Scrolling the key in the castle: how to repair


The use of cylindrical locks for doors is the most common, since they are most convenient during operation. Buying a cylindrical castle, you can protect yourself from hacking and drills, if you correctly handle this type of lock for the door. Such a type of lock can serve as many decades, and if the key is scrolled in the lock, it happens its breakdown, then you need to change the entire design, but only the larva.

Scrolling the key in the castle: how to repair

Figure 1. Cylindrical lock scheme.

The lock failure can not only scroll through the key in it, but also the symptops, as well as the predicant passage of the key. Save the lock will help replacing the cylinder, that is, the larvae.

Procedure for replacing the castle larvae or its cylinder

Previously find out the type of mechanism, since it is easier to replace only its core to extend the life of its operation. Often there are cylindrical locks, the design of which is equipped with a cylinder, but this applies not to each type of lock. There are code mechanisms that require full replacement with a lost key or scrolling it.

The operation of the mechanism will be determined by the type of cylinder, which can act due to gears or cams, etc. In practice, the larvae of such mechanisms are removed, and there should be no different difficulties.

Scrolling the key in the castle: how to repair

Figure 2. Castle scheme with reiguel.

Before replacing the inner plug-in part, i.e. cylinder, it is necessary to make sure that this item is actually defective. To this end, machine oil is used to lubricate the key, then it is stuck in the cylinder. If the key began to scroll into the door silently or without more effort, it means that everything is fine with a cylinder, but only lubrication was necessary.

It is strictly not necessary to fill inside the cylinder of oil, which can be lubricated exclusively the key itself.

If the lubricant did not help, then the lock mechanism should be changed. It is easy to replace, so a newcomer can cope with such a task without special professional skills. The main thing is to choose the necessary screwdriver, which has the appropriate shape and diameter.

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It is necessary to carry out this type of work, only opening the door. The locking mechanism of the lock should be released from the middle screw located on the part where the storing tab is located. Then, at the expense of the key, you should check the mechanism to a certain location, in which it will not be too difficult to pull the cylinder. After driving it, the screw should be saved, because it will be needed in the process of further work.

Features of the device of the new cylinder

Very often, any larva is standardized and suits almost any locking mechanism, that is, it is necessary only to take into account the length of the cylinder. The further step is the acquisition of a new cylinder. To change the cylinder, you should take it to the store for comparison or just take a picture.

Scrolling the key in the castle: how to repair

Figure 3. With a frequency use of the key, the drive teeth are deformed and small dents are formed on them.

Often, the sellers can accurately choose exactly the cylinder that is suitable. Be sure to check whether the key is suitable for the new part, sroping it in the new set. If there are no obstacles, it remains only to clarify which company is a cylinder manufacturer, and also find out the type of material from which the insert is made.

Next, you will need to insert the core in the castle. If this stage is associated with special costs, it is best to make a dismantling of the castle, tightening the screws and installing the mechanism in its place where it was before.

This procedure will be enough to replace the larva. There are cylindrical mechanisms that are better not to dismantle without the help of an experienced master. These types of mechanisms can be exclusively at expensive models of locks. By changing the cylinder, check how the key rotates in it to check the quality of the mechanism. Then it will only remain to distribute each of the family members to the key from the new castle.

Features of the mechanism of the castle

Many manufacturers of lock designs are attached to their products the relevant instructions, where the word "scrolling" is replaced by the word "turn". Since there are different types of locks, that is, with a cylinder and without it, then you should be aware of the components of the mechanisms of all types. The locking mechanism is equipped with bias that are responsible for reliable fixing the door.

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Scrolling the key in the castle: how to repair

Figure 4. When the key stand remains in the original position.

The lock has a goal, which moves if the gear comb shank is moving, in contact with the key, that is, its end having a code protrusion forcing the rigleel to move. The mechanism is equipped with a shank resistant, which is one of the main parts of the design that is responsible for the possibility of strooping the lock design. These components are shown in Figure 1.

Swivel tooth in many ways is placed on each of the beard of the two-chip-type key. Both of its halves have rotary teeth, located symmetrically with respect to the key rod. The placement of the code parts has a certain composition, and its set takes place twice when the key turns into the keyhole.

Thus, the two-chipped suvalid key has a clipping height of any of the beard, which corresponds to a certain placement of the parts of the lock, which are codes, the name of Suwald. An opening should appear in each of the Suwald, in which the shank rack is provided by the possibility of free movement, so the key of the key in the lock must correspond to the arrangement of the shank rack among certain code elements.

The key that has a suvalid type of mechanism includes a guide that serves for more comfortable operation of a locking design. The guide is provided to pre-set the desired location of the key with respect to the location of the shank rack. The presence of the guide is provided that the key can be accurately inserted into the lock groove the desired side. With a positive location of the key in the keyhole and its turn in Suwalds, a code groove occurs, passing a shank rack, and its movement occurs due to a swivel tooth, which is equipped with the key.

Causes of scroll

Scrolling the key in the castle: how to repair

Figure 5. Scheme of the opening lock.

Next you need to find out what principle the key turns. Scrolling or turning can be associated with raging the riggers as a result of their constant movement. Understand whether the rigls about the components of the mechanism will not be difficult, as it is possible to do this by closing the lock when the door is open.

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The erased "fingers" of the riglel can be detected from the other side where the intended process of friction can occur, as shown in Figure 2. If the key does not lose the ability to respond to the collapse movement, then it can be detected traces associated with the incorrect lock of the lock.

If you look at the key from a close distance, then small defects in the form of dents and deformation can be detected, as shown in Figure 3. If the material from which the key is made, soft, used, for example, brass, it is capable of deforming during the load process On him about the gear ridge, made of iron. In this case, the key operation will be associated with proportional wear of each of the drive teeth, the dimensions of which will become less initial in the process of wear.

The use of keys in an incorrectly mounted door lock brings their degree of wear to a critical point. For this reason, the set of the appropriate code when the key turns leads to the pulp of the drive tooth into the cog component of the shank shank. The keys wear does not allow the riglel to move. Therefore, there is a turn, and the shank rack remains in the same position, as shown in Figure 4.

The position of the shank rack after the first gross does not give a positive result, the cause of which is the position of the guide key. The second attempt to make a turn turn leads to another scrolling due to the complete inconsistency of the clipping, as shown in Figure 5.

Thus, if the key is scrolled, then you should immediately call the emergency service for repairing door locks.

The lock can not be at the same time trying to open, as it will only complicate the repair work of the service.

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