Collection of wallpapers for the hall: Combined options and tips on design


When a selection of wallpapers for the hall combined options always remain profitable. The combination of different textures, colors and patterns plays two roles at once. First, this is aesthetic side, secondly - wallpaper functions are becoming more. And it is profitable for the interior in any style. The main condition is to find the right techniques for each room.

How to choose material

The first challenge with which a person faces before you start combining the wallpaper in the hall - the selection of the material. This room has no features that need to be worked out. Therefore, choose the appropriate finishing material becomes easier.

Wallpaper species are a lot, they are based on:

  • paper;
  • vinyl;
  • Floors.

An important element is the texture of the wallpaper. Ideally combine materials with similar surfaces. So, during the sticking of different materials, difficulties may arise, for example, when docking two canvases. It is worth looking at the indicators printed on the labels of rolls - the figure with thickness should coincide. If it is different, then problems may occur when sticking and combining two types of wallpaper.

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Basic rules finish

To avoid common mistakes in creating an interior, several nuances should be known:

  • If the room has a small area, low ceilings, then the combined wallpaper for the hall of warm colors will be the best option. It is worth picking up the most bright color combinations.
  • Solar gamma is suitable for large living rooms. Add to the premises of sophistication and expand the space can be able to colors with a cold subtock.
  • When choosing dark shades, it is necessary to take into account that they absorb the area of ​​the room, making it visually less.
  • In the hall it is appropriate to use pastel colors. In order to avoid boring, it is recommended to make bright and unusual accents using a combination of wallpaper in the living room.

All these moments should be adjusted for their design ideas. In the process of planning, you need to remember that wallpaper is a background for the rest of the decor. Do not turn the walls in vulgar and amilateral paintings.

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Fashionable ideas for living room

For those who want to create not just a cozy place in the house, but also to remove all reminders about 2019, you should adhere to the latest trends in the interior. The main are:

  • patterns, ornaments that came from 2019;
  • Embroidery, textile wallpapers;
  • Relief walls;
  • vegetable prints;
  • Combining matte cloths with relief.

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Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

The most interesting thing is that all these elements are recommended to combine. In 2019, such a combination technique is recognized as risky. From 2019, the trend in the tendency crossed the method of focusing on one of the walls. This allows you to manipulate both the size of the room and its design.

When using trend design options, you need to take into account the overall stylistics of the room. There are often cases when one element of furniture destroyed the whole image.

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

On video: Wallpaper combination options.

Vertical combinations method

Such a combination of wallpaper in the living room is used most often. Popularity This method received due to the simplicity of execution, because to "enter" the vertical strip in the interior is very easy. At the same time, it will take some time on the web sticker itself. It is best to use proven combinations of colors. The most universal is white in combination with black. You can take shades of these colors, namely pastel, brown, gray and others.

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

A picture option is allowed. But it will be better to look at the accent strip. The use of contrasts will help create an interior in a strict and exquisite style. It is important to take into account the width of the strips. In the case of sharply opposite colors, they must be the same. But if the wallpaper has close shades, it will be better to make less bright stripes, twice as many saturated.

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Use the horizon

Often designers combine wallpaper in the living room using horizontal strips. This method is more complicated and to its implementation it is worth going with caution. But the result will be worth it. Best of all, such design wallpaper is suitable for a classic style room. An ideal option will be supplemented with wooden finish in the form of panels.

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

The most common way of a good combination is to use the combination of wallpaper in the living room in the form of light top and dark bottom. Create interior with contrasting colors is difficult. Most often resort to the combination of different shades of one tone.

In order to hide the bog of two canvons, you can stick to it a special tape or close the border.

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

The procedure for placing wallpapers on the walls is also not easy, since here you need to be able to accurately calculate the length of the bands and take into account the joints, especially if one of the coatings has a drawing. It is better to entrust this work to professionals who quickly and qualitatively will finish the room. In addition, it will be possible to avoid damage to materials and unnecessary spending.

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Inserts from wallpaper

There is also a combination: wallpapers in the hall + combined inserts. This designer reception is widespread. The main advantage of its advantage is the originality and simplicity. So get a spectacular living room with this technique everyone can.

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

There are several features that will help to navigate in the diversity of ideas:

  • For decoration, you can pick up different materials: fabric, photo wallpaper, panoramic coatings, wood.
  • It is necessary to combine insertion among themselves, then they will not look ridiculous.
  • The perfect option when the materials of inserts and the accent wall will be the same. This will make the interior more business.

This combination method has another reception, which will make wallpaper for the living room unusual. This is the so-called patchwork technique. It is much more complicated to implement it, but it looks more spectacular. The essence of the method is that one of the walls or part of the room is filled with wall sections. At the same time, even old flaps from rolls will be suitable.

It is possible to place the wallpaper wallpapers on the surface: horizontally, vertical or randomly randomly. This is the charm of this method.

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

You can draw up a list of recommendations that will help in implementing patchwork designs:

  • choose the part of the wallpaper suitable on the stylistic;
  • The color range of all segments used should not be conflict;
  • It is worth attaching the flaps to the wall with the help of a scotch - it will help to see the picture completely and evaluate its quality.

Do not be afraid of experiments. Even the most insane ideas can be adapted under a certain style.

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Separation of the room on the area

If it is necessary to draw zoning of the room, many, in the hall of your house, choose the combined wallpaper. Since the living room is traditionally the largest room, then there is where to show fantasy. Universal reception - to separate the area of ​​food reception from a place to relax. To do this, it is necessary to choose the correct combination of colors.

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

The dining area is a place where it should be comfortable to eat. So, nothing should distract. Here the most suitable tones with cold notes will be. They will be able to create the right atmosphere. To relax, you should choose more comfortable, with colors, because in this zone, a person must feel relaxed. Favorable will be warm shades of pleasant, gentle colors.

Regarding the textures - they can also play. It is not necessary to lay a lot of different wallpapers, it will be enough to choose a single-handed material and structural cloth.

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

The first step should begin with the selection of the background. In the interior of the living room is the most important indicator. Stopping from the background, it is worth planning the other elements. So, monophonic wallpapers with a smooth coating can be added to the embossed web. It is better to use patterns and prints as decorative elements. This version of the wallpaper unification was Moden in 2019, but now does not lose popularity.

In the process of repair, not only the design of the wallpaper should be taken into account, but the rest of the things. The combination should include walls, furniture, curtains, minor parts, household appliances.

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

What you need to avoid

The connection of several cloths in the room is not an easy task. Despite the fact that there are a lot of combination rules, the same errors are repeated. There are actions that lead to inesttic combinations.

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Most often allow such an error in the interior planning: a small pattern + glossy surface + large structural pattern. This combination is too catchy. The eyes will not be able to focus, and the design will quickly get bored, especially if the palette of the coatings are very saturated.

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Modern living room, both in the house and the apartment it is impossible to imagine without combined wallpaper. They are able to add any room of unusual and style. But at the same time, inept use leads to sharp and inappropriate design solutions. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of cloths, it is worth thinking well to combine all elements in the room.

Tips for choosing wallpapers for the hall (1 video)

Combination ideas (44 photos)

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

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