Ceiling painting in 2019 [current ideas]


The painting of the ceiling is always a good solution for the design of the modern interior. The painted ceiling is not only unique, but also more significant, as it is often performed personally. About how independently and beautifully paint the ceiling in 2019, we will talk below.

Ceiling painting in 2019 [current ideas]


Not in every modern interior it is appropriate to look intricate paintings with a bunch of small details, so many people try to paint the ceiling in a minimalist style.

It affects the end result not only the choice of the style of the pattern, but also the skills of the artist. Perform simple drawings is much easier. From the artist will require only patience and accuracy. An excellent idea is to rice on the ceiling of geometric shapes, they will easily become rivals in classical style paintings.

Ceiling painting in 2019 [current ideas]

Transition from the ceiling on the wall

This designer reception is recruiting its popularity and is decorating a set of housing. Basically, this decision is resorted to rooms where beds are installed, making the transition from the ceiling onto the wall coming with the headboard.

Ceiling painting in 2019 [current ideas]

It is not necessary to carry out the painting on the ceiling itself and the wall, if it is possible to resort to the attachment of a special decor from plasterboard or other materials. If you wish, it is easy to remove and not so scary to spoil, although it will look for it will be identical to the ceiling painting.

Ceiling painting in 2019 [current ideas]

Rainbow ceiling

The colors of the rainbow have become quite common in everyday life and home interior is no exception. It is possible to resort to the use of rainbow colors and when painting the ceiling. The best color of the rainbow looks at the ceilings from the board.

In this case, it is possible to apply your color on each board and do not bother with marking. Rainbow colors on the ceiling perfectly overflow and fit to almost any design style.

It is advisable to use rainbow ceiling in bedroom and living rooms performed in light design. The colors of the rainbow perfectly diverse and complement the interior in light pastel colors.

Figures in honor of the holidays

The only minus of this decision is the rapid loss of relevance at the end of the celebration. Themes for such murals can be absolutely any holidays.

Article on the topic: Style 90x: A selection of things for the interior

A good idea is a combination in the drawing not only the holiday itself, but also the season. For example, a New Year's drawing did not lose its relevance to the whole winter. The same situation with Halloween, which will look great throughout the autumn.

Cloud ceiling

Do not lose their relevance and clouds on the ceiling . They look elegant and attractive, while combining with the most various designs of the house.

Ceiling painting in 2019 [current ideas]

At first glance, draw clouds on the ceiling is quite difficult, but in fact, reproduce such a drawing for everyone. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a set of paints and a large number of sponges.

Initially, the sky itself is painted, which is desirable to be preferably in several layers in order to avoid not painted areas on the ceiling surface. Then it is necessary to dip a sponge into white paint and proceed to rice clouds.

Ceiling painting in 2019 [current ideas]

It is worth noting! Instead of a sponge appropriate, the use of a special roller having a texture suitable for riceing clouds.

To create a cloud, it is only necessary to press the sponge slightly slightly, as if a mischieving surface. After creating the base of the clouds with white, you should give them volume. This is done with the help of shadows for which the gray paint will need. Gray shade must be selected as light as possible and use only in some areas of the clouds.

Ceiling painting in 2019 [current ideas]

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Ceiling painting in 2019 [current ideas]

Ceiling painting in 2019 [current ideas]

Ceiling painting in 2019 [current ideas]

Ceiling painting in 2019 [current ideas]

Ceiling painting in 2019 [current ideas]

Ceiling painting in 2019 [current ideas]

Ceiling painting in 2019 [current ideas]

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