How to open the slapping interroom door: recommendations


Everyone knows the stories when they jumped into a staircase, and the entrance door slammed, but this situation may occur with interroom. This is possible when there are small children in the house, sometimes animals can become the culprits of the situation. It happens that it is that just the castle jammed, that is, the reasons can be different, but unites them in one - the question is how to open the interroom door?

How to open the slapping interroom door: recommendations

Most often, the locking system fails by negligence, and therefore, in order to avoid it is necessary at the slightest signs of bad work of the castle to contact the specialists.

Ways to open doors

It doesn't matter for what reason the door was closed, but it must be discovered. The easiest way is to call the wizard to the house, but it is not always possible. For example, the service is very expensive or master busy the next few days and so on. The door must be opened so as not to damage it. Well, or at least make it a minimum of visible damage, especially if it is a new or purchase not included in your plans for the next couple of years.

How to open the slapping interroom door: recommendations

The easiest way to open the slapping door is to ask for help in the opening service of locks.

You should not immediately begin to beat in hysterics, especially if a child is locked in the room - he will hear your excitement, and that you will make it worse and yourself, and him. Inhales deeply, calm down and take up. You can try to open an interroom door in several ways:

  1. With a plastic card.
  2. Using spokes.
  3. With nail, hairpins, wire.
  4. With screwdriver and other similar objects that will find.

The choice of a particular method will depend on the installed opening mechanism, from your skill and good luck.

Often only the presence of a plastic card is enough to solve the problem. This method is more suitable for those models that are equipped with a regular "tongue." In this case, everything is pretty: Take the card and spend it along the door lock, then click on the handle.

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Practical recommendations

Interior doors equipped with another mechanism - latch, need to be opened differently. For a start, try to check the handle if no changes occur, then take a screwdriver (when it does not fit the saw, knife, spoon and so on) and unscrew the screws that are on the handle.

After that, you need to remove the lock (only lock, without a handle) from the door canvase. Then with the help of something pointed (the same screwdriver, a pencil or something like this) need to find the latch mechanism (it will look like a tubercle). As soon as they spoiled - put on it slightly and at the same time turn the handle, opening the door.

How to open the slapping interroom door: recommendations

In the event that the door slammed, and the key remained from the reverse side, then you can use any thin metal objects, the type of needles or studs to push it out.

Interior doors There are those who close on the castle, and it happens that the door slammed, and the key sticks out on the other side. In this case, you can try to push the key. To do this, you need to stockday that you can slip under the door. The sheet (cardboard, newspaper and so on) must be put in the gap between the floor and the web in such a way that the key has fallen on it from the opposite side, but that you can get the sheet from this side.

Then you need to take something acute and long type of knitting needles, wire and something like that and try to push the key, but not sharply so that it does not fall far. As soon as the key fell on the newspaper - pull to yourself, lift the key and open the door.

There are such interior doors that are equipped with a handle with an already built-in latch, the so-called key. This latch works as follows: when the door is closed, pressing the key locks it from the inside, and it is not possible to open it outside.

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Sometimes it happens that the door with such a mechanism slams without the presence of a person when the key is pressed. How to open a slapping interior door of this type: Outside, it is necessary to find a small hole under the handle itself and try to insert something long and sharp type of needles or wire, even a nail can be consolidated. This item will return the latch to the right position, and all the door is open.

There are other options: take a knife with a long blade or something metallic thin type of line, carefully drive from the top of the riglel and move the knife in different directions, this method is similar to that implies the use of a plastic card.

The practical method (from more radical, when the door is not a pity or none of the ways did not work) - spin the chisel or something like that.

The chisel with a hammer should be driven between the box and the web and try to squeeze the castle tongue.

How to open the slapping interroom door: recommendations

Another way to open the castle of the slammed door is his disassembly. This can be done yourself, but you can call a specialist.

Another radical method is to try to disassemble the entire castle, then you can replace it - it is cheaper than replacing the entire door.

If none of the ways helped cope with the problem, it remains either to break the door, or call the masters. You can call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, especially if someone is in the room.

Most often with the slamming problem, it is necessary to face when the castle is low-quality or doors are installed non-technology. That is why it is important not to save on the doors, components, fittings and work masters. It is especially important when there are children in the house.

It is terrible to imagine that the child will remain in the room one locked, because the parents are not always (and most often only moms) can adequately assess the situation and act confidently. The hysterical, panic and screams begin more often, and it is already more difficult - having lost possession of themselves, it will be quite difficult to cope with the task, you need a cold head.

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How to prevent this?

How to open the slapping interroom door: recommendations

If the door lock is a simple tongue, you can open it with a thin flat object of the type of plastic card. This subject need to spend along the castle to push it away.

It has long been known that there is no better solution to the situation than its prevention. In the house where there are (or planned) children (although sometimes old people can do so, especially with mental disorders), it is better not to have slamming castles nowhere. Neither in the entrance doors, nor on interroom, benefit, modern doors have alternative options. If it is impossible, you can spend over each door from two sides duplicate keys.

As an option - on the doors to install locks higher than the child can reach, but again, the children grow, and there, where the child does not take out today, he will get in a couple of years, well, or a chair will substitute, children are rich in fiction. Although, there are other options - for example, if the child was able to close the door from the inside, he could and open, so you can try to persuade it to do it, but again it depends on a particular child, his age and situation.

If you notice that the door began to closing and open up as before, it may say that the mechanism will soon break. And therefore, it is better to call the masters right away, and not wait when the door will finally break down and the prohibition of someone. You can ask in stores about which mechanisms that are able to prevent slamming. Well, when installing the door, ask the Master - what to do in such an emergency.

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