[Plants in the house] Hovemy: how to care?


Hovei refers to the palm family. It grows in the form of a bush, unpretentious to the conditions, firmly ranked as a room plant. Use Hoveh to decorate offices, public premises, balconies. In natural conditions, the plant reaches a height of 15 meters, does not exceed 2 meters in the apartments.

[Plants in the house] Hovemy: how to care?


Hovoya adapted well for life in apartments. The temperature range from 16 to 24C plant tolerates without any stress, but the optimal temperature is not lower than 22C. Short-term reductions also withstands, but when prompted, it requires caring care. If the temperature increases over 25c indoors with Hovea, it takes additional room moistening or spraying the leaves several times a day. The sign of discomfort serve the yellowed and dried leaves.

[Plants in the house] Hovemy: how to care?

Important: Plant placed on a draft will die.


The humidity of the soil near the palm should be moderate, in winter and in the fall - a little dried . It is recommended to carry out frequent spraying of plant leaves with water regardless of the season. In the hot and dry weather, it is necessary to spray Khove, 2-3 times a day.

[Plants in the house] Hovemy: how to care?

Water for watering should be slightly above room temperature and without salting and lime content. The optimal option is rain or thawed water.

Important: Excessive moisture in the soil causes diseases in plants - brown spots appear on the leaves.


Palms are responsive for feeding, need the period of vegetation and throughout the life cycle. The exception is the winter period, during which the metabolism slows down in the plant and growth stops. Organic and mineral mixtures specially intended for palm trees are used as feeding. Brought into the soil with a periodicity of 2-4 times a month. In this case, the composition of the fertilizers made is alternate.

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[Plants in the house] Hovemy: how to care?

Adult palm trees with over 10 years old, you need to add potassium and magnesium to feeding.

Important: After the transplantation, the plant begins to feed only in a month.


We transplant Hoveh in April, when the light day is significantly increased. The plant is neatly removed from the pot, without shaking the earth and without damaging the root system. You can put on the side, remove from the tank and roll to the branches and roots to protect against damage.

Transplanting young palm trees are produced annually adults with periodicity of once every three years. . Large khoves are not disturbing. Replace the upper layer of land in pots, not traumating the root system.

[Plants in the house] Hovemy: how to care?

Plant demanding to the composition of the soil. In order for the extra moisture did not harm the palm, the pots are put on the bottom of the pot, while you take it.

The composition of the Earth consists of a turf, humus, leaf land and sand in proportions 4: 2: 1: 1. A single charcoal is added to the finished mixture to reduce acidity.

The period of peace is falling on October-February. At this time, growth slows down, it is necessary to cut the watering.


The optimal place for room palm will be a naked corner in the apartment or on the balcony. Straight sun rays are detaching for the plant. It is possible to determine whether Hovy receives lights with the number of leaves: if less than 6, then not enough, more than 9 - the lighting is normal. The appearance on the leaves of brown spots is an excess of light that must be darkened.

[Plants in the house] Hovemy: how to care?


The plant is multiplied by seeds or the division of the bush. In natural conditions, the process occurs naturally. In domestic or greenhouse conditions, multiply seeds for a very long time. Extraked into the soil, they germinate from two months to a year, while demanding to air and soil temperature. The earth must be warm down to the bottom so that the temperature does not exceed 24C, and did not fall below 22.

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[Plants in the house] Hovemy: how to care?

The reproduction of the division of the bush occurs quickly. Do it during a transplant, separating lateral shoots with roots.


Like all plants, Hovy is susceptible to diseases. . The appearance of brown spots causes an excess of sunlight, drying the leaves is an extra moisture of the soil. In this case, the palm is transferred to the shadow and decreases watering. Excess moisture indoors and decrease in temperature cause the appearance of rot on stems.

[Plants in the house] Hovemy: how to care?

DANGER FOR KHOVYA Pests, such as ticks, shields, thrips. In order not to miss the appearance of pests, the leaves are examined from the bottom of the sheet. On the surface of the soil, milders appear during the overall, which are found along the gray or white layer that appears.

Transplanting of Khovye and Care of Palm at Home (1 video)

Hovy in the interior (8 photos)

[Plants in the house] Hovemy: how to care?

[Plants in the house] Hovemy: how to care?

[Plants in the house] Hovemy: how to care?

[Plants in the house] Hovemy: how to care?

[Plants in the house] Hovemy: how to care?

[Plants in the house] Hovemy: how to care?

[Plants in the house] Hovemy: how to care?

[Plants in the house] Hovemy: how to care?

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