Electrical Counter Selfness: What to do how to fix


Quite often there are situations where people notice that their electric meter continues to rotate even in the absence of voltage. Accordingly, questions arise: why does he spin and how to get rid of such a problem? In fact, such a phenomenon is called self-propelled. As a result, a person can overpay the remedy for the energy he did not use. In this article, we will look at what self-propelled electrical counter, consider the main causes and ways to solve problems.

Electrical Counter Selfness: What to do how to fix

Why occurs self-propelled electrical counter

Self-frequency is the operation of the meter, even if there is no load on the network. This is due to the fact that the counter rotation device comes into contact or a short-circuited turn, which is located on the magnetic flux road. As a result, the working stream is splitting, which forms two streams.

Two streams lead to the fact that resistance appears and the phase shift angle occurs between them. As a result, the electrical counter receives an additional MK moment, it is it that allows you to compensate for the torque in the device.

Electrical Counter Selfness: What to do how to fix

Why occurs self-propelled electrical counter

If the nominal voltage and load on the network will be more than 100%, then the friction takes place to be compensated. It is for this reason that the working counter without tension receives smaller friction, which leads to an idle go.

How to check the electrical counter for self-propelled

Actually make it simple enough. It is necessary to turn off all exhaust machines, and the introductory to leave the included. If the electrical energy is not consumed, the counter disk will make only one turn, speaking for the electronic device, it will blink once every 15 minutes.

If you see the speed or permanent flicker of the counter, you can be sure that your electric meter performs self-propelled.

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The induction disk is as follows:

Electrical Counter Selfness: What to do how to fix

Here is the meter indicator.

Electrical Counter Selfness: What to do how to fix

It is on them and pay attention. We also recommend contacting the exact time in order not to make a mistake.

What to do if there is a self-propeller

Immediately pay your attention! Now there are no ways to determine when the counter shaves incorrectly. There are only certain methods that will help to establish a problem.

For example, if you see that self-grade occurs in the country. Try with your departure to remember the numbers. If they have increased, then the only thing you can do is to completely replace the device.

Remember! When you leave, it is worth disconnecting a group and introductory machine, there was no voltage to the device.

We also recommend reading an article who should pay for the replacement of an electrical counter. After reading it, you may find the reasons why the electric meter will replace you for free serving organization.

Of course, it is possible to stop the self-frequency. However, note that you can get a serious penalty for using a magnet. So, the most optimal solution is to completely replace the counter.

We also recommend to see a few videos about what to do if the counter is spinning without tension.

How to determine what the counter considers an excess voltage.

We recommend reading: how to replace the electrical counter.

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