Textural wallpapers for painting: nuances when choosing and excluding


Virtually a decade is greatly popular for painting. This finishing material has a pronounced texture, which, awaiting through the paint, gives the interior of the necessary texture. They are easily amenable to reusable staining, so without cardinal repair work you can create a new interior or refreshing the old one.

Depending on preferences, you can independently choose a color solution for the design of walls or even combine several colors within one room. But the main question: wallpaper for painting - what better?

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

From which the choice depends

Before proceeding with the walls of the walls, many are asked about what kind of painting in the interior will look most organically. Rational People immediately think that pasting wallpaper was made without problems, and if necessary, it would be possible to paint with their own hands.

The choice will largely depend on the features of the room, and from the place of decoration. For example, wallpaper on the ceiling under painting will differ significantly in terms of its characteristics from those that will be selected for walls.

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

There is still a huge number of additional factors that will affect the selection of this finishing material:

  • Suitable for interior texture;
  • Material side;
  • The question of the environmentally friendly state of the material;
  • The need for noise and sound insulation;
  • The estimated number of staining.

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

Many for a long time doubt: wallpaper or painting - what is better? And in some embodiments, instead of gently decorated walls in the room, instead of wallpaper there is cold paint. Thus, the feeling of comfort and comfort is dull. Many in the old manner choose the material not under painting, and often regret it. Since soon I want some changes, and dismantling finishing and secondary wall processing requires a lot of strength, money and time.

Advantages and disadvantages

Wallpapers for painting, the pros and cons of which can be immediately determined, meet certain criteria. First about the advantages:

  • Fast and easy installation, which is made in just a few days.
  • Fast and trouble-free disassembly.
  • Huge selection of color, pattern, material. Wallpapers Paluit with a palette shall be the entire spectrum of colors, but they are mainly represented in pastel colors.
  • Due to the specific coating, there are still a mass of additional properties.
  • Due to the soft color solutions, you can combine different wallpaper for painting.

Article on the topic: Modern wallpapers for the bedroom - Beauty and comfort of the apartment (+38 photos)

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

There are also certain disadvantages:

  • The double cost of finishing works, as painting is also taken into account, and the salary.
  • Require special materials for installation, for example, special wallpaper glue.
  • Not quite convenient secondary finish.

In most cases, wallpaper for the walls are still choosing exactly those that can be painted in the future. So, you can save on the frequency of repairs.

Wallpaper types of painting

If the decision is finally decided, and the choice is made, then the time to determine the specific type of this finishing material:

  • Flizelin wallpaper under painting. They are sufficiently dense finishing material, which retains high quality heat in the room and warns the heat loss. Flizelin is applied on the paper basis, which can be a large or small print. Wallpaper on a fliesline basis is more simple when installing than their analog. In any case, the first, and the second option is suitable for reusable staining. Most often - this is a relief wallpaper. Wallpapers for painting Marburg are considered the most popular view of the phlizelin material. In addition to Marburg, Rasch wallpaper is considered popular.

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

  • Paper wallpaper under painting. They can be glued on any walls and in any rooms. In comparison with conventional paper analogues, this type is more dense, as it consists of several layers - usually two. Thanks to a special impregnation, paper wallpapers are not soaked in moisture, so suitable for reusable staining.

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

  • Wallpaper of fiberglass under painting. Possess a lot of advantages. They remarkably correct wall defects, made of environmentally friendly materials, multifunctional, durable and differential.

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

  • Vinyl wallpaper under painting. Presented with just a few color solutions, but a huge selection of textures and textures. Thanks to a compacted-based Fliselin, which caused vinyl, wallpaper is seriously painted, but at the end of the work they acquire a chic look.

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

  • Anti-vandal wallpaper under painting. They are divided into two main types: fiberglass wallpapers for painting and vinyl anti-vandal wallpaper. This type of finishing material under painting is characterized by increased resistance to mechanical damage, the effects of sun rays and pollution. Fiberglass wallpapers are considered more practical in comparison with vinyl anti-vandal counterparts.

