How to choose tulle for the hall: tips on the choice of fabric and designer techniques


Window design is a significant interior element. Most often it is the final repair chord, which is closely interconnected with the design room. How to choose tulle for the hall and other rooms so that the curtains on the windows serve as an element of the decor, at the same time were functional, that is, they scattered or muffled the light and insulated the room from strangers?

The living room is a central room at home, where all family members are going, holidays and celebrations pass, you can say the "heart" of the apartment. Therefore, it is important to take into account the many nuances.

What you need to consider

Before selecting curtains and tulle for the hall, you need to understand what function will perform the design of the windows. The premises itself and its characteristics are also of great importance.

What you need to determine:

  • Curtains are used as an element of decor or carry a functional load;
  • window size and room;
  • Location in relation to the parties of light, therefore, illumination;
  • interior style;
  • Practicality and convenience for use.

Stripping from these moments, the curtains are selected on the windows.

How to pick up Tulle

You need to choose a chart for the living room with Tulle to her. There are recommendations of designers who will prompt how to choose a set:

  • If you emphasize on the curtain, it is in itself rich in color and patterns, Tulle plays the role of the background. For these purposes, smooth monochrome tulle is suitable. In this case, the effect of contrast is used - dark saturated color of curtains and light tulle.
  • In the case when the curtains serve as a supplement, feedback. The curtain material must be neutral and highlight tulle texture.

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

By interior style

How to choose tulle and curtains to it, based on the interior design? Here it is necessary to rely on the stylistics of the room:

  • Minimalism requires simple elements, without unnecessary. In this case, focus on the texture of the tissues.

Article on the topic: Nuances when choosing a curtains for a boy teenager: specialist advice

  • Classic and Baroque, on the contrary, attract the use of lambrequins, volanov, pickups. Tulle in various variations are used for similar techniques.

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

  • Provence, Shebbi-Chic, Chalet requires curtains using elements of floristics. Here are appropriate curtains with flowers, tulle with ruffles. Duplicates textiles in interior details, pillows, bedspreads, capes on the chair.

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

  • Ethnic style of various directions - here textiles plays a significant role. The shape of the curtain must match the subject.

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

  • Indian style - heavy curtains with rich textures and saturated colors. Tulle can be with golden thread or rhinestones.

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

  • Japanese style is a screen curtains from a smooth thin fabric or Roman cloths.

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

  • In African style, you can use stylized cloths and tulle from the threads. Natural fabrics are better suitable.

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

By functionality

You should also select tulle by their functionality. For the first and second floors in the house it is important that the curtains are isolated a room from strangers. Choose tulle, curtains are better so that they are less transluted. It must be dense curtains and translucent light fabric. The most suitable organza.

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

An option when the curtains perform the role of decor in the hall, there is much more different combinations. For example, tulle without curtains in the interior - it can be made of various materials (taffeta, kitty, grid).

Lighting and windows

Select tulle for the hall needed, given the illumination and size of windows. The most illuminated rooms with windows south and southwest. Therefore, the curtains will play the role of the screen, which dispels the sun's rays. Curtains saturated tones. Perhaps use and non-standard options. Brown tulle in the interior serves as a filter screen, shades the sun's rays.

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

If the windows overlook the northern direction, insufficient light penetrates into the room. Here you need to use bright shades. You can hang only tulle. Another option is a lightweight curtain moves to the location of the curtains to the fore, and the bright curtains on the traditional place of Tuli. The window seems to be slightly deep into the room.

Western and oriental windows are the optimal light mode. But still do not need to donate the windows.

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

Heavy, dark curtains and tight tulle will make small windows even less. Therefore, only light tones and use of light curtains, which is maximum transmitting light (grid, light taffeta). With large windows, everything is much easier, it is possible to decorate the windows, pushing away from taste and destination by the curtains.

Article on the topic: how to choose curtains on the door: ideas for any room (+42 photos)

Recommend to use the same rule: the color gamut curtains must be duplicated in the details of the interior. For the curtain hall, it is important, because it is the main room, it should be particularly expressive. Choosing a chart, at the same time the tulle ensemble is selected to it.

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

Properly selected companion is a guarantee of a successful design of the curtains. In order to facilitate the choice of the Salons, the curtains in the samples of collections offer ready-made variants of the combination of curtains and tulle.

Choose cloth in color and material

The landmarks will serve as a color scheme of wallpaper and textiles, the total color color of the room, the stylistics of the room. You can use several options:

  • If the windows are large, panoramic to the floor and it is necessary to emphasize their significance, you can use only curtains so that the windows themselves are clearly visible.
  • The classic of the genre is a combination of curtains and tulle. It is important to harmonize them with the interior and among themselves.
  • Option when the first tulle plan. Curtains perform in this case the role of the screen that closes the windows. The main focus falls on Tulle. It should be interesting and expressive. The range of the proposed samples will allow any designer solution to implement.
  • Attention should be paid to the translucent curtain with the photo printing. Thanks to this technique, any image is applied to the translucent material. It looks amazing and serves as a bright element of the decor.
  • One tulle is used. In this case, the light window fabric is the Queen of the Bala. We choose the material, coloring, texture so that the curtains match the most intended solution for the interior.

If you have a living-studio, then the kitchen is combined with the hall. Curtains should cross each other. It is not necessary to design the same, you can simply duplicate the tissues.

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

The material chosen is the key to an interesting solution of the curtain for the window. Main translucent tulle fabrics: organza, taffeta and mesh material. In turn, they are divided into structure and types of smooth, with patterns, with decorative inserts and elements.

Article on the topic: Proper selection of curtains - harmony of color, style, decor (+45 photos)

On video: Tulle: We designate in materials and weaving.

There are several varieties of non-smooth fabrics:

  • With drawings. Depending on the purpose of the room and stylistics, you can use as a decorative element for decoring the Tulle window with a pattern or photo printing. In this case, the windows will drag visually on themselves. Such a light curtain will decorate the interior of the living room.

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

  • Lace Tulle. The most suitable for Provence styles, Shebbi-Shik, Art Deco. Lace curtains create homemade comfort. It is appropriate to look in the hall and kitchen.

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

  • Textual fabrics. The main decorative element becomes a variety of texture and thread thickness. It can be a chaotic weave of different thickness, nodules that permeate fabric stripes and uneven tracks. This also includes Tulle Pautinc.

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

  • Mesh fabrics. Fashion trend. The main advantage is that it best misses the light from the window. Different threads can be used, including silver, color. It is quite impressive and not standard.

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

  • Nutty tulle or cheese. These options have become a hit in the market. There are separate threads from different materials collected on tips. They are minis in beads, consist of multicolored threads, in the form of silver rain and so on. They often zonate the room. It is better to use them separately either so that the curtains were a low-rise background.

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

A variety of tulle textures and materials make it possible to decorate the windows of the hall for every taste and embody any designer solution. Based on our recommendations, you can easily choose the appropriate option for the hall.

Councils of specialists (2 video)

Tulle in the interior (36 photos)

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tulle

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

Design of windows in the hall: Recommendations for the choice of Tuli

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