Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: What makes the room more?


The problem of narrow and small-sized premises familiar to many. And everyone is trying to solve it in different ways. Especially there are difficulties with the selection of finishing materials, because you never know how harmonious they will be combined in the interior of a small room. If you wish to make your cozy home, despite the small area, then the best way will be to choose a wallpaper for a small room, visually increasing space.

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

What makes the room more?

Small-sized premises are inherent in many Khrushchev apartments. And the conditions do not allow to make a satisfactory redevelopment - the number of space remains the same and create "an extension" will not work. How to visually enlarge the room? There are several simple ways to visually add "air" into space. First of all, this is the use of curtains and mirrors.

Little room can be transformed, correctly picking the curtains. To do this, remember the main rules:

  • choose light tones and thin, loose textiles;
  • The canvases must be long, compressed in the form of a harmonica, falling on the floor;
  • The colors of the curtain must be combined with the walls of the walls, it is unacceptable to use contrast and dark shades;
  • There must be vertical stripes on textiles;
  • It is worth avoiding horizontal lines, large prints and drawings.

The most correct choice will be light light and warm tones translucent curtains. They should be longer windows and occupy space on the floor, thereby making the illusion of high ceilings.

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

The mirrors are the most popular and simple technique with which you need to act carefully. Excessive amounts of mirrors may not increase the small room, but, on the contrary, turn it into a matchbox.

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

For rectangular premises, it is customary to put a mirror on one of the long sides. Thus, the space of the room is "cut off", and it acquires the shape of the square. Usually, the problem of narrow space is found in the hallways and corridors.

In the apartments on the bathrooms saved square meters. Mirrors, glass and glossy surfaces will correct this shortcoming. In the bathroom it is worth abandoning the framework and use the mirror panels - the effect of freedom is created. For walls, a glossy coating tile is used, the shower is separated by a glass door, and the ceiling makes a mirror.

Article on the topic: Choice of wallpaper for the hall: Various methods of combination

Use photo wallpaper

Resort to photo wallpapers, visually increasing room. This is a fairly beautiful and spectacular way. But you should consider the features of each of the canvases. Not all drawings on the panel will give the desired result.

Increasing space Wallpapers must contain images seeking deep into the pictures:

  • Forest trail;
  • Street in the big city;
  • underwater world.

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

One more rule can be attributed to the fact that vertical images optically raise the ceiling.

Selection and sticking photo wallpaper is a complex process and there are several design secrets that will help to properly place the panel in a small room:

  • Wallpaper with the prospect should be glued on the wall of the room where there are no windows and doors.
  • It is impossible to obscure or cut a picture of furniture. Low sofa, table or bed are suitable for the wall with photo wallpapers.
  • The smaller the size of the room, the lighter should be a drawing on the wallpaper.
  • For the premises that windows come on a sunny side, it is necessary to select cold tones, and warm colors are suitable for those in need.

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

Designers also often use highlighting to wallpaper. This method takes place to be. It is used both in the case of small and large rooms. For small, the lamps of small sizes should be used. They can be placed in the cornices, "raise" with the bedside tables or bed.

Also, the built-in backlight in the niches is also used - it helps to achieve the effect of volume and visually add places in the room.

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

On video: Wall mural, expanding space.

Colors and patterns on the wallpaper

Wallpaper for a small room should be chosen based on the color and drawings that are located on them. Many are afraid to connect blonde walls and furniture because of fear that they merge and interior will be boring. There are many successful examples of design using white, gray, beige colors. For a small room, such a solution will be the best.

It should be remembered that the furniture should differ with a touch - to be darker than the wallpaper and the surrounding interior.

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

It is appropriate to choose cold colors. They work for expansion. You should refuse the following:

  • Contrasts. They visually cut the room on the part. It is appropriate to use for rooms that are more in size. For example, for their zoning. For small areas, this method is not suitable.
  • Bright rich colors. A similar background visually narrowing the room and turns it into boxes.
  • Large and contrast patterns. Their perception in this room will be broken, since the overall drawings emphasize the small area, and the brightness aggravates the situation.

Article on the topic: Combining 2 types of wallpaper in the bedroom (+40 photos)

It is allowed to receive a contrast wall. To do this, one side in the room is isolated using a picture. Better if it is geometric forms. What is the feature? The color scheme of this surface should be calm and not very different from the overall style. Thus, it turns out to deceive vision - any person will think that the space is more than in fact.

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

There are several rules for design walls by wallpaper:

  • The opposite parties can be issued in one color scheme, but opposing them with cold and light shades.
  • How to make long walls shorter? To do this, use a small print wallpaper, a large drawing is better left for short walls.
  • The diagonal placement of images on wallpaper canvases will also visually extend space.
  • The method of different colors saturation is common. To achieve the desired effect of the walls, it is covered with darker colors, and the light is placed on top. This method is ideal for small rooms with low ceiling.
  • Allowed alternation of wallpaper with a pattern and without. However, to expand the volumes of the room, one-picture canvases must be larger than the wallpaper with the ornament.
  • It is recommended to use glossy coatings. They create an increase in the area of ​​the rooms, as they have properties to reflect objects opposite them.

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

Expand the narrow room

One of the most complex is the decor of a narrow room. And if there is still little space in it, then you need to very carefully select any design. And before the start of any actions, you should familiarize yourself with the advice of professionals on how to visually expand the narrow room.

The main problem of such a room is the range of one of the parties. For its approximation, you can use such techniques:

  • Place a mirror on a long wall. This visually will doit the room and turn the rectangular design to the square.

Article on the topic: Selection of wallpapers for the hallway: where to start (+45 photos)

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

  • Use warm shades wallpaper. When placing such a coating on the far side, you can slightly reduce the distance.

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

  • Horizontal strips - They must be narrow and light. So at the same time it turns out to pull the walls in height and align the room.

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

  • Contrasts. To create a balance in a narrow room, you should place a different drawing on short walls. One of them is small, and on another large.

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

  • For dark and narrow premises recommended glue a brighter wallpaper strip on the one of the walls that illuminates the least. This will help align the overall design.

Furniture for expansion

To furnishings of small rooms also need to take seriously. The correctness of the choice depends on many factors: colors, shapes, size and stylistics of a separate element.

Refuse overall headcards. Huge cabinets and sofas are not in fashion for a long time. They can be left only due to warm memories. But they are able to spoil any interior. It is better to turn to stylish and not occupying a lot of things. They can be easily moved, transport or even hide in case of a change in design. Also very practical are built-in designs or furniture-transformer.

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

Stick minimalism. This rule will help get rid of unnecessary things that often clutter too much space. The smaller the furniture, the greater the room there will be light and freedom.

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

It is important to choose design and furniture in a certain style. One of the best options is High Tech. It is intended for young and active people who need functionality and comfort from home. Materials that are used to create this style - glass and metal. They contribute to the airiness atmosphere, so High-tech is ideal for small rooms.

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

You can enlarge the room in different ways. It may be wallpapers, materials, furniture and decor elements. However, everyone should know how to use them correctly. Otherwise, it may turn out a completely different result and the surrounding interior will become even less.

General Tips for increasing space (2 video)

Room design ideas (40 photos)

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper: expand the narrow room

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