Wallpaper for kitchen: selection criteria and color design features (+40 photos)


Quite a long time to choose the choice of wallpaper for kitchen finishing. This is due to the fact that such materials are presented in the market in a wide range. Therefore, when choosing it will be difficult to be guided by the principle of "like - do not like." But, what wallpaper for the kitchen to choose to create a modern style in the interior?

So that in the future did not have to blame someone in the unsuitable design of inconspicuous and gray cuisine, when choosing a finishing material, some factors should be taken into account. First of all, it concerns the functional load of the finish. With it, you can visually increase or decrease the space, give it natural forms.

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Also, no need to forget about the features of the room. It has increased humidity and temperature differences. Therefore, the wall decoration in the kitchen must meet some requirements, and especially to have a waterproof layer. So, what wallpaper is better to choose for the kitchen?

Practical material

The market presents a large range of such materials. Even in a small construction store, everyone can find a suitable option for themselves. If the desired product is not, then the store consultant can provide the photo catalog of the wallpaper for the kitchen 2019, in which there are all available models. With their help, you can implement any designer plan.

Natural combined wallpapers are very popular among the population. Of course, it is worth considering that such a material is not entirely suitable for the decoration of this room. Even the established ventilation system and powerful extract will not be able to protect the coating from the negative impact of negative factors. As a result, it will quickly lose the primordial appearance. This also applies to ordinary coffee, which can spoil the appearance of the finish.

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Do not stop on cheap paper wallpapers under painting in the kitchen. They are impractical, as they have low strength, as a result, the low life is guaranteed. If for finishing to use simple combined wallpapers for the kitchen on a paper basis without a special impregnation, it will soon have to re-repair the repair.

Paper wallpaper under painting - the material that quickly burns into the sun and is covered with soak, remove which is almost impossible.

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Selection criteria

What wallpaper to pokle the kitchen? This problem faces the owners when performing the cosmetic repair of this room. For women, this question is not terrible, as they first pay attention to the color of the kitchen. But, in fact, this is a wrong approach to solving the problem.

Article on the topic: Combination of wallpaper in the kitchen: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photos)

When solving such a question, how to choose what wallpaper for the kitchen is to rely on such criteria:

  • Light resistance. In modern premises, quite large windows are installed, which makes it possible to significantly increase its natural lighting. At the same time, the finishing coating is a negative effect of sun rays. If the combined wallpaper in the kitchen will have low light-resistance, then in a short time they will burn and lose their primordial appearance.
  • Density. Professionals recommend choosing dense combined wallpapers for the kitchen. They have less pores that prevent cluster on the surface of a large amount of dust.
  • Moisture resistance. In the room there is an increased humidity. Therefore, the finishing coating should easily withstand such a load. Moisture-resistant wallpaper is easily humid cleaning. This will greatly simplify the cleaning of the room. They can be combined with other materials. But, nevertheless, the washable wallpaper for the kitchen is better glued in zones where the risk of pollution is very high. So, even ordinary coffee can leave behind the complex stains.
  • Parry permeability. The finishing coating should quickly die after the next cooking and wet cleaning. So, if you remove the tracks from the wall, the place should quickly dry. It should be traced that the use of such material does not affect the optimal microclimate. A good option will be vinyl washable models that are easily combined in the interior with other objects.
  • The ability to repaint. Over time, the finish will lose the primordial appearance. As a result, the need for regular cosmetic repairs will arise. But, if the materials are adapted to repainting, it will significantly simplify the finishing work. It remains to be resolved: Wallpapers are better to use?

These criteria must be used when choosing wallpaper for kitchen finishing. After this, you can take into account the color design of the material. To pick up the color for walls of the kitchen, you should consider the style and the overall concept of the interior.

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Available options

In a construction store you can find almost any modern wallpapers for the kitchen. But, not all of them are suitable for finishing this room.

