Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]


Many parents believe that it is not worth bothering over the design of the Tinaiger's room, as it will very soon need a new repair and everything will be needed to change anew, but it is not. In their room, adolescents spend a large amount of time and this room should make their pastime as comfortable as possible. Below are 10 major advice on the design of the teenage room.

Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

Pay special attention to the design of the walls.

Solutions with the design of walls are extremely difficult. In the teenage period, the teenager is neither a child nor an adult man. On the one hand, he begins to enter into an adult life, but on the other and does not refuse their past interests.

Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

Walls should be a mirror of his life and reflect it. It is appropriate for them to try a variety of design solutions, starting with painting of the walls, and ending with posting posters of favorite musical groups.

Choose the right color gamut

The color scheme in which the room performs, depends on the sex of the teenager and his personal wishes. For girls, soft and warm colors are more characteristic, for example, pink or purple.

Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

Guys are more suitable blue or brown shades. In the case when the room live immediately two teanager should pick up a neutral coloring of the room - in yellow, green or gray colors.

The room should be stylish

After selecting the color scheme for the design of the room, it's time to start it with painting. Before starting painting work, you should decide on the style of the future room.

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Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

In adolescent rooms, stencil graffiti looks well. If the teenager has artistic skills, it is appropriate to decorate the walls with rooms with hand drawings.

Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

Buy comfortable and functional furniture

Furniture - important attribute of the cozy room . She must have the following qualities:
  • Ecologicality
  • Functionality
  • Comfortableness

The choice of furniture directly depends on the size of the room. If the size of the room allows you to preferably get a wide and comfortable bed. For a more comfortable gathering to school, you should install a mirror and a spacious wardrobe in the room.

Add decorative details

So that the room was not too cluttered, should not be resorted to the use of a large number of accessories, but some of them besides basic functions, can perform and decorative.

Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

The main thing in the setting is its uniqueness.

Do not be afraid to resort to the purchase of original and causing elements of the decor, as adolescents at this age are very loved . It concerns not only furniture, but also other items in the room. For example, vintage artifacts look good - an ancient chest or chair.

Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

Boys love minimalism

Often boys in adolescence are fans of minimalism and prefer a free interior. It is recommended to refrain from buying unnecessary things and zooming space.

Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

Girls need special functionality

Not all girls wish to dwell in the pink Barbie style with a bunch of shaking. Most teenagers spend time with friends, so the interior is needed not only spacious, but also functional.

Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

Cozy place to sleep

Sleep place is simply obliged to be cozy. It is desirable, so that it resembled a small office. It is recommended to place a bed near the wall or resort to buying a retractable bed.

Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

Things must be in fast access

Special attention should be paid to the storage system. Such are the chest of drawers, a wardrobe and bedside tables. They must be spacious and comfortable.

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Arrangement of a Teen Room (1 video)

How to arrange a teenager room (10 photos)

Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

Arrangement of the Tiningair room [10 important tips]

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