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

Article on the topic: Modern wallpapers of various types: How to make the right choice for the bedroom?

Choosing a wallpaper for painting, immediately need to focus on the paint and on the method of sticking each type separately.

On video: Choose wallpaper under painting.

Features of pasta

Since this finishing material is made according to special technologies, there is a completely different installation feature in comparison with ordinary counterparts. How to glue wallpaper for painting know not many, especially this may be aggravated when the repair is made on their own.

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

Pusting wallpaper under painting implies the use of the following technology:

1. First you need to choose suitable glue. Wallpapers for painting without a texture on a paper basis can be glued with an ordinary universal glue. Flizelin wallpaper under painting, as well as on the phlizelin-based basis with the help of a special wallpaper glue.

2. The gluing of the material of this type is made only on the prepared surface. Walls in the room must be aligned and preloaded. If there are no such defects, the surface should be qualitatively cleaned from old finishing materials.

3. The work begins from the window from the left corner. First, measure the line that is possible to spend with a plumb. Then the strips are cut from finishing material with a reserve of 5 centimeters. Then applied glue on the walls. If the wallpaper is a fiberglass treated with phlizelin or this is a vinyl material, then the gloss is not applied to the band itself, otherwise it is necessary.

4. Further actions are no different from the standard sealing procedure. Wallpapers Painting Marburg are mounted on the same principle. The ceiling variant of staining is the same as the wall.

How to glue the wallpaper for painting becomes quite understandable even newcomer. The main thing is to install without a lining, and jack. Otherwise, the material may be detached or partially.

On video: How to shove wallpaper for painting.

We pick up paint

The paint for wallpaper under painting should be necessarily high quality. It is also important to choose the desired shades. In the store, it is important to determine which brand is the paint brand, for this you should pay attention to the composition - the coloring pigment should be specified in it.

Wallpaper for painting Marburg and other similar options can be painted only with oil paint. Paint for wallpaper in painting in other cases may be water-emulsion.

Most often, it is white wallpaper, so the colora for painting wallpaper is not too saturated - it is more often pastel or cold colors.

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

Painting paints under painting should not only high quality surface, but also meet several basic requirements:

  • The painted area should not be exposed to solar effect, that is, burn out.
  • Do not change the color effect as a result of the effects of chemical detergents.
  • Good guarantor of quality and environmental friendliness.

Article on the topic: Combination of wallpapers in the hall: selection of color solutions (+48 photos)

So that all these properties are respected, paint for painting should be in latex basis. Such components are used in order to protect the surface of the finishing material from mechanical damage.

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

Staining technology

How to paint wallpaper for painting - this question interests many, since non-compliance with this technology can lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the finish.

Each view has its own special processing option:

  • How to paint fliesline wallpaper? It is best in this case to use the waterfront paint. Painting fliesline wallpaper can be carried out using a glossy or matte base. The tool is applied to the surface with a roller.

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

  • Smooth wallpaper for painting can also be painted with water-emulsion. How to paint wallpaper Water-emulsion paint becomes whole art. The remedy for the first time is applied in two layers. Painting the walls must be carefully so that the layers be uniform without the formation of bubbles.

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

  • Many are interested - is it possible to paint liquid wallpaper. This option of finishing material is tremendous, so their further finish is also important. When painting Wallpaper is important to maintain the texture of liquid wallpaper, as it is very easy to break it.

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

  • How to paint old wallpapers, which have been decorated with a wall for several years? It is important to adhere to the same principle as at fliseline wallpaper. Color old wallpapers follow two, or even three layers.

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

  • Painting the ceilings is carried out according to the standard principle. The main thing is that the paint is not too liquid, otherwise the frozen drops will arise.

How to paint wallpaper for painting becomes completely clear. Such painting of wallpaper does not require compliance with some special rules, so you can easily fulfill such work and simply. Technology painting wallpaper under painting in two colors is most popular. So one wall is painted in one color, and the other in another.

Specialist Tips (1 video)

Wallpaper with different textures (35 photos)

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

Choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques

The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

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