So, what wallpaper is better glued in the kitchen:

  • Combined kitchen wallpapers with impregnation. This option is ideal for budget repairs. Of course, creating the original interior with such materials will be very difficult.
  • Paper models based on a thin layer of vinyl. The material is relatively cheap. It can only be used to finish the walls that have a perfectly smooth surface.
  • Vinyl wallpapers for the kitchen. Hold high moisture and light-resistance. They are ideal for decoration of premises with high humidity. The finishing coating is able to hide small wall surface defects, which eliminates the need for careful preparatory work.
  • Fliselin wallpapers for the kitchen. Compared to the previous option, the material has a high density and easily opposes various loads. In the process of pasting, glue is applied directly onto the wall, which makes it possible to significantly reduce its consumption. Self-adhesive wallpapers for the kitchen will be a good option. They are easily repainted. Wallpapers Painting allow you to quickly and without much effort to change the design of the room.
  • Fiberglass-based material. It has high vapor permeability and dielectric properties, which reduces the risk of accumulation of dust on the surface. The cored material is easy to multiply purifying and painting. Therefore, it is well suitable for a kitchen, which is amenable to a serious load.

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Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

When finishing, it is worth abandoning the use of materials from foamed vinyl. Regardless of what gastronomic motifs are applied to it, it has low strength and moisture resistance. As a result, the finishing coating will be raised rapidly and will lose its primary appearance. But, still the question remains how to choose a wallpaper for a kitchen in color?

On video: Wallpaper for kitchen - 65 options in the interior.

Features of color decoration

When choosing wallpaper for walls into the kitchen, their color is equally important. Experts recommend considering models for painting. So, if the color is not suitable, it can be easily changed by painting.

When choosing it is worth considering some nuances:

  • For decoration of a small room, you should not use dark materials with a large pattern. This will visually reduce it. The paint or white wallpaper with a contrast pattern will be better.
  • Wallpaper for small cuisine should be blond and small pattern. Black and white or black and red contrast is better not to use, despite their popularity.
  • If the windows come out in the north side, it is better to use kitchen wallpaper warm shades: peach, yellow and cream.
  • For the south side, the optimal option will be green, gray and blue.
  • The original solution will be the combination of materials. This will create the author's design. Red-white and other contrasting combinations will decorate a spacious room.

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

When choosing, you should not forget that the color of the wallpaper for the kitchen has a psychological impact on a person:

  • Blue positively affects the psyche of man. After a difficult working day, it will allow you to quickly relax.

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

  • Green wallpaper in the kitchen will create a summer mood. Special attention is paid to a salad color. It is necessary to select it very carefully.

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

  • Gray wallpaper is ideal for aristocratic style. On the gray kitchen you can use decorative elements of various colors.

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Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

  • Orange is ideal for designing this room, as it helps to raise the appetite. Well combined with blue and green materials. With this option, you can create a floral interior that will delight the eye of all residents at home.

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

  • White color will allow visually to increase the space. White kitchen will look a little lighter.

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

The right approach to design will save on designers services. The ideas for decoration will be limited only by the wishes of the owner of the apartment. Here the main thing is to remember how to choose the right wallpaper for the kitchen in color.

Do not forget about experiments with contrasts. So, on a white kitchen, you can use a black or red tile, which will give the decoration of elegance.

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Design solutions

When choosing specialists advise to take into account the style in which the room will be issued. This will allow to emphasize his stylist. So, wallpaper kitchen design ideas:

  • Provence. For decorations, materials are used in light tones with different patterns and patterns. Optimal option will be olive, beige and lavender wallpapers for the kitchen in the style of Provence.

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

  • Country Such a stylistic solution will create a comfortable and cozy room in which it will be nice to even taste a cup of beloved coffee. It is better to stop the choice on models of green, brown and pink shades.

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

  • Loft. The style implies the design of the room in natural materials. As decorations, wallpaper for walls on the kitchen with brick imitation, plaster and others are used.

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

  • Japanese style. The optimal option will be the use of bamboo imitation. Also use modern wallpapers for a small kitchen with a picture of flowers and birds.

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

  • Minimalism. In this style of wallpaper ideas for the kitchen, it is customary to use monophonic and strict finishing materials.

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

A good option will be a photo wallpaper and liquid wallpapers in the kitchen. With the right approach, you can find materials for the room to solve a specific designer idea.

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Also, 3D wallpapers for various cuisines are widely used for decoration, they can portray nature, various landscapes, abstractions, thanks to which you can visually expand a narrow space. Adhering to our tips, how to pick up the wallpaper for the kitchen, it will be much easier for you when searching for the desired option.

Councils of specialists (2 video)

Wallpaper in the kitchen interior (40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

Tips for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen: color, practicality and design (+40 photos)

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