly organized drain. If the washing is portable, not stationary, then the drain is optimally made with your own hands in the form of a bucket. If it will stand constantly at the cottage, you will need to pull out a small pit.

Water on the hose from it will come there. If there is sewage, it is advisable to connect to it. In addition, it will be useful to smoke through all its edges with the help of a seal. The final stage of work is to join the washbasin with your own hands at the cottage to the drain.

List of tools and materials

In order to make a sink in the country with their own hands, you will need tools and materials. The equipment set includes: hammer, hacksaw, nails or screws, tabletop boards, water tank, screwdriver, paint (varnish), old sink or basin.

Also, you will need a hose for wastewater removal, a crane. Thus, on the basis of the foregoing, it is possible to conclude that it is possible to build a sink (washbasin) in the country with your own hands without difficulty. It is important to remember that the washing must be hermetic and not to pass water. It can be stationary or portable depending on the preferences of the host.

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